(516) 576-2360 asa@acousticalsociety.org

Acoustics Virtually Everywhere – Spring 2020

Report of Meetings of Administrative and Technical Committees held online

The 179th Meeting was scheduled to take place 11-15 May 2020.  In March large meetings were prohibited to take place in Illinois so ASA arranged to move the meeting to take place in Chicago 8-12 December.

The original spring meeting was replaced with nearly 50 administrative and business meetings held online. (See the schedule of the meetings held starting May 11, 2020). Important decisions related to future meetings were made by the Technical Council. A total of 60 special sessions are scheduled for the December 2020 meeting, and an additional 75 for the spring 2021 meeting in Seattle. Executive Council discussed future meetings and appointed a Virtual Technology Task Force. There were 12 Open Meetings of the Technical Committees online, with voting, that were quite successful (several meetings with over 90 participants).

A missing component in May was the Plenary Session that is open to the whole society. Our Plenary honors our awardees, introduces the new Fellows, and to provide updates about the status of the Society. In the spirit of the Plenary, the leadership recorded three videos that can be seen below.


Greetings and Update
President Victor Sparrow
May 2020

Message From
Vice President
Peggy Nelson

May 2020
Planning for the Future
President-Elect Diane Kewley Port

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