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Meeting Announcement
Call for Papers

Joint Meeting
186th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America/Acoustics Week in Canada
Sponsored by the Acoustical Society of America and the Canadian Acoustical Association

 Welcome to Acoustics Week in Canada!

Sponsored By:


Shaw Centre/Westin Ottawa Hotel
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
13–17 May 2024

2024 Election Results

Itinerary Planner Now Available – Includes Technical Program Schedule and Abstracts

Register now for Ottawa Meeting
Make Hotel Reservation
Exhibit Booth Information and Order Form
Exhibit Booth Floorplan
Meeting Sponsorship Opportunities Available

Key Dates
15 April                             NCAC Travel Awards deadline
22 April                             Student Transportation Fund subsidies deadline
13 May 2024                    First day of Ottawa meeting

Meeting Committee

David C. Barclay, Chair
Meaghan O’Reilly, Technical Program Chair
Sebastian Ghinet, Joana Rocha, Canadian Acoustical Association representatives




Table of Contents


Other Events and Information
Technical Tours
Grant workshop: NSF Funding Opportunities
Standards Workshop
Hot Topics
Affinity Spaces
​Open Meetings of Technical Committees
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics
Itinerary Planner, Mobile App, Meeting Program

Funding Opportunities
TCAO Travel Award
Student Transportation Subsidies
Young Investigator Travel Grants
Dependent Care Subsidies

Student Activities
First-Time Attendee Orientation and Meet and Greet
Students’ Reception
Students Meet Members for Lunch (SMMfL)
Student Outreach for Networking and Integrating Colleagues (SONIC) Program

Plenary Session, Awards Ceremony, Social Events, Luncheons
Social Hour
Women in Acoustics Luncheon
Jam Session

Transportation and Travel Information

Hotel Reservation Information

General Information
Room Sharing
Special Accessibility
Parents Room
Accompanying Persons Program

Registration Information

Ottawa Sponsorship Brochure











































Itinerary Planner




Accessibility at the Shaw Centre
An instrument and equipment exhibition will be located near the registration area and meeting rooms and will open on Monday, 13 May, with an evening reception serving a complimentary drink. Exhibit hours are Monday, 13 May, 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, 14 May, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Wednesday, 15 May, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

The Exhibit will include computer-based instrumentation, scientific books, sound level meters, sound intensity systems, signal processing systems, devices for noise control and acoustical materials, active noise control systems, and other exhibits on acoustics.

Information for Exhibitors including Booth Rental Order available here:

Click here for Exhibit Booth Floor Plan

To express an interest in participating in the meeting as an Exhibitor please send a message to

Technical Tours
Three technical tours have been scheduled.  Register for tours at the time you register for the meeting. The tours to National Research Council facilities are limited to 20 participants for each tour.  The National Arts Centre tour is limited to 100 participants.

Tuesday, 14 May, 8:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
National Research Council of Canadian Building Acoustics Facilities – Tour is sold out

Cost for transportation:  $20/person
Limit:  20
Requirements:  Before the tour beings, participants must show a government-issued ID such as a driver’s license, non-driver’s ID, or passport
Schedule:  Bus loads at 8:15 a.m. and leaves Shaw at 8:30 a.m., tour from 9:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., Bus returns to Shaw by 11:30 a.m. (one-way travel time 30 minutes). Note:  It will not be possible to travel to NRC on your own and join the tour

Floor testing facility: facility consisting of two vertically-arranged decoupled reverberant chambers with very high flanking limit for testing floor/ceiling assemblies with respect to direct airborne and impact sound transmission; this facility is also used for heavy/soft (rubber ball) and heavy/hard (kettlebell/shot put) impact sound transmission testing.

Wall testing facility: facility consisting of two horizontally-arranged decoupled reverberant chambers with very high flanking limit for testing direct airborne sound transmission through wall assemblies; the larger of the two reverberant chambers is also used for sound absorption testing.

