36.1 Charged with recommending to the Executive Council candidates and citations for the awards of the Society, with the exception of the ASA Science Communication Awards (see § 43.1) and certain other awards as may, from time to time, be assigned by the Executive Council to the Committee on Prizes and Special Fellowships (see § 41.1). The recipients of each of these awards and the award citations shall be determined by the Executive Council.
36.2 Further charged with recommending to the Executive Council nominees and citations for the A.B. Wood Medal, and where appropriate for awards by other organizations, and with forwarding information on non-Society awards to the appropriate Technical Committee Chairs for possible action or advice.
36.3 Composed of the Chair and as many other members as there are Technical Committees of the Society. Each Technical Committee shall be represented by a member of the Committee on Medals and Awards, excluding the Chair. The Chair and members of the Committee shall all be Fellows of the Society. The Chair shall preferably be or have been a member of the Executive Council. The Chair shall have been a member of the Committee on Medals and Awards for at least one year either currently or previously, before appointment as the chair, and shall be appointed for one year and may be reappointed for up to five additional consecutive one-year terms. Members of the committee shall be appointed by the President upon nomination by their respective Technical Committee chairs who consult with the Chair of the Committee on Medals and Awards. Members of the committee may be appointed for up to one additional term but no member may serve for more than six years. (See § 16.13.6).
36.4 Each member of the Committee other than the Chair shall be an ex-officio member of the Technical Committee represented by the member.
36.5 Upon request by the Chair of the Acoustical Society Foundation Board, the President may appoint, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, one or more representatives from the Committee to participate, without vote, in discussions of the purpose and acceptability of a restricted gift being offered to the Society.
Note: Detailed procedures of the Committee on Medals and Awards are available from the office of the Society. See also Procedures of the Medals and Awards Committee on the Society website.
Note: Refer to the Procedures of the Medals and Awards Committee at https://acousticalsociety.org/procedures#awards
The record of ASA Medals and Awards can be found at