Wallace Clement Sabine Medal
Peter D’Antonio has been named recipient of the Wallace Clement Sabine Medal “for contributions to the theory, design and application of acoustic diffusers.” The award will be presented at the spring 2024 ASA meeting to be held in Ottawa, Canada.
Peter D’Antonio received a B.S. from St. John’s University and a Ph.D. from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. He has specialized in a wide variety of scientific disciplines including spectroscopy, x-ray, neutron and electron diffraction, electron and atomic force microscopy, software development, and architectural acoustics. He retired from the Naval Research Lab in Washington, DC, in 1996 after 29 years of research in diffraction physics.
As a musician and recording engineer, Dr. D’Antonio maintained a separate concurrent career in the music industry and developed a widely adopted design for modern recording control rooms at Underground Sound, Largo, Maryland, utilizing a temporal and spatial reflection free zone and reflection phase grating diffusors. In 1983, Dr. D’Antonio founded RPG Diffusor Systems, Inc. to design, test, manufacture and commercialize acoustical diffusers and absorbers to expand the acoustical palette. In 2016, he sold the company after more than three decades of successful innovation and operation.
He pioneered the sound diffusion industry, developed the diffusion coefficient methodology enshrined as ISO-17497-2 in 2012, co-authored three editions of the reference text “Acoustic Absorbers and Diffusers: Theory, Design and Application,” was Adjunct Professor of Acoustics at the Cleveland Institute of Music, founded the Chesapeake Acoustic Research Institute, LLC, and has created and implemented a wide range of novel number-theoretic, fractal and optimized diffusing and absorbing surfaces, for which he holds many trademarks and patents. Dr. D’Antonio is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America and the Audio Engineering Society and a 2012 Inductee into the music industry’s TECnology Hall of Fame.
Silver Medal in Acoustical Oceanography
Stan E. Dosso has been named recipient of the Silver Medal in Acoustical Oceanography “for contributions to Bayesian inference methods in ocean acoustics and marine geophysics.” The award will be presented at the spring 2024 ASA meeting to be held in Ottawa, Canada.
Stan Dosso received B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. degrees in physics and applied mathematics from the University of Victoria and a Ph.D. in geophysics from the University of British Columbia. Since 1995 he has served as professor in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria, and was Director of the School from 2016-2021.
He received the Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Award in 2006. Prior to joining the University, he was a Defence Scientist in Arctic Acoustics at the Defence Research Establishment Pacific for 5 years. Stan’s research centers on quantitative, probabilistic methods of estimating geophysical models from observed data, with primary interests in seabed geoacoustic inversion, ocean-acoustic source localization, marine geophysics, and earthquake seismology. In this work he has supervised over forty-five graduate students, a number of whom have gone on to prominent careers in acoustics or geophysics, and authored/coauthored almost two hundred papers in referred journals and over one hundred conference proceedings.
Stan Dosso is a Fellow of the ASA and a member of the Canadian Acoustical Association (CAA) and was awarded the Medwin Prize in Acoustical Oceanography by the ASA in 2014. He has contributed to the ASA through his service as Vice President and President of the Society, as Technical Program Chair of the spring 2005 meeting and General Chair of the fall 2018 meeting, as Associate Editor for the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, and as co-organizer of the ASA Schools, biennial educational and networking events for graduate students and young professionals. He has contributed to the CAA serving as President, member of the Board of Directors, and General Chair of three CAA meetings.