Anechoic chamber: used mainly for listening experiments with a 16-channel Ambisonics loudspeaker system.

Four-room flanking facility: unique, fully ISO-compliant testing facility that has recently been commissioned for characterizing the horizontal, vertical and diagonal flanking sound transmission (airborne and impact sound) between two rooms.

Kij (vibration reduction index) facility: test space to determine the reduction in vibration levels across elements in wall-wall or floor-wall junctions.

Thursday, 16 May, 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
National Research Council of Canadian Aerospace Research Facilities – Tour is sold out

Cost for transportation:  $20/person
Limit:  20
Requirements:  Before the tour beings, participants must show a government-issued ID such as a driver’s license, non-driver’s ID, or passport.
Schedule:  Bus loads at 1:00 p.m. and leaves at 1:15 p.m., tour from 2:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m., Bus returns to Shaw by 4:30 p.m. (one-way travel time 30 minutes). Note:  It will not be possible to travel to NRC on your own and join the tour

Aircraft noise reduction facility
The NRC's aircraft noise reduction facility in Ottawa is composed of a reverberation chamber adjacent to an anechoic chamber operated separately or jointly to evaluate and improve the performance of aircraft noise reduction solutions. The facility supports a large variety of research activities such as: sound insulation solutions development and measurements, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles acoustic signature characterization, hearing protectors’ performance evaluation, etc. The sound transmission loss capability has a very large test window opening of 2.56 m by 2.23 m. The reverberant room has a non‑regular shape with 5 walls, a ceiling and a floor. The cut‑off frequency of the anechoic room is 200Hz. The anechoic room dimensions are 7 m (W) x 3 m (L) x 5 m (H). 

Spacecraft Acoustic Qualification – Reverberant acoustic chamber research facility
Unique in Canada, the NRC's reverberant acoustic chamber is a specialized, high‑intensity noise testing facility that is used for testing full‑size aerospace components at high levels of sound pressure field simulating the effects of rocket and jet engines or high‑speed aerodynamic flows. The facility, with dimensions of 6.9 m × 9.75 m × 7.98 m, is able to generate overall sound pressure levels up to 158 dB through the use of Wyle WAS3000 airstream modulators and gas jets supplied by dry compressed air.

Research aircraft fleet
The NRC maintains and operates a fleet of highly specialized and customizable rotary and fixed-wing research aircraft to assist industry with the testing and demonstration of aeronautical technologies in the areas of airborne research, flight mechanics and avionics.

The NRC's fleet of aircraft includes:

  1. Bell 412 (4-DOF airborne simulator)
  2. Bell 205 (4-DOF airborne simulator)
  3. Bell 206 (single-engine helicopter)
  4. Convair 580 (twin-engine aircraft)
  5. Falcon 20 (twin-engine business jet)
  6. Harvard (single-engine propeller aircraft)
  7. Twin Otter (twin-engine turboprop aircraft)
  8. T-33 (vintage fighter jet


Thursday, 16 May, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. – Space Available
National Arts Centre

Cost:  Free
Limit:  100
ID Requirement:  None
Location: 1 Elgin St, Ottawa, ON K1P 5W1, Canada
Schedule:  Walking tour.  Approximate 10-minute walk from Shaw Centre to National Arts Centre.  Arrive at NAR not later than 9:15 a.m., tour from 9:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.  Return to Shaw at 11:00 a.m.

The renewed National Arts Centre (NAC) is Canada’s Centennial gift to the national. Located on a designated historic site in Ottawa, NAC’s original Brutalist building is cited as one o the top 500 Canadian landmarks by the Royal Architecture Institute of Canada. The architectural transformation of NAC was completed in 2017.

Inside, strategic renovations transform the interior spaces, improving patron experience, acoustics, accessibility, infrastructure, and audience interaction. These include the complete rejuvenation of Southam Hall—NAC’s largest auditorium.

