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 Volunteer to Serve on an ASA Committee

Committee Volunteer Sign up Form

ASA Technical and Administrative Committees provide valuable service to the Society in the organization of meetings and proposing and implementing new initiatives and programs. ASA committees are appointed each year at spring meetings of the Society.

ASA members are welcome to volunteer to serve on committees in order to participate fully in the Society.  Links are provided below to the scopes of the Technical Committees and descriptions of the activities of Administrative Committees. Note that some committees require certain membership status or other qualifications to serve.

Please indicate your interest to be considered for appointment to one or more ASA Technical and/or Administrative committees by completing this form.

Your interest in serving on committees will be sent to the President or appropriate committee chairs for their consideration when nominating members for appointment. ASA committees are appointed each year at spring meetings of the Society

Thank you for your interest in participating in Society activities.

Technical Committees

Administrative Committees


Scopes of Technical Committees

Acoustical Oceanography (AO) 

The Acoustical Oceanography Technical Committee is concerned with the use of acoustical techniques to measure and understand physical, biological, geological, and chemical parameters and processes of the sea.

Animal Bioacoustics (AB)

Concerned with:

  1. Animal communication, biosonar, and associated behavior
  2. Sound production anatomy and neurophysiology of animals
  3. Auditory capacities and mechanisms, anatomy, and neurophysiology of animals
  4. Acoustic methods for use in population assessment, identification, and behavior
  5. Acoustic ecology and effects of sound on animals 6. Instrumentation, algorithms and analysis methods for animal acoustics

Architectural Acoustics (AA)

The scope of the Technical Committee on Architectural Acoustics encompasses the following areas of interest as applied to sound in and around buildings:

  1. Room finish treatments, surface shaping, volumes, and geometries
  2. Airborne and structure-borne sound isolation and noise control
  3. Noise and vibration control of building systems
  4. Electroacoustic and media systems
  5. Perception and psychoacoustics
  6. Modeling and auralization

Biomedical Acoustics (BA)

Concerned with the study of the interactions of acoustic waves with biological materials, including cells, tissues, organ systems and entire organisms. Relevant areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  1. Diagnostic and therapeutic applications of acoustics in medicine
  2. Biological effects of exposure to mechanical vibration and acoustic waves
  3. Acoustic propagation in biological materials
  4. Instrumentation
  5. Ultrasound field calibration, exposimetry and dosimetry
  6. Ultrasound contrast agents
  7. Medical image and signal processing
  8. Characterization and processing of biological materials
  9. Physiological measurements

Computational Acoustics (CA)

The technical scope of the Computational Acoustics Technical Committee includes the following topics:

• Numerical methods for acoustic wave propagation, scattering, structural interactions, and other acoustically related phenomena.
• Optimization, parallelization, and acceleration of computational algorithms.
• Validation, benchmarking, and uncertainty analysis in computational models.
• Computational learning methods, data analytics, and visualization.
• Practical utilization of acoustical computations for engineering and noise control, and integration into other simulations.

Engineering Acoustics (EA)

Engineering Acoustics encompasses the theory and practice of creating tools for investigating acoustical phenomena and applying knowledge of acoustics to practical utility. This includes the design and modeling of acoustical and vibrational transducers, arrays, and transduction systems in all media and frequency ranges; instrumentation, metrology, and calibration; measurement and computational techniques as they relate to acoustical phenomena and their utility; and the engineering of materials and devices.

Musical Acoustics (MU)

Concerned with the application of science and technology to the field of music. Of particular current interest are the following topics:

  1. Physics of musical sound production
  2. Music perception and cognition
  3. Analysis and synthesis of musical sounds and compositions

Noise (NS)

To increase and diffuse knowledge of noise generation and propagation, passive and active noise control, perception and the effects of noise, and the management of exposure to noise. Activities of the Committee embrace the practical and theoretical aspects of noise in all areas of acoustics.

