42.1 Charged with the responsibility to represent the interests of the general public on matters of public policy related to acoustics and the advancement of science.

42.2 Composed of the Chair and a maximum of fourteen other members. Panel members will normally be members of the ASA and shall be


appointed for renewable terms of three years upon recommendation made by the Chair of the Panel on Public Policy in consultation with the Chairs of the Technical Committees. The Panel shall reflect a diversity of technical areas within ASA, with no Technical Committee or other ASA constituency holding a majority vote of the whole. The Executive Director, Vice President, immediate Past President, and Standards Director shall serve as non-voting ex-officio members of the Panel. The Chair shall have been a member of the Panel for at least one year prior to his/her appointment as Chair and shall be appointed for renewable terms of 3 years.

42.3 Subcommittees shall be established as needed to focus on particular issues. Chairs of subcommittees shall be appointed by the President, upon nomination by the Chair of the Panel on Public Policy, for indefinite terms to be determined by the nature of the policy under consideration. The Chair of the Panel shall review the status of subcommittees on an annual basis and make recommendations to the President for renewal or termination of each subcommittee for the next year.

42.4 Members of subcommittees may be appointed for indefinite terms by the President upon nomination by the Chair of the Panel on Public Policy in consultation with the Chairs of appropriate Technical Committees. The Chair of the Panel on Public Policy, in consultation with the Chair of each subcommittee, shall review membership of the subcommittee on an annual basis and make recommendations to the President for reappointment of members. Members of subcommittees are not required to be members of ASA.

42.5 The Panel on Public Policy, in consultation with the Chairs of the subcommittees, will submit all products and recommendations (e.g., policy statements, reports, studies) to the Executive Council for approval prior to release to the general public.

42.6 The Panel on Public Policy, upon the request of the President, may consider statements of public policy put before it and make recommendations to the President of support or lack of support of that policy as determined by majority vote of the Panel members.

42.7 The Chair of the Panel on Public Policy, or specified proxy will report activities to the Executive Council at each meeting of the Society.

Note: Detailed procedures of the Panel on Public Policy are available from the office of the Society. See also Procedures of the Panel on the ASA website.

Note:  Refer to ASA Policies at



41.1 Charged with reviewing candidates for the F.V. Hunt Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Acoustics, the James E. West Fellowship Minority Fellowship, and such other stipend-bearing fellowships and scholarships as may be established by the Executive Council; with performing other activities related to these fellowships and scholarships, and with making recommendations to the Executive Council. The recipient of each of these fellowships and scholarships, with the exception of the Robert W. Young Undergraduate Award, shall be approved by the Executive Council.

41.1.1 The proposed recipients of certain awards of the Society are reported to the Executive Council for approval through the Chair of the Committee, even though the Committee is not involved in the evaluation of their nominations or applications. Candidates for each of these awards are reviewed by a subcommittee in the specific technical or activity area that is involved.

41.2 Composed of six Fellows of the Society. The Chair should have served as a member of the Committee for at least one year, and is appointed for a two-year renewable term. Members of the Committee should be familiar with more than one technical area of acoustics in order to provide the maximum possible coverage of technical interests.

41.3 Upon request by the Chair of the Acoustical Society Foundation Board, the President may appoint the Chair of the Committee to participate, without vote, in Foundation Board discussions of the purpose and acceptability of a restricted gift being offered to the Society.

Note: Detailed Committee procedures are available from the office of the Society.

Note:  Refer to the Funding Resources page for information on available Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards and the Prizes page



40.1 Charged with preparing a slate of candidates for the election to be held in the spring approximately eighteen months after the Committee is appointed.

40.2 Composed of six members who shall all be Fellows or full Members of the Society, including at least one past president, appointed at the fall meeting of the Executive Council and chosen so as to provide a diversity of technical fields of interest and geographical locations among the Committee members. The President shall designate one of the Committee members, ordinarily a past president, to be its Chair.

