47.1 Charged with setting policy and managing the activities of the Society which support the development and publication of standards on acoustical subjects.
47.2 Composed of the Standards Director of the Society as Chair and a Vice Chair, both of whom are appointed by the Executive Council on nomination by the Acoustical Society of America Committee on Standards (ASACOS); the Standards Manager, ex-officio; the Chair and Vice Chair of each Accredited Standards Committee for which the Society provides the Secretariat; one representative from each of the Society’s Technical Committees; the Chairs of certain U.S. Technical Advisory Groups for ISO and IEC acoustical committees ex-officio; and, as ex-officio members, the Vice President, Executive Director, the most recent Past Chair of ASACOS, and the Associate Editor for Standards News—JASA.
47.3 The Chair, Vice Chair, and ASA member of each Accredited Standards Committee, and the representative from each Society Technical Committee shall be nominated by an ASACOS Nominating Committee and approved by ASACOS. Recommendations for the representative from a Technical Committee are provided by the Chair of that Technical Committee annually upon request by the ASACOS Nominating Committee. Each representative shall be an ex-officio member of the Technical Committee represented.
47.4 The price of ASA-published Standards is recommended by the Standards Director, and set with the approval of ASACOS.
47.5 The Vice Chair of ASACOS shall attend meetings of the Technical Council to provide liaison with the standards program of the Society.
Note: Detailed procedures governing the operation of ASACOS are given in Acoustical Society of America Committee on Standards (ASACOS) Operating Procedures, available from the Standards Manager.
Note: Refer to the ASA Standards webpage at https://asastandards.org