Specific topics of interest include:

  • Measurement, prediction, and modeling of noise and vibration
  • Soundscapes, urban and natural
  • Product sound quality
  • Classroom acoustics
  • Quiet system design
  • Occupational and recreational exposure to noise
  • Speech privacy
  • Legal aspects of noise
  • Codes and standards.

Physical Acoustics (PA)

Physical Acoustics lies at the heart of all acoustics. The Physical Acoustics Technical Committee is concerned with fundamental acoustic wave phenomena from infrasonic to ultrasonic frequencies. Theoretical, computational, and experimental approaches are used.

Topics being investigated by its members include:

  • Use of acoustics in probing the physical properties of materials and other systems with relevance to physics and geophysics
  • Sound and vibrations in fluid-filled media, including porous media
  • Thermoacoustics
  • Propagation of sound in planetary atmospheres

* Nonlinear acoustics and shock waves in gases, liquids, and solids

  • Cavitation phenomena in physical and biological media
  • Interaction of sound with light and other forms of radiation
  • Attenuative processes and dispersion of sound

Psychological and Physiological Acoustics (PP)

The Technical Committee on Psychological and Physiological Acoustics is concerned with the investigation and the dissemination of information about psychological and physiological responses to sound in humans and other species. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

1) Perception and perceptual organization of simple and complex sounds, including speech

2) Anatomy and function of the auditory pathways, including all physical and biological responses to auditory stimulation

3) Hearing disorders, hearing loss, and auditory prostheses

4) Vibrotactile and vestibular sensation, and the interaction of hearing with other sensory modalities

5) Developmental, aging, learning and plasticity effects in auditory function

6) Theories and models of auditory processes

Signal Processing in Acoustics (SP)

  1. Foster interdisciplinary interaction among all TCs in matters pertaining to signal processing in acoustics.
  2. Organize technical sessions on the broad principles of signal processing in acoustics.
  3. Develop initiatives and enhance interest and activity in signal processing in acoustics.
  4. Provide a contact point for inquiries, recommendations, and information both within and outside the Society on signal processing in acoustics.
  5. Provide a forum for discussion of technical, organizational, and other issues related to signal processing in acoustics.

Speech Communication (SC)

Concerned with the study of the production, transmission, and perception of speech, including the following:

  1. Speech production: physiology, mechanics, and acoustics of speech and voice production; models of speech production; first-language and second-language speech production
  2. Acoustic phonetics, including segmental and suprasegmental aspects of speech
  3. Speech perception: physiological and psychological aspects of speech perception; voice quality perception; models of speech perception; first-language, cross-language, and second-language speech perception
  4. Speech acquisition: acquisition of speech production and perception; first-language and second-language speech acquisition; models of speech acquisition
  5. Speech and hearing disorders: effects of speech production disorders on the articulation, acoustics, and perception of speech; effects of hearing impairment on speech perception and production; effects of aided hearing or speech (e.g., hearing aids, cochlear implants, electrolarynx) on speech perception and production
  6. Neuroscience of speech production and perception
  7. Speech intelligibility: perception and intelligibility of accented, disordered, and synthetic speech, and of speech degraded by noise or transmission channel; production and perception of speech in acoustically adverse environments
  8. Communicative aspects of singing: production and perception of phonetic or emotional content in song
  9. Speaker classification and speaker identity: articulatory, acoustic, and perceptual properties of speech linked to a speaker’s sex, gender, age, and emotional state; sociophonetics; speaker, language, and dialect recognition by humans and machines; forensic voice comparison
  10. Audiovisual and other multimodal speech perception
  11. Speech processing and speech technology: signal processing of speech; speech synthesis; automatic speech recognition

Structural Acoustics and Vibration (SA)

Structural Acoustics is the study of the interaction of vibrating structures with adjacent fluid along with the accompanying radiated or scattered sound. Structural Vibrations is the study of the linear and nonlinear vibration of structural components and waves in solid media. One aim of this committee is to advance the field of SAV through presentations at the Meetings of the Acoustical Society of America, the invigorating interactions that occur during those meetings and through archival publication in the Journal. In addition, we are interested in encouraging young engineers and scientists to participate in our Society meetings. One mechanism is our student paper awards, presented at every meeting. Applications of research outlined in the technical areas of SAV are found in a number of compelling and important applications that affect our health, safety, as well as the effectiveness of the products we engineer.

