(516) 576-2360 asa@acousticalsociety.org

39.1 Charged with reviewing applications for Membership and nominations for Fellowship in the Society, and selecting the applications and nominations to be submitted to the Executive Council for approval.

39.2 Composed of the Chair and as many other members as there are Technical Committees of the Society. Each Technical Committee shall be represented by a member of the Membership, Committee excluding the Chair. The Chair and members of the Committee shall all be Fellows of the Society. The Technical Committee representatives shall be appointed upon nomination made by the Chair of the Membership Committee in consultation with the Chair of the Technical Committee represented by the member. (See § 16.8).

39.3 The Committee shall formulate procedures for eligibility for the various grades of membership and Fellowship, in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws, and shall submit its procedures to the Executive Council for approval.

39.4 The Technical Committee representatives on the Membership Committee shall each be an ex-officio member of the Technical Committee represented by the member.

Note: Detailed procedures of the Membership Committee are available from the office of the Society. The Society website contains instructions for nominating candidates for Fellowship.

Note: Refer to the Procedures of the Membership Committee and Information for Sponsors Recommending Members for Advancement to Fellowship in the Acoustical Society of America at https://acousticalsociety.org/procedures#fellowship



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