The tour will highlight the renovations to Southam Hall, the expansion of the  capabilities of the cabaret-like venue of the Fourth Stage, the education and broadcast capabilities of the Hexagon Studio, and highlight the public spaces utilized daily by the public for meeting space, casual performances, recital, dance, and other public functions serving the nation.

Tour will be led by representatives of the design team that contributed to the renovations.

Grant workshop: NSF Funding Opportunities
Rachel Theodore, program officer at the National Science Foundation and ASA member, will present information about new opportunities for funding within the NSF on Monday, 13 May, at 5:30 p.m..  In particular she will describe programs for interdisciplinary research appropriate for ASA members.

Standards Workshop

Join the Conversation
If you're involved with ASA Standards, get ready to give us a hand in Ottawa!

Wednesday, 14 May, 8:00 a.m.
We're looking for volunteers attending ASA’s May 2024 Meeting in Ottawa to be part of a special Workshop developing a new ASA Standards product.

This workshop – led by Dr. Donald Peterson, Chair of ANSI/ASA TC 108 and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Northern Illinois University – will present and discuss the potential to develop new case studies or “how to” guides that would accompany and complement existing and new ASA standards.  The case studies, or guides, will be designed to assist standards users (e.g., university students and faculty, researchers, industry practitioners, consultants, government officials, etc.) on how to apply the technical information contained within a standard in a practical and efficient way for their work or research.  This workshop will also promote and encourage the collaboration of standards stakeholders across all sectors in order to cohesively develop meaningful and useful case studies.  Please join us in this open discussion  or contact ASA Standards at for more information on how you can participate!

Whether you’ve participated in standards development, incorporated engineering standards in coursework, use standards in manufacturing, or applied a standard in the field, we welcome your experience and input—and hope you’ll join us!  Contact ASA Standards at for more information.

Hot Topics
A “Hot Topics” session will be sponsored by the Student Council. Topics to be covered will be announced at a later time.

Open Meetings of Technical Committees
Technical Committees will hold open meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings (14, 15, and 16 May). These are working, collegial meetings. Much of the work of the ASA is accomplished by actions that originate and are taken in these meetings including proposals for special sessions, workshops, and technical initiatives. All meeting participants are cordially invited to attend these meetings and to participate actively in the discussions.

Itinerary Planner, Mobile App, and Meeting Program
An itinerary planner and mobile app will be available for the Ottawa meeting. A complete meeting program will be available at the meeting. Abstracts will be published on the ASA webpage in April.


The Ottawa meeting will have a published proceedings, and submission is optional. The proceedings will be a separate volume of the online journal Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA). This is an open access journal, so that its articles are available in pdf format for downloading without charge to anyone in the world. All authors who are scheduled to present papers at the meeting are encouraged to prepare a suitable version in pdf format that will appear in POMA. It is not necessary to wait until after the meeting to submit one’s paper to POMA. Further information regarding POMA, including MS Word and LaTeX templates, can be found at the site

Authors who are members of the Canadian Acoustical Association (CAA) are invited to submit a two-page conference proceedings paper that will be published in Canadian Acoustics in the June 2024 issue.

CAA authors who also submit a paper to POMA should change the POMA paper title to differentiate from the CAA proceedings paper. Content of the papers is also expected to differ following naturally from the 12-page limit for POMA and the 2-page format for Canadian Acoustics. See the CAA webpage at for details.

POMA Student Paper Competition – Ottawa!

POMA is holding a society-wide student paper competition for a POMA submission based on a presentation or poster from the Ottawa meeting.

Award Amounts: Up to five student papers will receive an award of USD $300. Additionally, the student paper winners will be noted on the POMA cover page and their article will be promoted in email and social media campaigns.

To qualify for the award, an author must:

To qualify for the award, an author must:

  • be enrolled as a student at least half-time (graduates are eligible if the presented work was performed as a student within one year of the meeting). *Note that the student author does not need to be a member of the ASA to qualify
  • be listed as the first author on the submitted abstract and POMA manuscript and present the paper at the meeting.
  • submit the POMA manuscript by the competition deadline, which is 30 days after the conclusion of the meeting.

