25.1 Charged to act as the Editorial Board for ASA Press books: obtaining, developing, reviewing, and recommending new books on acoustics related topics to be published according to an agreement with a commercial publisher. Books so published shall bear the imprint, “ASA Press.”
25.2 Charged with considering and proposing to the Executive Council the republication of out-of-print books on acoustical topics and, in response to the needs of the Society, considering and proposing to the Executive Council publications not deemed appropriate for consideration as ASA Press books.
25.3 Composed of the Chair and at least eight other members appointed by the President in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief shall be an ex-officio member. Other ex-officio members may include not more than three members identified by the commercial publisher.
25.4 The Chair shall be responsible for monitoring compliance with the agreement between the ASA and the publisher and for recommending any action related to the agreement or changes to the agreement to the Executive Council.
25.5 Prior to April 15 of each year, the Chair shall notify the Society Treasurer of ASA Press books published during the previous copyright year.
25.6 The Chair, or the Chair's designate, shall consult with the Chair of the Committee on International Research and Education to determine recommendations for the distribution of ASA Press books provided by the publisher at no cost in developing countries.
25.7 A proposal for a new book with the ASA Press imprint may be recommended for publication by the commercial publisher upon a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members of the Committee. The Chair shall inform the Executive Council of Committee decisions regarding ASA Press books. All other Board procedures shall be described in a publicly available document on the ASA website, consistent with the confidentiality required by the agreement with the publisher.
25.8 All proposals for the publication of books associated with the ASA shall be referred to the Committee for consideration and recommendation.
The list of ASA Press books published by Springer can be found at https://www.springer.com/gp/partners/society-partners/acoustical-society-of-america