42.1 Charged with the responsibility to represent the interests of the general public on matters of public policy related to acoustics and the advancement of science.

42.2 Composed of the Chair and a maximum of fourteen other members. Panel members will normally be members of the ASA and shall be


appointed for renewable terms of three years upon recommendation made by the Chair of the Panel on Public Policy in consultation with the Chairs of the Technical Committees. The Panel shall reflect a diversity of technical areas within ASA, with no Technical Committee or other ASA constituency holding a majority vote of the whole. The Executive Director, Vice President, immediate Past President, and Standards Director shall serve as non-voting ex-officio members of the Panel. The Chair shall have been a member of the Panel for at least one year prior to his/her appointment as Chair and shall be appointed for renewable terms of 3 years.

42.3 Subcommittees shall be established as needed to focus on particular issues. Chairs of subcommittees shall be appointed by the President, upon nomination by the Chair of the Panel on Public Policy, for indefinite terms to be determined by the nature of the policy under consideration. The Chair of the Panel shall review the status of subcommittees on an annual basis and make recommendations to the President for renewal or termination of each subcommittee for the next year.

42.4 Members of subcommittees may be appointed for indefinite terms by the President upon nomination by the Chair of the Panel on Public Policy in consultation with the Chairs of appropriate Technical Committees. The Chair of the Panel on Public Policy, in consultation with the Chair of each subcommittee, shall review membership of the subcommittee on an annual basis and make recommendations to the President for reappointment of members. Members of subcommittees are not required to be members of ASA.

42.5 The Panel on Public Policy, in consultation with the Chairs of the subcommittees, will submit all products and recommendations (e.g., policy statements, reports, studies) to the Executive Council for approval prior to release to the general public.

42.6 The Panel on Public Policy, upon the request of the President, may consider statements of public policy put before it and make recommendations to the President of support or lack of support of that policy as determined by majority vote of the Panel members.

42.7 The Chair of the Panel on Public Policy, or specified proxy will report activities to the Executive Council at each meeting of the Society.

Note: Detailed procedures of the Panel on Public Policy are available from the office of the Society. See also Procedures of the Panel on the ASA website.

Note:  Refer to ASA Policies at https://acousticalsociety.org/policy-statements/

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