Sustaining Members of the Acoustical Society of America

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ASA Financial Information

The Acoustical Society is grateful for the financial assistance being given by the Sustaining Members listed below and invites applications for sustaining membership from other individuals or corporations that are interested in the welfare of the Society. Information on sustaining membership may be obtained by writing to

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Acentech Incorporated

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Consultants in Acoustics, Audiovisual and Vibration

ACO Pacific Inc.

Belmont, California

Measurement Microphones, the Acoustic Interface(TM) System

Acoustics First Corporation

Richmond, Virginia

Materials to Control Sound and Eliminate Noise. TM

American Institute of Physics

College Park, Maryland

Career resources, undergraduate education, science policy, and history

Kinetics Noise Control, Inc.

Dublin, Ohio

Kinetics manufactures products to address vibration and noise control, room acoustics, and seismic restraint concerns for almost any building application

Massa Products Corporation

Hingham, Massachusetts

Design and Manufacture of Sonar and Ultrasonic Transducers Computer-Controlled OEM Systems

Meyer Sound Laboratories, Inc.

Berkley, California

Manufacture Loudspeakers and Acoustical Test Equipment

McKay Conant Hoover Inc. 

Westlake Village, CA

Consultants in Acoustics and Media Systems

National Council of Acoustical Consultants

Indianapolis, Indiana

An Association of Independent Firms Consulting in Acoustics

Raytheon BBN

Subsidiary of Raytheon Technologies (RTX)

Cambridge, MA

Acoustics, sensing, signal processing, and natural language processing.
R&D in Underwater Sound Propagation, Communications and PTN.

​Raytheon Company Integrated Defense Systems

Portsmouth, Rhode Island

Sonar Systems and Oceanographic Instrumentation; R & D in Underwater Sound Propagation and Signal Processing

Shure Incorporated

Niles, Illinois

Design, development and manufacture of cabled and wireless microphones for broadcasting, professional recording, sound reinforcement, mobile communications, and voice input–output applications; audio circuitry equipment; high fidelty phonograph cartridges and styli; automatic mixing systems; and related audio components and accessories. The firm was founded in 1925.

3M Personal Safety Division (PSD)

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Products for personal and environmental safety, featuring E-A-R and Peltor brand hearing protection and fit testing, Quest measurement instrumentation, audiological devices, materials for control of noise, vibration and mechanical energy, and the E•A•RCALSM laboratory for research, development, and education, NVLAP-accredited since 1992. Hearing Conservation Resource Center

Wenger Corporation

Owatonna, Minnesota

Design and Manufacturing of Architectural Acoustical Products including Absorbers, Diffusers, Modular Sound Isolating Practice Rooms, Acoustical Shells and Clouds for Music Rehearsal and Performance Spaces

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