Current ASA Meeting

Acoustics in Focus


Submission for Lightning Round presentations require title of the presentation and a brief description of the presentation (not more than 1 to 2 sentences) and permission to broadcast and record your presentation should it be accepted.  Submissions must be made at the following site by the following deadlines:

24 hours before sessions:  For authors who prefer to wait until the meeting (June 8 – 10), submissions must be made 24 hours in advance to give the session organizer time to organize the session. Acceptance for late entries is not guaranteed and will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. These entries will not be included on the meeting site nor in the meeting program.  Contact the session chair after you have registered online

Lightning Round Sessions are as follows (note some sessions are full as noted below so no new submissions will be accepted:

Tuesday Morning, 8 June
9:30      1aBAb  Instrumentation and Simulation in Biomedical Acoustics. Chair: Virginie Papadopoulou (

Tuesday Afternoon, 8 June
2:00      1pSCb  Ideas Worth Reconsidering in Speech Perception and Production III. Cochairs: Matthew Winn (, Richard Wright

Wednesday Morning, 9 June
9:30      2aBAb  Advances in Ultrasound Imaging. Chair: Karla Mercado-Shekhar (

Wednesday Afternoon, 9 June
2:45      2pSCb  Speech Studies Conducted Remotely: Methods and Examples III. Cochairs: Sandie Keerstock, Pasquale Bottalico, Eric Hunter

Thursday Morning, 10 June
9:30      3aBA    Therapeutic Ultrasound. Session Full
11:00    3aSP     Recent Research in Acoustic Signal Processing. Session Full

Thursday Afternoon, 10 June
12:55    3pCA    Innovative Ideas for Computational Acoustics. Session Full
2:15      3pSCb  Teaching Speech and Hearing Science to Undergraduates III. Session Full
3:30      3pSCc   Speech Studies Conducted Remotely: Methods and Examples IV. Cochairs: Sandie Keerstock (, Pasquale Bottalico, Eric Hunter


Questions about Lightning Round sessions should be sent to by email only.

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