40.3 At least nine months before the election date (see § 3.14), the Committee shall provide the Executive Director with a slate of candidates chosen from among the Fellows and full Members of the Society and consisting of at least two candidates for the office of President-Elect, at least two for Vice President-Elect, and at least five and preferably six candidates for two positions on the Executive Council. Before submitting the slate, the Committee shall ensure that the candidates are willing to run for office and that they are Fellows or full Members of the Society in good standing.

40.4 After the slate is submitted, the Society’s office shall obtain brief biographical statements from each candidate prepared by the candidates themselves, and these shall accompany the ballots sent to those members eligible to receive such ballots (see § 3.5). In addition, candidates for the offices of President-Elect and Vice-President Elect shall submit brief statements (limited to 200 words) of their objectives for the Society to appear with the ballots.



39.1 Charged with reviewing applications for Membership and nominations for Fellowship in the Society, and selecting the applications and nominations to be submitted to the Executive Council for approval.

39.2 Composed of the Chair and as many other members as there are Technical Committees of the Society. Each Technical Committee shall be represented by a member of the Membership, Committee excluding the Chair. The Chair and members of the Committee shall all be Fellows of the Society. The Technical Committee representatives shall be appointed upon nomination made by the Chair of the Membership Committee in consultation with the Chair of the Technical Committee represented by the member. (See § 16.8).

39.3 The Committee shall formulate procedures for eligibility for the various grades of membership and Fellowship, in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws, and shall submit its procedures to the Executive Council for approval.

39.4 The Technical Committee representatives on the Membership Committee shall each be an ex-officio member of the Technical Committee represented by the member.

Note: Detailed procedures of the Membership Committee are available from the office of the Society. The Society website contains instructions for nominating candidates for Fellowship.

Note: Refer to the Procedures of the Membership Committee and Information for Sponsors Recommending Members for Advancement to Fellowship in the Acoustical Society of America at





38.1 Charged with developing programs and initiatives to attract new members and retain current members with a focus on diversity in the Society in all of its aspects; and with conducting studies about membership and membership trends, such as the evaluation of member demographics and exit surveys.

38.2 Composed of a Chair and other members; and ex-officio, the Vice President-Elect and Executive Director. ASA Headquarters will be a resource for the committee.

38.3 The Committee may establish subcommittees as appropriate to implement specific initiatives. The Chairs of the subcommittees are appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Council upon recommendation by the Chair of the Committee. Responsibility for final decisions rests with the Committee, that then makes recommendations to the Executive Council.



37.1 Charged with proposing sites and dates for future meetings and meeting exhibits, subject to Executive Council approval; with providing a forum for exchanging information on meeting arrangements among Local Meeting Chairs; and with proposing changes in the meeting format for consideration by the Executive Council.

37.2 The Committee shall be composed of a Chair who shall have been a former Local Meeting Chair, appointed for a three-year term; the current Vice President and Vice President-Elect; three standing members recommended by the chair and  appointed for three-year terms; the Local Meeting Chairs of the current meeting, of the two most recent past meetings, and of the next three future meetings, and as ex-officio members, the Executive Director and the Society Director of Operations.

37.3 The Chair shall attend meetings of the Technical Council to provide liaison on matters concerning the organization of meetings.

37.4. Subcommittee for Jams. The Subcommittee for ASA Jams is charged with organizing the Jams at ASA meetings in coordination with the local committees. This includes being responsible for handling all details for arranging for players, providing equipment, either by rental or loan, negotiating and making final arrangements with equipment providers for rental, delivery, set-up, tear-down, and move-out of equipment, arranging for payments to vendors, and coordinating with the local committee the locations for the Jams. If a Jam will be held in a hotel meeting room, the Jams Subcommittee will coordinate with the local committee to select an appropriate room in the hotel for the Jam, arrange for access by the vendor to the hotel, and arrange for the use of hotel loading dock and delivery elevators for the move-in and move-out. Members of the local committee will make any necessary on-site visits. The subcommittee will also coordinate with the local committee for advertising the Jam in the Call for Papers and any arrangements for food and beverages. The Subcommittee will recommend an annual budget for the Jams. The Subcommittee for ASA Jams reports to the Meetings Committee.

Note: Refer to the meetings webpage for information about future meetings and other meeting related topics at

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