Scopes of Technical Committees and Technical Specialty Groups
The Scopes of the Technical Committees and Technical Specialty Groups are listed below to provide information; the scopes have been approved by the Executive and Technical Councils.
Acoustical Oceanography (AO)
The Acoustical Oceanography Technical Committee is concerned with the use of acoustical techniques to measure and understand physical, biological, geological, and chemical parameters and processes of the sea.
Animal Bioacoustics (AB)
Concerned with:
- Animal communication, biosonar, and associated behavior
- Sound production anatomy and neurophysiology of animals
- Auditory capacities and mechanisms, anatomy, and neurophysiology of animals
- Acoustic methods for use in population assessment, identification, and behavior
- Acoustic ecology and effects of sound on animals 6. Instrumentation, algorithms and analysis methods for animal acoustics
Architectural Acoustics (AA)
The scope of the Technical Committee on Architectural Acoustics encompasses the following areas of interest as applied to sound in and around buildings:
- Room finish treatments, surface shaping, volumes, and geometries
- Airborne and structure-borne sound isolation and noise control
- Noise and vibration control of building systems
- Electroacoustic and media systems
- Perception and psychoacoustics
- Modeling and auralization
Biomedical Acoustics (BA)
Concerned with the study of the interactions of acoustic waves with biological materials, including cells, tissues, organ systems and entire organisms. Relevant areas of interest include but are not limited to:
- Diagnostic and therapeutic applications of acoustics in medicine
- Biological effects of exposure to mechanical vibration and acoustic waves
- Acoustic propagation in biological materials
- Instrumentation
- Ultrasound field calibration, exposimetry and dosimetry
- Ultrasound contrast agents
- Medical image and signal processing
- Characterization and processing of biological materials
- Physiological measurements
Computational Acoustics (CA)
The technical scope of the Computational Acoustics Technical Committee includes the following topics:
• Numerical methods for acoustic wave propagation, scattering, structural interactions, and other acoustically related phenomena.
• Optimization, parallelization, and acceleration of computational algorithms.
• Validation, benchmarking, and uncertainty analysis in computational models.
• Computational learning methods, data analytics, and visualization.
• Practical utilization of acoustical computations for engineering and noise control, and integration into other simulations.
Education in Acoustics (ED) Technical Specialty Group
The scope of the Technical Specialty Group on Education in Acoustics includes all facets of acoustics education, focusing primarily on education in acoustics at the graduate and undergraduate university levels and grades K-12.
Engineering Acoustics (EA)
Engineering Acoustics encompasses the theory and practice of creating tools for investigating acoustical phenomena and applying knowledge of acoustics to practical utility. This includes the design and modeling of acoustical and vibrational transducers, arrays, and transduction systems in all media and frequency ranges; instrumentation, metrology, and calibration; measurement and computational techniques as they relate to acoustical phenomena and their utility; and the engineering of materials and devices.
Musical Acoustics (MU)
Concerned with the application of science and technology to the field of music. Of particular current interest are the following topics:
- Physics of musical sound production
- Music perception and cognition
- Analysis and synthesis of musical sounds and compositions
Noise (NS)
To increase and diffuse knowledge of noise generation and propagation, passive and active noise control, perception and the effects of noise, and the management of exposure to noise. Activities of the Committee embrace the practical and theoretical aspects of noise in all areas of acoustics.
Specific topics of interest include:
- Measurement, prediction, and modeling of noise and vibration
- Soundscapes, urban and natural
- Product sound quality
- Classroom acoustics
- Quiet system design
- Occupational and recreational exposure to noise
- Speech privacy
- Legal aspects of noise
- Codes and standards.
Physical Acoustics (PA)
Physical Acoustics lies at the heart of all acoustics. The Physical Acoustics Technical Committee is concerned with fundamental acoustic wave phenomena from infrasonic to ultrasonic frequencies. Theoretical, computational, and experimental approaches are used.
Topics being investigated by its members include:
- Use of acoustics in probing the physical properties of materials and other systems with relevance to physics and geophysics
- Sound and vibrations in fluid-filled media, including porous media
- Thermoacoustics
- Propagation of sound in planetary atmospheres
* Nonlinear acoustics and shock waves in gases, liquids, and solids
- Cavitation phenomena in physical and biological media
- Interaction of sound with light and other forms of radiation
- Attenuative processes and dispersion of sound
Psychological and Physiological Acoustics (PP)
The Technical Committee on Psychological and Physiological Acoustics is concerned with the investigation and the dissemination of information about psychological and physiological responses to sound in humans and other species. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
1) Perception and perceptual organization of simple and complex sounds, including speech
2) Anatomy and function of the auditory pathways, including all physical and biological responses to auditory stimulation
3) Hearing disorders, hearing loss, and auditory prostheses
4) Vibrotactile and vestibular sensation, and the interaction of hearing with other sensory modalities
5) Developmental, aging, learning and plasticity effects in auditory function
6) Theories and models of auditory processes
Signal Processing in Acoustics (SP)
- Foster interdisciplinary interaction among all TCs in matters pertaining to signal processing in acoustics.
