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Past and Present Officers and Members of the Executive Council

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  2. Past and Present Officers and Members of the Executive Council

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Harvey C. Fletcher-1929-31
Dayton C. Miller-1931-33
Vern O. Knudsen-1933-35
Paul E. Sabine-1935-37
Frederick A. Saunders-1937-39
Floyd R. Watson-1939-41
E. C. Wente-1941-43
Floyd A. Firestone-1943-45
Hugh S. Knowles-1945-47
John C. Steinberg-1947-49
Richard H. Bolt-1949-50
Philip M. Morse-1950-51
Frederick V. Hunt-1951-52
Harry F. Olson-1952-53
Hallowell Davis-1953-54
Leo L. Beranek-1954-55
Warren P. Mason-1955-56
R. Bruce Lindsay-1956-57
Richard K. Cook-1957-58
J.C.R. Licklider-1958-59
Hale J. Sabine-1959-60
Robert W. Young-1960-61
Laurence Batchelder-1961-62
Robert W. Leonard-1962-63
C. Paul Boner-1963-64
Cyril M. Harris-1964-65
Robert W. Morse-1965-66
Martin Greenspan-1965-67
Ira Hirsh-1967-68
Robert T. Beyer-1968-69
Isadore Rudnick-1969-70
Vincent Salmon-1970-71
John C. Johnson-1971-72
Karl D. Kryter-1972-73
Edgar A. G. Shaw-1973-74
Murray Strasberg-1974-75
Robert S. Gales-1975-76
Kenneth N. Stevens-1976-77
John C. Snowdon-1977-78
James L. Flanagan-1978-79
Henning E. von Gierke-1979-80
Tony F.W. Embleton-1980-81
David M. Green-1981-82
David T. Blackstock-1982-83
Frederick H. Fisher-1983-84
Daniel W. Martin-1984-85
Floyd Dunn-1985-86
Ira Dyer-1986-87
Chester M. McKinney-1987-88
W. Dixon Ward-1988-89
Harvey H. Hubbard-1989-90
Alan Powell-1990-91
Eric E. Ungar-1991-92
Herman Medwin-1992-93
Richard H. Lyon-1993-94
Jiri Tichy-1994-95
Robert E. Apfel-1995-96
Stanley L. Ehrlich-1996-97
Lawrence A. Crum-1997-98
James E. West-1998-99
Patricia K. Kuhl-1999-2000
Katherine S. Harris-2000-01
William M. Hartmann-2001-02
Richard Stern-2002-03
Ilene J. Busch-Vishniac-2003-04
William A. Kuperman-2004-05
William A. Yost-2005-06
Anthony A. Atchley-2006-07
Gilles A. Daigle-2007-08
Mark F. Hamilton-2008-09
Whitlow W. L. Au-2009-10
George V. Frisk-2010-11
Mardi C. Hastings-2011-12
David L. Bradley-2012-13
James H. Miller-2013-14
Judy R. Dubno-2014-15
Christy K. Holland-2015-16
Michael R. Stinson-2016-17
Marcia J. Isakson-2017-18
Lily M. Wang-2018-19
Victor W. Sparrow-2019-20
Diane Kewley-Port-2020-21
Maureen L. Stone-2021-22
Peggy B. Nelson-2022-23
Stan E. Dosso-2023-

