Current ASA Meeting

Acoustics Virtually Everywhere (AVE)
V Fairs

Acoustics Virtually Everywhere
The 179th Meeting of the
Acoustical Society of America

7-11 December 2020
(Note new dates)

Register On-Line for Acoustics Virtually Everywhere


Early Career Meeting Support Awards

Early career meeting support awards are available to help with costs associated with participating in the Acoustics Virtually Everywhere meeting. Early career meeting attendees are eligible to apply if they are members of the Acoustical Society of America, are within 10 years of receiving their last degree, and are not currently students.  Priority will be given to applicants who will be presenting a paper at the meeting, will be chairing a session at the meeting, and/or hold a leadership position in the ASA. Each award will be on the order of USD $300. Applicants should complete the online application at Deadline for receipt of applications is 23 October 2020.

ASA Student Participation Grants

A new Student Participation Grant will provide $200 grants to students to partially defray expenses related to participating in the fall 2020 ASA meeting (Acoustics Virtually Everywhere). These expenses might include:  new or enhanced technologies needed to attend and present at a virtual meeting, new or upgraded software, preparation of an oral or poster presentation, and dependent care. The number of grants awarded depends on the number of requests received.

To apply for an ASA Student Participation Grant, send an e-mail to be received by 9 November 2020 to:  Jolene Ehl, The e-mail should include your status as a student; whether you are an author or co-author on a submitted abstract; whether you are a member of ASA; and a brief description of anticipated expenses.  Priority will be given to students who are authors on a submitted abstract and to student members of ASA.  ASA is committed to increasing racial diversity and inclusivity in acoustics and encourages students from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups to apply.


Dependent Care Subsidies

The Committee on Women in Acoustics (WIA) sponsors Dependent Care Subsidies to help offset dependent care costs associated with attending the upcoming ASA meeting. While the December 2020 meeting will be virtual, we understand that the current situation with the pandemic is particularly difficult for those who have small children and who are caring for aging or disabled family members.  For this meeting, the Dependent Care Subsidies are available for those who will incur additional, out-of-pocket costs to provide care for their dependents so they can fully participate virtually.  Meeting attendees are eligible to apply if they plan to present a paper at the “Acoustics Virtually Everywhere” meeting or hold a leadership position in ASA. Each subsidy will be approximately $500 with ten awards anticipated. Both men and women may apply. Applicants should submit a single PDF file (named <last name>_ <first name>_DepCare.pdf) that contains the following:  name, contact information/affiliation, title of presentation or leadership role and main technical committee(s), a paragraph describing current and past involvement with ASA, a paragraph describing how subsidy would offset additional dependent care expenses while attending the virtual ASA meeting, and an estimated budget (including other sources of available funding), Submit materials by e-mail to Jill Thorson <>. Deadline for receipt of applications is 15 October 2020.

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