To enter: Indicate your paper is part of the POMA Student Paper Competition by selecting this option during the POMA submission process.

Selection: The papers will be rated by the POMA Associate Editor corresponding the technical area in which the paper was presented. The top related papers will be evaluated by the POMA Editor, POMA Assistant Editor, and POMA Manuscript Manager and up to five winning papers will be selected. Note that the paper judging will take place concurrently with the ordinary editorial review of a POMA submission; each judged paper will be returned with comments and a publication decision.

Additional Instructions

• To ensure the article passes the initial quality check, please use either the MS Word or LaTeX manuscript templates and follow all manuscript preparation and submission instructions ( Articles that do not pass the initial quality check are ineligible for the competition. See the submission checklist at the POMA Author Resources page.

• The competition deadline is 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time, 17 June 2024.  Any manuscripts received after this will be considered for publication in POMA but will be ineligible for the competition.

• Regardless of the competition outcome, the opportunity to publish an editor-reviewed proceedings paper will enhance your CV/resume and help you take an important intermediate step toward a peer-reviewed publication.


Meeting-related support can only be provided by one program. If you are named to receive ASA support from more than one program, only the highest amount from one program will be awarded.

Technical Committee on Acoustical Oceanography Student Travel Grant – 


The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) announces the availability of a travel grant for students studying topics related to acoustical oceanography to attend meetings of the Acoustical Society of America. Applicants must be full-time students pursuing Master’s or Ph.D. degrees who are members of the Acoustical Society of America and who will be students at the time of the meeting for which the grant is provided. Students must be studying a topic covered by the scope of the Technical Committee on Acoustical Oceanography. One grant will be awarded for each ASA meeting. The application deadline is 1 April 2024.

Download application for spring 2024 award

Student Transportation Subsidies
A student transportation subsidies fund has been established to provide limited funds to students to partially defray transportation expenses to meetings. No reimbursement is intended for the cost of food or housing. The amount granted each student depends on the number of requests received. To apply for a subsidy, submit a proposal by e-mail to be received by 22 April 2024 to: Jolene Ehl, The proposal should include your status as a student; whether you have submitted an abstract; whether you are a member of ASA; method of travel, and approximate cost of transportation.

Young Investigator Travel Grant -– Deadline has passed
The Committee on Women in Acoustics (WIA) sponsors Young Investigator Travel Grants to help with travel costs associated with presenting a paper at the Ottawa meeting. Young professionals who have completed their doctorate in the past five years are eligible to apply if they plan to present a paper at the Ottawa meeting, are not currently students, and have not previously received the award. Each award will be approximately $500 with four awards anticipated. Awards will be presented by check at the WIA luncheon at the meeting. Both men and women may apply. Applicants should submit a single PDF file (named <last name>_ <first name>_YI.pdf) that includes 1) a paragraph explaining how this award will enable their attendance at the ASA meeting, 2) a copy of the abstract for their presentation at the meeting, and 3) a current resume/vita showing their involvement in the field of acoustics and in the ASA. The PDF file should be uploaded to Deadline for receipt of applications is March 29, 2024.

Dependent Care Subsidies  – Deadline has passed
The Committee on Women in Acoustics (WIA) sponsors Dependent Care Subsidies to help offset dependent care costs associated with attending the Ottawa meeting. Meeting attendees are eligible to apply if they plan to present a paper at the Ottawa meeting or hold a leadership position in ASA. Each subsidy will be approximately $500 with four awards anticipated. Both men and women may apply. Applicants should submit a single PDF file (named <last name>_ <first name>_DepCare.pdf) that contains the following: name, contact information/affiliation, title of presentation or leadership role and main technical committee(s), a paragraph describing current and past involvement with ASA, a paragraph describing how subsidy would offset dependent care expenses while attending the ASA, and an estimated budget for the trip (including other sources of available funding). The pdf file should be uploaded to . Deadline for receipt of applications is March 29, 2024.