Vice President

Vern O. Knudsen-1929-31
C. W. Hewlett-1931-32
H. A. Frederick-1932-34
R. F. Norris-1934-36
V. L. Chrisler-1936-38
Floyd A. Firestone-1938-40
C. R. Hanna-1940-42
Harry F. Olson-1942-44
John C. Steinberg-1944-46
Philip M. Morse-1946-48
Benjamin Olney-1948-49
Leo L. Beranek-1949-50
Carl F. Eyring-1950-51
R. Bruce Lindsay-1951-52
Richard D. Fay-1952-53
Robert W. Young-1953-54
Richard K. Cook-1954-55
Hale J. Sabine-1955-56
Leo P. Delsasso-1956-57
William Jack-1957-58
Arnold Peterson-1958-59
Robert W. Leonard-1959-60
Cyril M. Harris-1960-61
Robert T. Beyer-1961-62
Isadore Rudnick-1962-63
Martin Greenspan-1963-64
Vincent Salmon-1964-65
Harold L. Saxton-1965-66
Gordon E. Peterson-1966-67
Ernest Yeager-1967-68
Edgar A.G. Shaw-1968-70
John V. Bouyoucos-1970-71
Kenneth N. Stevens-1971-72
Robert S. Gales-1972-73
Ira Dyer-1973-74
Arthur H. Benade-1974-75
William S. Cramer-1975-76
James L. Flanagan-1976-77
Tony F.W. Embleton-1977-78
David T. Blackstock-1978-79
Edith L.R. Corliss-1979-80
Frederick H. Fisher-1980-81
Floyd Dunn-1981-82
Alan Powell-1982-83
William J. Galloway-1983-84
Chester M. McKinney-1984-85
Harvey H. Hubbard-1985-86
W. Dixon Ward-1986-87
Herman Medwin-1987-88
Eric E. Ungar-1988-89
Richard H. Lyon-1989-90
Katherine S. Harris-1990-91
Robert E. Apfel-1991-92
Jiri Tichy-1992-93
Stanley L. Ehrlich-1993-94
Lawrence R. Rabiner-1994-95
Lawrence A. Crum-1995-96
Patricia K. Kuhl-1996-97
Ilene J. Busch-Vishniac-1997-98
William M. Hartmann-1998-99
Mauro Pierucci-1999-2000
Gilles A. Daigle-2000-01
Janet M. Weisenberger-2001-02
William A. Yost-2002-03
Anthony A. Atchley-2003-04
Mark F. Hamilton-2004-05
Donna L. Neff-2005-06
Whitlow W.L. Au-2006-07
George V. Frisk-2007-08
Victor W. Sparrow-2008-09
Diane Kewley-Port-2009-10
Judy R. Dubno-2010-11
Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp-2011-12
Michael R. Stinson-2012-13
Peter H. Dahl-2013-14
Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham-2014-15
Lily M. Wang-2015-16
Ronald A. Roy-2016-17
Michael J. Buckingham-2017-18
Scott D. Sommerfeldt-2018-19
Peggy B. Nelson-2019-20
Stan E. Dosso – 2020-21
Joseph R. Gladden-2021-22
Subha Maruvada-2021-22
Ann Bradlow-2022-23
Tyrone M. Porter-2023-



Charles E. Schmid -1990-2013
Susan E. Fox 2014-


Wallace Waterfall -1929-69
Betty H. Goodfriend -1969-87
Murray Strasberg -1987-90


Charles Fuller Stoddard-1929-30
E. E. Free-1930-34
G. T. Stanton-1934-39
C.C. Potwin-1939-41
Lonsdale Green, Jr.-1941-47
George M. Nixon-1947-50
Herbert A. Erf-1950-67
Wallace Waterfall-1967-74
Robert T. Beyer-1974-94
William W. Lang-1994-99
Paul B. Ostergaard-1999-2000
David Feit-2000-19
Judy R. Dubno-2019-


Wallace Waterfall-1929-33
Floyd R. Watson-1933-39
Floyd Firestone-1939-57
R. Bruce Lindsay-1957-85
Daniel W. Martin-1985-99
Allan D. Pierce-1999-14
James F. Lynch-2014-


Henning E. von Gierke 1978-79
William J. Galloway 1979-83
William Melnick 1983-87
Kenneth M. Eldred 1987-93
Tony F.W. Embleton 1993-97
Daniel L. Johnson 1997-2002
Paul D. Schomer 2002-15
Christopher J. Struck 2015-21
Stephen J. Lind 2022-

