35.1 For each meeting of the Society, the President shall, with the advice of the Committee on Meetings and the approval of the Executive Council, appoint a Local Meeting Chair and Technical Program Chair both of whom shall be members of the Society. The Local Meeting Chair shall appoint additional members of the Local Meeting Committee to assist in organizing the meeting.

35.2 The Society’s office shall supply each Local Meeting Chair with information concerning the organization of the meeting.

35.2.1 The Local Meeting Chair and the Technical Program Chair shall establish liaison with the Technical Committees of the Society. Prior to their meeting, they should attend and report to the Technical Council in order to respond to any special needs of the Technical Committees.

35.3 The Local Meeting Chair shall edit and amplify a draft of the “Call for Papers” for the meeting and return it to the Society’s office by the deadline date established for that meeting. The “Call” shall be edited by the Society’s office and distributed to members, ordinarily according to the schedule listed in § 35.9.

35.4 Not later than the specified deadline, ordinarily as scheduled in § 35.9, the Local Meeting Chair shall provide the Society’s office with a information about local attractions and transportation

35.5 The technical sessions shall be arranged by a Technical Program Organizing Committee composed of the Technical Program Chair and representatives selected by each of the Society’s Technical Committees, Technical Specialty Groups, Interdisciplinary Technical Groups, and when appropriate, any other committee organizing technical sessions or workshops. The detailed organizing and scheduling of the technical sessions shall be performed by the Technical Program Organizing Committee, ordinarily meeting soon after the announced deadline for receipt of abstracts.

35.6 The Technical Program Chair shall enforce deadlines to ensure timely preparation and distribution of the Meeting Program and shall be authorized to limit the size of the program, if necessary, and to resolve problems that arise involving the scheduling of papers and sessions by the Technical Committee and other representatives.

35.7 Clerical, telephone, postage, and other expenses which cannot be funded from local sources shall be included in the budget for the meeting, see § 35.3. Personal expenses incurred by members in connection with organizing the meeting are not ordinarily reimbursed by the Society, unless approved by the Treasurer in advance.

35.8 The following table shows a typical schedule of events required for the organization of a Society meeting, given in terms of the time prior to the start of the meeting. A specific example is also shown.


Meeting Organization Schedule

Event                                                    Time before Meeting                        Example

First day of meeting                            0                                             23 May 2016


Meeting program mailed

to subscribers                                    5 weeks                                 5 May


Program sent to publisher                   13 weeks                               14 Mar.


Deadline for receipt of

abstracts                                           18 weeks                               25 Jan.


Call for papers postcard mailed

to members                                      24 weeks                               7 Dec. 2015


This schedule requires adjustment when the interval between successive meetings is significantly less than 26 weeks (half a year), or if special circumstances require extended lead times.

35.9 Audio or video recording, or photography, shall not be permitted at technical sessions at regular Society meetings, except in accordance with the provisions of § 9.6.

35.10 Special technical sessions honoring an individual by name require prior approval by the Executive Council. (see 16.9.1)

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