Early Career Travel Support Awards – Deadline has passed
Early Career Travel Support Awards are available to help with costs associated with participating in the spring 2024 meeting, which will be held in Ottawa. Early career meeting attendees are eligible to apply if they are members of the Acoustical Society of America, are within 10 years of receiving their last degree, and are not currently students. Priority will be given to applicants who will be presenting a paper at the meeting, will be chairing a session at the meeting, identify as a member of an underrepresented group within the Society and/or hold a leadership position in the ASA. Each award will be on the order of USD $500.  Apply for the award here: Contact Kimberly Riegel with questions. Deadline for receipt of applications is April 1, 2024.


NCAC Student Travel Awards & Travel Grants

To promote the acoustical consulting profession, the National Council of Acoustical Consultants (NCAC) offers qualified students financial assistants to attend industry conferences. There are two grants available:

NCAC Student Travel Award

$500 grant, 2 nights hotel reimbursement (at conference group rate or less), one year subscription to electronic NCAC newsletter, and recognition as travel award recipient


  • Enrolled in college or university program.
  • Author of an accepted paper at an Acoustical Society of America
  • Qualifying research topic (see Application Instructions for a list of qualifying topics).
  • Show an interest in acoustical consulting profession.
  • Completion of application packet, including faculty reference form.

Application Deadlines:

April 15, 2024 for 186th Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 13-17 May 2024
Application Materials:

Send completed forms to

New NCAC Travel Grant for Underrepresented Students

$500 grant, one year subscription to electronic NCAC newsletter, and recognition as travel award recipient


  • Enrolled in college or university program.
  • Registered to attend a meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
  • Self-identified as a member of an underrepresented group based on ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.
  • Show an interest in acoustical consulting profession.
  • Completion of application packet including faculty reference form.

Application Deadlines:

April 15, 2024 for 186th Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 13-17 May 2024

Application Materials:


Student and First-Time Attendee Orientation and Meeting and Greet
An orientation will be held on Monday, 13 May, for students and first-time attendees to learn about the activities and opportunities available for students and first-time attendees at the Ottawa meeting.

The Student Meet and Greet for students only will held on Monday evening where refreshments and a cash bar will be available.

Students’ Reception
The Students’ Reception will be held on Tuesday, 14 May, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Westin Ottawa Hotel.  This reception, sponsored by the Acoustical Society of America, will provide an opportunity for students to meet informally with fellow students and other members of the Acoustical Society of America and the Canadian Acoustical Association. All students are encouraged to attend, especially students who are first time attendees or those from smaller universities.

Students Meet Members for Lunch (SMMfL)
A student in the SMMfL program meets one-on-one with an ASA member over lunch during the ASA meeting. The purpose is to encourage students, as they embark on their acoustical careers, to network with more senior members. Each lunch pairing is arranged to ensure a good match between the students’ and members’ acoustical interests. Each participant pays for his/her own meal. Students who wish to participate should check the SMMfL check box in the on-line preregistration form. They will be contacted later for additional information to assist with the matching process. The Students Meet Members for Lunch program is sponsored by the Committee on Education in Acoustics.

SONIC is designed to introduce new student members to more experienced students who can serve as mentors and help them navigate the conference and ASA as a whole. More information and registration can be found at

Other Information for Students
Students are also encouraged to visit the official ASA Student Home Page at, where you can meet the Student Council members, find out more about student events, view FAQs about meetings, and more.


Plenary Session and Awards Ceremony
The Plenary session will be held Wednesday afternoon, 15 May, where awards will be presented and recognition of newly elected Fellows will be announced.