- Organize technical sessions on the broad principles of signal processing in acoustics.
- Develop initiatives and enhance interest and activity in signal processing in acoustics.
- Provide a contact point for inquiries, recommendations, and information both within and outside the Society on signal processing in acoustics.
- Provide a forum for discussion of technical, organizational, and other issues related to signal processing in acoustics.
Speech Communication (SC)
Concerned with the study of the production, transmission, and perception of speech, including the following:
- Speech production: physiology, mechanics, and acoustics of speech and voice production; models of speech production; first-language and second-language speech production
- Acoustic phonetics, including segmental and suprasegmental aspects of speech
- Speech perception: physiological and psychological aspects of speech perception; voice quality perception; models of speech perception; first-language, cross-language, and second-language speech perception
- Speech acquisition: acquisition of speech production and perception; first-language and second-language speech acquisition; models of speech acquisition
- Speech and hearing disorders: effects of speech production disorders on the articulation, acoustics, and perception of speech; effects of hearing impairment on speech perception and production; effects of aided hearing or speech (e.g., hearing aids, cochlear implants, electrolarynx) on speech perception and production
- Neuroscience of speech production and perception
- Speech intelligibility: perception and intelligibility of accented, disordered, and synthetic speech, and of speech degraded by noise or transmission channel; production and perception of speech in acoustically adverse environments
- Communicative aspects of singing: production and perception of phonetic or emotional content in song
- Speaker classification and speaker identity: articulatory, acoustic, and perceptual properties of speech linked to a speaker’s sex, gender, age, and emotional state; sociophonetics; speaker, language, and dialect recognition by humans and machines; forensic voice comparison
- Audiovisual and other multimodal speech perception
- Speech processing and speech technology: signal processing of speech; speech synthesis; automatic speech recognition
Structural Acoustics and Vibration (SA)
Structural Acoustics is the study of the interaction of vibrating structures with adjacent fluid along with the accompanying radiated or scattered sound. Structural Vibrations is the study of the linear and nonlinear vibration of structural components and waves in solid media. One aim of this committee is to advance the field of SAV through presentations at the Meetings of the Acoustical Society of America, the invigorating interactions that occur during those meetings and through archival publication in the Journal. In addition, we are interested in encouraging young engineers and scientists to participate in our Society meetings. One mechanism is our student paper awards, presented at every meeting. Applications of research outlined in the technical areas of SAV are found in a number of compelling and important applications that affect our health, safety, as well as the effectiveness of the products we engineer.
Topics of interest include:
- Prediction of SAV
o Analytic techniques
- Exact and approximate
- Hybrid analytic-numeric
o Numerical SAV
- Finite element methods
- Boundary element methods
- Statistical energy analysis
o Benchmark comparisons of predictions to experiments
- Modal Analysis
- Inverse methods (e.g., estimating structural response from the measured sound field and the radiated/scattered field from structural measurements)
o Nearfield acoustical holography (NAH) /Statistically optimized NAH (SONAH)
o Finite element model updating (using measurements to update the FE model).
- Control of SAV:
o Active control
o Passive control with optimization, treatments, and material selection
o Design methodology for vibration control
o Smart structural methods
- Advanced instrumentation for SAV:
o Microphone/hydrophones and arrays
o Optical (e.g., laser Doppler velocimetry)
o Accelerometers, geophones, and structural intensity sensors
o Power harvesting
- Constitutive modeling and the influence of the material behavior on the response (e.g., piezoelectricity, friction, damping and viscoelasticity)
- Waves in solid media
Underwater Acoustics (UW)
The Underwater Acoustics TC is focused on sound-wave phenomena in the ocean and seabed, with primary emphasis on the following topics:
- Propagation phenomena: steady-state and transient solutions of the wave equation, including boundary effects, and seismoacoustics.
- Scattering and reverberation: characterization and quantification.
- Ambient noise: noise sources, spectra, directionality, and spatial/temporal fluctuations.
- Signal processing and sonar algorithms, with emphasis on the detection of signals in noise and statistical analysis.
- Underwater acoustic instrumentation.