President - Elect

Richard H. Bolt-1948-49
Philip M. Morse-1949-50
Frederick V. Hunt-1950-51
Harry F. Olson-1951-52
Hallowell Davis-1952-53
Leo L. Beranek-1953-54
Warren P. Mason-1954-55
R. Bruce Lindsay-1955-56
Richard K. Cook-1956-57
J.C.R. Licklider-1957-58
Hale J. Sabine-1958-59
Robert W. Young-1959-60
Laurence Batchelder-1960-61
Robert W. Leonard-1961-62
C. Paul Boner-1962-63
Cyril M. Harris-1963-64
Robert W. Morse-1964-65
Martin Greenspan-1965-66
Ira J. Hirsh-1966-67
Robert T. Beyer-1967-68
Isadore Rudnick-1968-69
Vincent Salmon-1969-70
John C. Johnson-1970-71
Karl J. Kryter-1971-72
Edgar A.G. Shaw-1972-73
Murray Strasberg-1973-74
Robert S. Gales-1974-75
Kenneth N. Stevens-1975-76
John C. Snowdon-1976-77
James L. Flanagan-1977-78
Henning E. von Gierke-1978-79
Tony F.W. Embleton-1979-80
David M. Green-1980-81
David T. Blackstock-1981-82
Frederick H. Fisher-1982-83
Daniel W. Martin-1983-84
Floyd Dunn-1984-85
Ira Dyer-1985-86
Chester M. McKinney-1986-87
W. Dixon Ward-1987-88
Harvey H. Hubbard-1988-89
Alan Powell-1989-90
Eric E. Ungar-1990-91
Herman Medwin-1991-92
Richard H. Lyon-1992-93
Jiri Tichy-1993-94
Robert E. Apfel-1994-95
Stanley L. Ehrlich-1995-96
Lawrence A. Crum-1996-97
James E. West-1997-98
Patricia K. Kuhl-1998-99
Katherine S. Harris-1999-2000
William M. Hartmann-2000-01
Richard Stern-2001-02
Ilene J. Busch-Vishniac-2002-03
William A. Kuperman-2003-04
William A. Yost-2004-05
Anthony A. Atchley-2005-06
Gilles A. Daigle-2006-07
Mark F. Hamilton-2007-08
Whitlow W. L. Au-2008-09
George V. Frisk-2009-10
Mardi C. Hastings-2010-11
David L. Bradley-2011-12
James H. Miller-2013-13
Judy R. Dubno-2013-14
Christy K. Holland-2014-15
Michael R. Stinson-2015-16
Marcia J. Isakson-2016-17
Lily M. Wang-2017-18
Victor W. Sparrow-2018-19
Diane Kewley-Port-2019-20
Maureen L. Stone-2020-21
Peggy B. Nelson-2021-22
Stan E. Dosso-2022-23
Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham-2023-

Vice President - Elect

John V. Bouyoucos-1969-70
Kenneth N. Stevens-1970-71
Robert S. Gales-1971-72
Ira Dyer-1972-73
Arthur H. Benade-1973-74
William S. Cramer-1974-75
James L. Flanagan-1975-76
Tony F.W. Embleton-1976-77
David T. Blackstock-1977-78
Edith L.R. Corliss-1978-79
Frederick H. Fisher-1979-80
Floyd Dunn-1980-81
Alan Powell-1981-82
William J. Galloway-1982-83
Chester M. McKinney-1983-84
Harvey H. Hubbard-1984-85
W. Dixon Ward-1985-86
Herman Medwin-1986-87
Eric E. Ungar-1987-88
Richard H. Lyon-1988-89
Katherine S. Harris-1989-90
Robert E. Apfel-1990-91
Jiri Tichy-1991-92
Stanley L. Ehrlich-1992-93
Lawrence R. Rabiner-1993-94
Lawrence A. Crum-1994-95
Patricia K. Kuhl-1995-96
Ilene J. Busch-Vishniac-1996-97
William M. Hartmann-1997-98
Mauro Pierucci-1998-99
Gilles A. Daigle-1999-2000
Janet M. Weisenberger-2000-01
William A. Yost-2001-02
Anthony A. Atchley-2002-03
Mark F. Hamilton-2003-04
Donna L. Neff-2004-05
Whitlow W.L. Au-2005-06
George V. Frisk-2006-07
Victor W. Sparrow-2007-08
Diane Kewley-Port-2008-09
Judy R. Dubno-2009-10
Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp-2010-11
Michael R. Stinson-2011-12
Peter H. Dahl-2012-13
Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham-2013-14
Lily M. Wang-2014-15
Ronald A. Roy-2015-16
Michael J. Buckingham-2016-17
Scott D. Sommerfeldt-2017-18
Peggy B. Nelson-2018-19
Stan E. Dosso-2019-20
Joseph R. Gladden-2020–2021
Subha Maruvada-2021- 22
Ann Bradlow-2022-

