The ASA/ICA 2025 Meeting Registration site is now open

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The Acoustical Society of America publishes a wide variety of material related to the knowledge and practical application of acoustics for physical scientists, life scientists, engineers, psychologists, physiologists, architects, musicians, and speech communication specialists.
ASA Publications page…

The Society holds two meetings each year, most of which are held at various locations in the U.S. and Canada. At each meeting, invited and contributed papers and poster presentations, usually number between 850 and 1100, reflect the diversity and interests of the membership.
ASA Meetings page …

Any person active in acoustics, who has an academic degree in acoustics or in a closely related field or who has had the equivalent of an academic degree in scientific or professional experience in acoustics, shall be eligible for election to Membership in the Society.
ASA Membership page…

ASA Standards works with stakeholders from companies, to government, to organizations, research institutes and consumers who have a material interest in developing consensus-driven, industry standards—better known as best practices or guidelines.

Acoustics is stronger with diverse perspectives.

Acoustics is stronger with diverse perspectives. The ASA is committed to increase racial diversity, equity and inclusivity (DEI), particularly of Black people, in acoustics. We are aware that underrepresented racial and ethnic groups within the field face substantial challenges.
Diversity Initiatives page…

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