Underwater Acoustics (UW)

The Underwater Acoustics TC is focused on sound-wave phenomena in the ocean and seabed, with primary emphasis on the following topics:

  1. Propagation phenomena: steady-state and transient solutions of the wave equation, including boundary effects, and seismoacoustics.
  2. Scattering and reverberation: characterization and quantification.
  3. Ambient noise: noise sources, spectra, directionality, and spatial/temporal fluctuations.
  4. Signal processing and sonar algorithms, with emphasis on the detection of signals in noise and statistical analysis.
  5. Underwater acoustic instrumentation.


Responsibilities of Administrative Committees

All administrative committees are listed below alphabetically. Several committees have membership restrictions, such as membership status (e.g., student, fellow) or require specific experience. The following committees have no restrictions and accept volunteer members.

  1. Archives and History
  2. Education in Acoustics
  3. International Liaison (especially an international member)
  4. International Research and Education
  5. Subcommittee for Jams
  6. Member Engagement
  7. Public Relations
  8. Publication Policy
  9. Tutorials, Short Courses, Hot Topics
  10. Women in Acoustics

Appointments are given careful consideration and sometimes it is not possible to immediately appoint all those who volunteer.
Volunteer for the above committees by filling out this form.


Acoustical Society Foundation Board

Charged with assisting the Executive Council in acquiring, maintaining, and ensuring the correct expenditure of endowment funds, making annual specific dollar recommendations for awards and other Society activities, fund raising activities, and negotiating with prospective donors to the Society. Additionally, charged with ensuring Executive Council cognizance of the continuing opportunities, conditions, and restrictions of agreements with donors to the Society and to the former independent Acoustical Society Foundation.

Archives and History

Charged with determining and developing cost-effective management procedures for the documentation, collection, storage, maintenance, and use of archival and historical collections of the Society, and implementing those procedures as authorized by the Executive Council.

Activities of the Committee shall include the tracking, and when possible the consolidation, of the currently scattered archives of various technical committees. A specific and continuing activity of the Committee is to ensure the preservation and availability of artifacts and documentary materials for review and possible use during future anniversary meetings of the Society.

ASA Books

Charged with obtaining, developing, reviewing, and recommending new books on acoustics related topics to be published according to an agreement with a commercial publisher. Books so published shall bear the imprint, “ASA Press.”

College of Fellows Steering 

Charged with promoting the continuity of the Society and supporting activities for the benefit of all its members. Activities of the College shall be approved by the Executive Council or may be requested by the Executive Council.

Education in Acoustics

Charged with exploring and proposing activities for improving and promoting education in acoustics at all levels, and implementing those activities approved by the Executive Council.

Arranges sessions at Society meetings to promote education in acoustics, and special events to involve local students.

Ethics and Grievances

Charged with reviewing the facts and recommending actions to the President relating to issues of ethics or grievances that have been referred to the Committee by the President. The Committee shall not consider any grievances by employees of the Society since they are covered separately by personnel procedures.


Charged with the responsibility of making recommendations to the Executive Council on long-term (greater than one fiscal year) financial decisions.

International Liaison

Charged with increasing international collaboration and communication in all matters of acoustics through recruiting international ASA members, identifying meetings for co-sponsorship, facilitating coordination between JASA and international publications, and encouraging international education and research collaboration for the benefit of ASA and the wider community.

International Research and Education

Charged with seeking ways to enhance the Society’s role in international research and education in acoustics and generating initiatives to be approved by the Executive Council. The Committee’s emphasis will be on developing countries (see § 58.3).