Member of the Executive Council

Paul E. Sabine-1929-30
J. P. Maxfield-1929-30
C. W. Hewlett -1929-31
G. R. Anderson -1929-31
Dayton C. Miller -1929-31
Floyd R. Watson -1929-32
H. D. Arnold -1930-33
G. W. Stewart -1930-33
Vern O. Knudsen -1931-33
E. W. Kellogg -1931-34
Frederick A. Saunders -1931-35
Floyd A. Firestone -1932-35
Paul E. Sabine -1933-34
G. Oscar Russell -1933-36
E. C. Wente -1933-36
John S. Parkinson -1934-37
Irving Wolff -1934-37
Harvey C. Hayes -1935-38
A. T. Jones -1935-38
C. R. Hanna -1936-39
John C. Steinberg -1936-39
Donald A. Laird -1937-40
Harry F. Olson -1937-40
Frederick V. Hunt -1938-41
Don Lewis -1938-41
L. J. Sivian -1939-42
W. F. Snyder -1939-42
Robert M. Morris -1940-43
Benjamin Onley -1940-43
Hugh S. Knowles -1941-44
Robert W Young -1941-44
Harold Burris-Meyer -1942-45
R. Bruce Lindsay -1942-45
Hallowell Davis -1943-46
Frank Massa -1943-46
Leo L. Beranek -1944-47
Richard H. Bolt -1944-47
E. J. Abbott -1945-48
R. S. Shankland -1945-48
Carl F. Eyring -1946-49
S. Smith Stevens -1946-49
Charles P. Boner -1947-50
Leo P. Delsasso -1947-50
Richard K. Cook -1948-51
Warren P. Mason -1948-51
Hale J. Sabine -1949-52
J. P. Maxfield -1949-52
Carl Eckart -1950-53
Winston E. Kock -1950-53
Robert W. Leonard -1951-54
Albert London -1951-52
Laurence Batchelder -1952-54
Arnold M. Small -1952-55
J.C.R. Licklider -1952-55
A.P.G. Peterson -1953-55
Harold L. Saxton -1953-56
Cyril M. Harris -1954-57
John M. Ide -1954-57
W. A. Munson -1955-58
Wayne Rudmose -1955-58
Richard T. Beyer -1956-59
Richard N. Lane -1956-59
Daniel W. Martin -1957-60
George A. Miller -1957-60
Robert W. Morse -1958-61
Isadore Rudnick -1958-61
Martin Greenspan -1959-62
Ira J. Hirsh -1959-62
William D. Neff -1960-63
Edgar A. G. Shaw -1960-63
Vincent Salmon -1961-64
James L. Stewart -1961-64
Horace M. Trent -1962-64
Edward E. David, Jr. -1962-65
George E. Peterson -1963-65
Kenneth N. Stevens -1963-66
Thomas D. Northwood -1964-67
Ernest Yeager -1964-67
Robert S. Gales -1965-68
Wesley L. Nyborg -1965-68
William S. Cramer -1966-69
Karl D. Kryter -1966-69
Ira Dyer -1967-70
Allen Powell -1967-70
Manfred R. Schroeder -1968-71
John A. Swets -1968-71
Tony F.W. Embleton -1969-72
Murray Strasberg -1969-72
K. Uno Ingard -1970-73
Henning E. von Gierke -1970-73
James L. Flanagan -1971-74
Mary L. Harbold -1971-74
David M. Green -1972-75
John C. Snowdon -1972-75
David T. Blackstock -1973-76
Edith L.R. Corliss -1973-76
Lois L. Elliott -1974-77
Chester M. McKinney -1974-77
James D. Miller -1974-77
Harvey H. Hubbard -1975-78
Frederick H. Fisher -1976-79
Floyd Dunn -1977-80
