Current ASA Meeting
Technical Program
The technical program includes Focused Technical sessions, Panel Discussions, Tutorials, and Lightning-Round sessions scheduled Tuesday through Thursday, 8 to 10 June 2021.
Itinerary Planner
Please visit the Itinerary Planner which contains the schedule of sessions and presentations to be made at Acoustics in Focus.
Acoustics in Focus PDF program
An excerpt from the pdf meeting program containing the Technical Program calendar and abstracts can be downloaded here.
Session Formats
• Focused sessions consist of 12-minute pre-recorded talks with live discussion and interaction.
• Lightning Round sessions consist of a rapid sequence of brief (5-minute) live talks followed by periods of live discussion.
• Panel Discussions feature up to 7 invited discussion leaders who may give short presentations, answer questions, and lead discussions.
• Tutorial sessions are centered on one or more invited tutorial presentations followed by questions and discussions among attendees.
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The Committee on Women in Acoustics (WIA) sponsors Dependent Care Subsidies to help offset dependent care costs associated with virtually attending “Acoustics in Focus”, the upcoming ASA meeting. Meeting attendees are eligible to apply if they plan to present a paper at “Acoustics in Focus” or hold a leadership position in ASA. Each subsidy will be approximately $500 with four awards anticipated. Both men and women may apply. Applicants should submit a single PDF file (named <last name>_ <first name>_DepCare.pdf) that contains the following: name, contact information/affiliation, title of presentation or leadership role and main technical committee(s), a paragraph describing current and past involvement with ASA, a paragraph describing how subsidy would offset dependent care expenses while attending the “Acoustics in Focus” (including other sources of available funding), Submit materials by e-mail to Christina Zhou, Deadline for receipt of applications is 15 May 2021.
An abstract of not more than 200 words is required for each paper, whether invited or contributed. Abstracts longer than 200 words will be truncated. Authors must submit abstracts online.
All abstracts must be submitted online by 22 February 2021. This deadline will be strictly enforced. Abstracts submitted via postal mail or e-mail will not be accepted. Abstracts will be rejected if they do not comply with the instructions.
Abstract Acceptance
Submitted abstracts will not necessarily be accepted for the meeting. Acceptance is based on the following factors: adherence to the guidelines given here; appropriateness of the subject matter to the session focus; clarity of writing; and originality, correctness, and significance of the contribution. Priority may also be given to students and early-career acousticians. The ASA reserves the right to reject any submitted abstract without extensively documenting the reasons.
The presentation, and therefore the abstract, must be relevant to the one of the Focused sessions. Statements of political advocacy or explicit advertisement of products or services must be avoided. Note that Focused sessions in Speech Communication will consist only of invited presentations—do not submit abstracts for contributed talks for this technical area.
Abstract Disclosure Statements
Authors who submit abstracts, known as the Corresponding Author, will be asked to answer the following questions during the submission process on behalf of all authors of the abstract:
1. Verify compliance with the “Ethical Principles of the Acoustical Society of America for Research Involving Human and Non-Human Animals in Research and Publishing and Presentations” by all authors listed on the abstract [Click here for the full Ethical Principles of the ASA].
2. Author Disclosure 1
All contributing authors of this abstract concur with the submission of this abstract, with their names being included and with the order in which the names are listed:
3. Author Disclosure 2
The author list is complete—no name has been omitted of any person who has contributed substantially to the intellectual and creative aspects of the work.
4. Author Disclosure 3
Select whether the presenting author is
–Early Career (within three years of highest degree, 2018, 2019, 2020)
–Neither of the above
Abstract Limitations
Authors may be the presenter of only one abstract.
Acknowledgment of Receipt of Abstracts Submitted Online
Corresponding Authors will receive an e-mail message confirming that their abstracts have been received. Acceptance notices will be sent to authors by late March.
Complete instructions for the preparation and submission of abstracts are provided online.
Acknowledgment that your abstract has been received will be sent by e-mail. Please note that if you do not receive an email message your abstract has not been entered into the database.
1. Online Abstract Submission site is accessed on the ASA Home Page at
2. Click “Submit Abstract for Acoustics in Focus” from the main page
3. You must first create an account and set up a username and password if you have not already done so in connection with submission of abstracts for prior ASA meetings.
4. After logging into the submission site, click the “Submission” tab.
5. To begin a new abstract click “Create a New Abstract” in the sidebar located on the left-hand side of the screen.
6. If at any time during the submission process you need technical support, click the “Get Help Now” button at the top of the screen.
7. Abstracts are limited to 200 words (approximately 1500 characters).
8. The body of the abstract can be cut and pasted into the submission site. Note that LaTex coding must be entered using the Special Character palette which appears on the Title/Body Screen.
9. Enter all authors and their affiliations in the order they should appear in the abstract. Note: Only one affiliation may be included for each author.
10. Carefully check the proof of your abstract. Make sure all special characters and formatting are displaying properly and that the authors and affiliations are listed in the proper order.
11. When all the required information for your submission is entered, the “Submit Abstract” button will appear at the Proof and Submit stage. Click the “Submit Abstract” button to submit the abstract.
12. Upon submission of your abstract you will receive an e-mail confirmation.
13. To view or edit an existing submission, click “View Submissions” in the sidebar located on the left-hand side of the screen.
14. To edit an existing submission, select “Return to Draft” and then select “Edit.” All abstracts that are returned to draft must be resubmitted to be entered into the system. If not, the submission will remain in the Drafts table.
Note: The following Technical Committees will sponsor Best Student Paper Awards at
Acoustics in Focus: Musical Acoustics, Noise, Signal Processing in Acoustics, and Structural Acoustics and Vibration
Authors must comply with the eligibility requirements that appear below. For all awards, the eligible author’s name must appear as the first author of the abstract and must be the author who presents the paper at the meeting.
If you want your paper to be considered for an award, you must indicate this when you submit your abstract. Follow the instructions for the appropriate technical area that appear below.