Charged with reviewing the financial investments of the Society and, subject to Executive Council approval, developing investment policies and procedures to guide the selection of Society investments.

Medals and Awards

Charged with recommending to the Executive Council candidates and citations for the awards of the Society, with the exception of the ASA Science Writing Awards and certain other awards as may, from time to time, be assigned by the Executive Council to the Committee on Prizes and Special Fellowships. Further charged with recommending to the Executive Council nominees and citations for the A.B. Wood Medal, and where appropriate for awards by other organizations, and with forwarding information on non-Society awards to the appropriate Technical Committee Chairs for possible action or advice.


Charged with proposing sites and dates for future meetings and meeting exhibits, subject to Executive Council approval; with providing a forum for exchanging information on meeting arrangements among Local Meeting Chairs; and with proposing changes in the meeting format for consideration by the Executive Council.

Meetings Subcommittee for Jams

The Subcommittee for ASA Jams is charged with organizing the Jams at ASA meetings in coordination with the local committees.

Member Engagement

Charged with developing programs and initiatives to attract new members and retain current members with a focus on diversity in the Society in all of its aspects; and with conducting studies about membership and membership trends, such as the evaluation of member demographics and exit surveys.


Charged with reviewing applications for Membership and nominations for Fellowship in the Society, and selecting the applications and nominations to be submitted to the Executive Council for approval.

Panel on Public Policy

Charged with the responsibility to represent the interests of the general public on matters of public policy related to acoustics and the advancement of science.

Prizes and Special Fellowships

Charged with reviewing candidates for the F.V. Hunt Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Acoustics, the Graduate Fellowship for Minorities, and such other stipend-bearing fellowships and scholarships as may be established by the Executive Council; with performing other activities related to these fellowships and scholarships, and with making recommendations to the Executive Council. The recipient of each of these fellowships and scholarships shall be approved by the Executive Council.

Public Relations

Charged with recommending to the Executive Council, and implementing actions as approved by Executive Council, that are intended to increase awareness of and interest in acoustics by the general public and policy makers in the public and private sectors; to cooperate with other responsible committees in promoting membership growth and retention; and to increase the awareness of Society activities among its members. The Committee selects, and recommends to the Executive Council, candidates for the ASA Science Writing Awards.

Publication Policy

Charged with reviewing and suggesting changes in the policy, contents, and format of the Journal and other Society publications, but excluding the books-plus program and Standards, for consideration by the Editor-in-Chief and the Executive Council, and proposing new publications.

Regional and Student Chapters

The Committee on Regional and Student Chapters is charged with promoting the formation and growth of Chapters, and providing liaison among the chapters and the Society’s office for the exchange of information on matters of interest to the chapters.

Rules and Governance

Charged with monitoring the Society’s Rules, its Bylaws, and related actions by the Executive Council; and with recommending changes as necessary to insure their compatibility; with advising the President, the Executive and Technical Councils and other Society members on interpretation of the Rules; and in response to requests by the President or the Executive Council, or on its own initiative, recommending changes in the Rules or operating procedures to improve Society operations and implement new initiatives.

Standards (ASACOS)

Charged with setting policy and managing the activities of the Society which support the development and publication of standards on acoustical subjects.

Student Council

Charged with promoting the interests of student members of the Society.

Tutorials, Short Courses, Hot Topics

Charged with planning and organizing the Tutorial Lecture Program, the Short Course Program, and selecting the subjects and the lecturers; and further charged with planning and organizing technical sessions at meetings on topics of broad interest, i.e. Hot Topics in Acoustics.

Web Advisory

Charged with reviewing all ASA owned and supported websites and social media sites and to propose site design, function, policies, and procedures to guide ASA branding and web appearance for approval by the Executive Council.

Women in Acoustics

Charged with exploring and proposing activities designed to attract women to the profession of acoustics, to encourage women to join the Society and to become active participants in sessions and committees, to assist women to strive for fellowships, and to encourage women to accept leadership positions in the Society.


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