Social Hour
A social with complimentary buffets and cash bars will be held on Wednesday, 15 May, at the Westin Ottawa Hotel which is adjacent to the Shaw) Centre

The ASA hosts this social hour to provide a relaxing setting for meeting attendees to meet and mingle with their friends and colleagues as well as an opportunity for new members and first-time attendees to meet and introduce themselves to others in the field.

Women in Acoustics Luncheon
The Women in Acoustics luncheon will be held on Wednesday, 15 May. The fee is USD $25 (students USD $15) for preregistration by 22 April and USD $35 (students USD $15) at the meeting. Those who wish to attend this luncheon must register online at

The College of Fellows will host the Jam Session on Wednesday, 15 May, at 8:00 p.m. Bring your axe, horn, sticks, voice, or anything else that makes music. Musicians and non-musicians are all welcome to attend. A full PA system, backline equipment, guitars, bass, keyboard, and drum set will be provided. All attendees will enjoy live music, a cash bar, and all-around good times. Don’t miss out.


Visas to Enter Canada
Most people need a visa or an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to travel to Canada – not both. Some travelers may only need their valid passport.

Visit to find out if you need a visa to travel to Canada.

Requests for invitation letters in connection with applying for a visa should be sent to the following e-mail address:  Please include your name, affiliation, and address.  Each person who requires an invitation letter should request it themselves.

Air Transportation
The Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport (YOW) is served by Air Canada, United Airlines, Air France,  and other carriers. Visit the YOW webpage – link to for the full list.

Arrival information, including customs, can be found at

Ground Transportation
Several options for traveling to and from Ottawa International Airport can be found here:

Parking at the Shaw) Centre
The on-site parking fee is $30/day for self-parking and $55/day for valet parking


Hotel Room Blocks have been reserved at four hotels and are filled or filling up quickly.

Note:  If you are checking in alone and are under age 21, please check with the hotel regarding minimum age check in requirement


Delta Hotels at Ottawa City Centre (Marriott)  – Rooms at ASA rate are available
101 Lyon Street North
25-minute trip by rail/walk from the Lyon West/Ouest station
Single/Double: $269 CAD
Plus 13% HST and 5% MAT
Additional person in room: $20/night
Reservation Deadline: Monday, April 22, 2024, 5:00 p.m. EST
Book your group rate for Acoustical Society of America Semi-Annual North American Convention

Delta Hotel at Ottawa City Centre Policies:
Check in/Check out:  3:00 pm / 12 noon
Early Departure Fee: $100 per room if checkout is prior to the confirmed checkout date after confirming departure date upon check in
Parking:  On-Site Hourly: $6 / Daily: $25; Valet: $35 (Underground parking garage max 6 feet clearance.

Westin Ottawa Hotel – no rooms left at the ASA rate
11 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Canada

Adjacent to the Shaw) Centre

$309 CAD
$369 CAD Parliament View
Plus 13% HST and 5% MAT
$40/room/night extra person
Reservation Deadline: 22 April 2024 5:00 p.m. EST
Book your group rate for Acoustical Society of America Semi-Annual North American Convention May2024

Westin Ottawa Hotel Policies
Early Departure Fee: $100 per room will apply if guest checks out prior to the confirmed checkout date after confirming departure date upon check in.
Check-in/Check-out: 3:00 pm/12 noon
On-Site Parking: $4.50/hour/ $30 daily


Courtyard by Marriott Ottawa Downtown – no rooms left at the ASA rate
350 Dalhousie Street, Ottawa, ON K1N 7E9
10-12 minute walk to the Shaw) Centre
Single/Double: $269 CAD
Plus HST (13%) and MAT (5%, subject to HST)
Additional adults: $20 extra per person, per room, per night
Reservation Deadline: 27 March 2024
Book your group rate for Acoustical Society of America – May 2024

