ASA School 2024
ASA School 2024 will be held 11-12 May 2024 at The Westin Ottawa Hotel in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada immediately preceding the ASA spring meeting in Ottawa.
ASA School 2024 is the Acoustical Society of America event for graduate students and early career acousticians in all areas of acoustics to learn about and discuss a wide variety of topics related to the interdisciplinary theme Living in the Acoustic Environment. ASA School 2024 follows on the success of five previous ASA Schools starting in 2012, and will provide opportunities for meeting faculty and fellow students, mentoring, discussing research topics, and developing collaborations and professional relationships within acoustics.
ASA School 2024 is a two-day course with a program that includes presentations by prominent acousticians, roundtables, demonstrations, and discussion groups to expand on the lecture materials and to foster communication across disciplines and technical areas of acoustics. Social events, including a Friday evening welcome reception, two breakfasts and two lunches, and Saturday evening dinner, provide an informal atmosphere for social exchange and further discussions. For more insight, see Acoustics Today articles on ASA School 2012 and ASA School 2016.
Key Dates
5 February – ASA School 2024 Application Deadline
Mid-March – ASA School 2024 Acceptance Notices
11-12 May – ASA School 2024
13-17 May – ASA Spring Meeting
ASA School 2024 gratefully acknowledges and thanks it sponsors for their generous support
Attendees at ASA School 2012 in Kansas City, Missouri
Attendees at ASA School 2016 near Salt Lake City, Utah
Attendees at ASA School 2018 near Minneapolis, Minnesota
Attendees at ASA School 2022 near Denver, Colorado
Westin Floor Plan
Participants and Requirements
Costs and Transportation
Register for ASA School 2024
ASA School 2024 will take place at The Westin Ottawa Hotel in Ottawa, Canada about 15 km (about 9 miles) from the Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport and an 8-minute drive to the Westin Hotel and the Shaw Centre, the location of the ASA spring meeting.
Evening welcome reception: Friday, 10 May 2024
ASA School program: All day Saturday and Sunday, 11-12 May 2024
Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp is a professor in psychoacoustics and noise effects retired from the Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. Her current research and publication activities are focused on Soundscape. Dr. Schulte-Fortkamp is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America. In 2011-2012 she served as ASA Vice President. Her ongoing activities for ASA include serving as the chair for the Committee on International Liaison and in several further ASA committees. For years she was serving as Vice President of the European Acoustics Association. She was a member of the Board of Directors of the German Acoustical Society (DEGA) and of the Board of Directors of the HEAD-Genuit-Foundation. Dr. Schulte-Fortkamp is a Distinguished International Member of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE USA). In 2010, she was awarded with the Hear the World Foundation Award, in 2012 she was the recipient of the European Soundscape Award, in 2023 she received the Helmholtz-Medal from the German Acoustical Society and the ASA Committee on Woman in Acoustics recognized her as the Women in Acoustics Luncheon Honoree.
Judy R. Dubno is a Distinguished University Professor and Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery of the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. Her research on human auditory function has been supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health since 1981. Dr. Dubno’s current activities include serving as ASA’s Treasurer, a member of several ASA committees, and serving on the Board of Directors of the American Institute of Physics and the Hearing Health Foundation.
She served as ASA President (2014-15), on an Advisory Council of the NIH, and as President of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. She is a Fellow of the ASA and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, and received the 2018 South Carolina Governor’s Award for Excellence in Science, the 2018 Honors of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, and the 2020 Gold Medal from the ASA.
Stan Dosso
Stan Dosso is a Professor of Ocean Acoustics at the University of Victoria, Victoria B.C. Canada, where he served as Director of the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences from 2015-21. His research interests center on probabilistic inversion methods for ocean acoustic remote sensing of environmental properties and source localization, and related inverse problems in geophysics. He is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America, Associate Editor for the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, and currently serving as ASA President. He has served as the President of the Canadian Acoustical Association (2003-07) and as Chair for the fall 2018 joint ASA-CAA Meeting in Victoria and for CAA Annual Meetings in 1999, 2010, and 2012. He was awarded the ASA’s Medwin Prize in Acoustical Oceanography in 2004, the University Science Teaching Excellence Award in 2006, and the ASA Silver Medal in Acoustical Oceanography in 2023.
Andrew Morrison
Andrew Morrison is a professor of physics and astronomy at Joliet Junior College, where he has been teaching since 2011. His research interests are on the acoustics of musical instruments, having worked primarily on percussion instruments, especially the Caribbean steelpan. He served as chair of the Technical Committee on Musical Acoustics for the Acoustical Society of America from 2014 to 2019 and as a member of the Acoustical Society of America Executive Council from 2019 to 2022. He is currently the coordinating editor of Musical Acoustics for the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
Faculty includes 8 distinguished acousticians who will serve as lecturers and discussion leaders.
Andrea Arguelles (Pennsylvania State University): Ultrasound as a Nondestructive Microstructure Characterization Tool: An Integrated Experimental and Modeling Approach
Julien Bonnel (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution): Underwater Acoustics with a Single Hydrophone: Propagation, Physics-Based Processing and Applications
Dick Botteldooren (Ghent University): How AI could find its way into modelling and measuring for environmental sound
Jennifer Miksis-Olds (University of New Hampshire): Two Pieces of the Same Puzzle: Active and Passive Acoustics for Cross-Trophic Marine Ecosystem Monitoring Part I
Wu-Jung Lee (University of Washington): Two Pieces of the Same Puzzle: Active and Passive Acoustics for Cross-Trophic Marine Ecosystem Monitoring Part II
Gary Scavone (McGill University): Current Trends in Modeling of Music Instruments
Luz Sotelo (Purdue University): Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation for Convergent Manufacturing
Kathleen Wage (George Mason University): Match, Adapt, and Equalize: Fundamental Tools for Signal Processing
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Participants and Requirements
ASA School 2024 is targeted to graduate students and early career acousticians (within 3 years of terminal degree) in all areas of acoustics. Undergraduate students are also welcome to apply and will be included as attendance limitations allow. Attendance is limited to 60 participants.
Participants are expected to attend all School events and are also expected to attend the ASA spring meeting, immediately following on 13-17 May 2024, to deepen their understanding of a specific field of acoustics and become better acquainted with scientific work in other fields. ASA School attendees are required to be an author or coauthor on an abstract for presentation at the ASA spring 2024 meeting in Ottawa either as a lecture or poster presentation. A certificate of attendance will be presented to participants at the close of the School.
Costs and Transportation
The registration fee for ASA School 2024 is USD$50 and must be paid via PayPal using a credit card or PayPal account.
Hotel rooms for two nights (double-occupancy) at The Westin Ottawa Hotel and meals are provided and paid by ASA.
ASA will make the hotel room reservations at the Westin Ottawa Hotel for the nights of 10-11 May.
Participants are responsible for their own travel costs including transportation from the Ottawa airport and other locations to the School location. The options for travel between the Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier International Airport and The Westin Ottawa Hotel include the Metro/Subway O-Train – Rideau Station or by taxi. The on-site parking fee is $30/day for self-parking and $55/day for valet parking.
Register for ASA School 2024
Application Forms
The deadline to submit applications to participate in ASA School 2024 has passed.