Alan O. Sykes -1977-80
James E. Barger -1978-81
W. Dixon Ward -1978-81
Robert E. Apfel -1979-82
John C. Johnson -1979-82
Katherine S. Harris -1980-83
George C. Maling, Jr. -1980-83
Herman Medwin- 1981-84
Lawrence R. Rabiner -1981-84
Juergen Tonndorf -1982-85
Josef J. Zwislocki -1982-85
Mahlon D. Burkhard -1983-86
Eric E. Ungar -1983-86
Carleen M. Hutchins -1984-87
William W. Lang -1984-87
Paul B. Ostergaard -1985-88
Robert C. Spindel -1985-88
Stanley L. Erlich -1986-89
Alice H. Suter -1986-89
Jont B. Allen -1987-90
Richard Stern -1987-90
Ilene J. Busch-Vishniac -1988-91
Joseph L. Hall -1988-91
Lawrence A. Crum -1989-92
James E. West -1989-92
Patricia K. Kuhl -1990-93
Allan D. Pierce -1990-93
David L. Bradley -1991-92
Sabih I. Hayek -1991-94
Mauro Pierucci -1992-94
Gilles A. Daigle -1992-95
William M. Hartmann -1992-95
Mark F. Hamilton -1993-96
Alan H. Marsh -1993-96
Arthur B. Baggeroer -1994-97
William J. Cavanaugh -1994-97
David Lubman -1995-98
Julia D. Royster -1995-98
Ralph R. Goodman -1996-99
Sally G. Revoile -1996-99
William A. Kuperman -1997-2000
Janet M. Weisenberger -1997-2000
Anthony A. Atchley -1998-01
Dana S. Hougland -1998-01
William A. Yost -1999-01
Christy K. Holland -1999-02
Donna L. Neff -2000-03
Henrik Schmidt -2000-03
Whitlow W. Au- 2001-04
Winifred Strange -2001-04
Steven M. Brown -2002-05
Ronald A. Roy -2002-05
George V. Frisk -2003-06
Mardi C. Hastings- 2003-06
Judy R. Dubno -2004-07
Victor W. Sparrow -2004-07
Diane Kewley-Port -2005-08
Stephen C. Thompson -2005-08
Peggy B. Nelson -2006-09
Wayne M. Wright -2006-09
Fredericka Bell Berti -2007-10
Michael R. Stinson -2007-10
Peter H. Dahl -2008-11
Andrea M. Simmons -2008-11
James H. Miller -2009-12
Scott D. Sommerfeldt-2009-12
Michael J. Buckingham -2010-13
Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham -2010-13
James F. Lynch -2011-14
Maureen L. Stone -2011-14
Marcia J. Isakson -2012-15
Vera A. Khokhlova -2012-15
Ann R. Bradlow -2013-16
Michael V. Scanlon -2013-16
Michael R. Bailey -2014-17
Christine H. Shadle -2014-17
John A. Hildebrand -2015-18
Andrew J. Oxenham -2015-18
Tessa C. Bent -2016-19
Preston S. Wilson -2016-19
Michelle C. Vigeant -2017-20
Michael Vorländer -2017-20
Brian C.J. Moore -2018-21
Tyrone M. Porter -2018-21
Bennett M. Brooks -2019-22
Andrew C. Morrison -2019-22
Jennifer L. Cooper  -2020-23
David R. Dowling  -2020-23
Kelly J. Benoit-Bird -2021-
Tracianne B. Neilsen -2021-
Micheal Dent -2022-
Zoi Heleni Michalopoulou -2022-
Jennifer L. Miksis-Olds -2023-
Cynthia F. Moss -2023-

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