Courtyard By Marriott Policies
Check in/Check Out:  4:00 p.m./12:00 noon
At check-in: $250 cash deposit or credit card which will be authorized for a $250 security deposit.
Room Cancellation: Cancellations accepted up to 11:59 p.m. EST, 2-days prior to arrival
No Show Charges: One night charge at the group rate if room not cancelled by 6:00 p.m. EST 2 days prior to arrival date.
Parking: Available for hotel guests. The rates are $35 per vehicle plus HST (13%). Limited off-site public parking in the area is also available,









Sheraton Ottawa Hotel  – no rooms left at the ASA rate
150 Albert Street
15-minute walk to Shaw) Centre
$245 CAD
Plus 13% HST and 5% MAT
Toll-free number 1-800-489- 8333.
Reservation Deadline:  10 April 2024
Book your group rate for Acoustical Society of America – Semi-Annual North American Convention – May 10-19, 2024

Sheraton Ottawa Hotel Policies
Check in/Check out: 3:00 p.m. / 12:00 noon
Valet Parking only: Daily: $29 (There is no self-parking available)
Early Departure Fee: $245 CAD if an attendee checks out of the Hotel prior to the attendee’s scheduled departure date, without having notified the Hotel by 12:00 midnight the day after check-in of the change in scheduled departure.


Room Sharing
ASA will compile a list of those who wish to share a hotel room and its cost. To be listed, send your name, telephone number, e-mail address, gender, smoker, or nonsmoker preference, not later than 1 April 2024 to the Acoustical Society of America, by e-mail, The responsibility for completing any arrangements for room sharing rests solely with the participating individuals.

Special Accessibility
Meeting attendees who have special accessibility requirements, should indicate their needs by informing ASA at not less than 45 days in advance of the meeting. Please provide a cell phone number, e-mail address, and detailed information so that we may contact you directly.

Parents Room
A Parents Room for meeting attendees will be available Monday to Friday, 13-17 May.

Accompanying Persons Program
Accompanying Persons and other visitors are welcome at the Ottawa meeting.


Register now for Ottawa Meeting

Preregistration Deadline: 22 April 2024

The registration desk at the meeting will open on Monday morning, 13 May. Register online at

Registration Policies:

  • Registration fees are posted in US dollars
  • Cancellation fee: A USD $75 fee will be charged for cancellations after 22 April 2024.
  • One-day registration: For participants who attend the meeting for one day only. If you will be at the meeting for more than one day either presenting a paper and/or attending sessions, you must register and pay the full registration fee. Badge will be issued on day of registration only.
  • Invited speakers who are members of the Acoustical Society of America are expected to pay the registration fee, but nonmember invited speakers may register for one-day only without charge.
  • Students: All students must show a current (issued in 2024) student id card or verification of student status from the university attended on university letterhead in order to be eligible for student fees. If proof of student status is not available, the full registration fee must be paid.
  • Emeritus Members: Only ASA members who hold emeritus status prior to the meeting are eligible for this rate. It is not possible to transfer to emeritus status at the meeting.
  • Accompanying Persons: Attendees who will participate only in the Accompanying Persons Program. Acoustics professionals, who participate in the technical program, i.e., present papers, attend sessions, and/or listed as coauthors on abstracts are not eligible for this registration rate.
  • Nonmembers who register for the full meeting week and simultaneously apply for Associate Membership in the ASA are entitled to USD$50 discount off their dues payment for 2024.






to 22 April 2024

On-Site Registration
ASA/CAA Members $750 $850
ASA/CAA Members One-Day Attendance $525 $625
ASA/CAA Early Career Attendees (Members within 3-years of most recent degree–must provide proof of degree date) $525 Not available
Nonmembers $1050 $1150
Nonmembers One-Day $625 $625
Nonmember Invited Speaker (Full Week) $625 $625
Nonmember Invited Speaker One-Day (see above for qualification) $0 $0
ASA/CAA Student Members (must show 2024 student ID) $200 $250
Nonmember Student (must show 2024 student ID) $300 $350
Undergraduate Student (most show proof of undergraduate status) $50 $50
ASA/CAA Emeritus Members $300 $350
Accompanying Person $200 $250

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