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Meeting Announcement
Call for Papers

185th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
2023 Meeting of the Australian Acoustical Society
2023 Western Pacific Acoustics Conference
2023 Pacific Rim Underwater Acoustics Conference



Key Dates

24 July Deadline for receipt of abstracts
24 July Deadline for Author Registration
September Acceptance notices mailed
4 December First day of meeting


Submit abstract for Acoustics 2023 Sydney

Abstract Submission Deadline:  Monday, 24 July 2023 12:00 midnight Eastern Time.

This call for papers includes information and deadlines covering the submission of abstracts, mandatory registration of abstracts by presenting authors, technical events, and information only about the registration fees.  To register and for all other meeting information and details visit the Acoustics 2023 Sydney website.


Acoustics 2023 Sydney 2023 Organizing Committee

Cochairs: Marcia Isakson, ASA; Jeff Parnell, AAS
Technical Program Cochairs:  James Miller, ASA; Benjamin Halkon, AAS
ASA Headquarters Representative: Susan Fox

WESPAC Representative: Marion Burgess
ASA Co-Treasurer: Judy R. Dubno
AAS Co-Treasurer: John Wasserman
Exhibition Manager: Julie Sobolewski
Student Coordinator: Brijonnay Madrigal
PCO: Arinex

Table of Contents

Technical Program and Special Sessions
Special Sessions
Standing Sessions in Animal Bioacoustics
Audio Visual and Special Equipment and Software
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Abstract Disclosure Statements
Best Paper Awards for Students and Young Presenters – full instructions
Abstract Limitations
Instructions for Submitting Abstracts Online
Payment of Registration Fee for Each Abstract
Acknowledgment of Receipt of Abstracts Submitted Online

Other Technical Events and Information
Keynote Lectures
Student Design Competition
Open Meetings of Technical Committees
Itinerary Planner, Mobile App, Meeting Program
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics

Funding Opportunities
Down Under Funder
Student Transportation Subsidies
Technical Committee on Acoustical Oceanography Student Travel Award
Young Investigator Travel Grants
Dependent Care Subsidies
Early Career Travel Subsidies

General Information

Registration Information


Contributed papers are welcome in all branches of acoustics. The technical program will consist of lecture and poster sessions. Technical sessions will be scheduled Monday through Friday, 4-8 December 2023. Every effort will be made to schedule contributed abstracts in accordance with author and Organizing Committee preferences. Assignments will consider: a) author preference, b) program balance, and c) Technical Committee instructions. Abstracts will be rejected if they do not comply with the abstract submission guidelines and submission instructions.

Note that many Technical Committees do not schedule poster sessions. Authors should be prepared to accept assignment to lecture or poster sessions.


Special sessions described below are planned for the meeting. Authors of invited papers must indicate the title of the special session in which they have been invited to participate when the abstract is submitted. Authors of contributed papers have the option to request placement of their abstracts in these sessions. If no special session placement is requested, contributed papers will be scheduled in sessions with abstracts of similar technical content.
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Standing Sessions in Animal Bioacoustics
The Technical Committee on Animal Bioacoustics has identified the need to specify “standing” sessions for future meetings as a way to organize more contributed sessions and to advertise ASA meetings to others working in the field of animal bioacoustics as a conference of interest. Unlike special sessions, they will not include any invited papers.

Two Standing Sessions are available for the Australia meeting:

Acoustic Ecology and Biological Soundscapes
Animal Vocal Communication and Physiology

Participants who wish to submit contributed abstracts to these sessions should indicate this when submitting abstracts.  Standing sessions will be included in the Special Sessions Dropdown list for Animal Bioacoustics.


Audio-Visual Equipment
PC computers with monaural audio playback capability, computer projectors, and laser pointers will be provided in all lecture sessions. All other equipment is considered special equipment. Refer to the “Special Equipment” section below for additional information. Mac computers will not be provided.

Special Equipment, Computer Equipment, and Software
Any equipment other than PC computers with monaural audio playback capability, computer projectors, and laser pointers is “special equipment.” Requests for special equipment (e.g., special speakers) must be specified at the time of abstract submission. Provision of unusual special equipment will depend upon availability and cost. Special software requests should also be made, if required.

Stereo sound is considered special equipment and must be requested when your abstract is submitted. Please be specific about your audio needs, including number of channels and preferred loudspeaker arrangement.

Poster Session Boards
Poster boards and fastening materials will be provided.

Projection Guidelines for Authors
A PC computer with monaural playback capability and projector will be provided in each meeting room on which all authors who plan to use computer projection will load their presentations. All presenters must use the provided PC laptop. It will not be possible to use any other laptops.  Authors should bring computer presentations on a USB drive to load onto the provided computer at least 30 minutes before the start of their sessions. Assistance in loading presentations onto the computers.

Note that only PC format will be supported so authors using Macs must save their presentations for projection in PC format. Also, authors who plan to play audio or animations during their presentations should ensure that their sound and animation files are also saved on the USB drive.

Guidelines for use of computer projection will be supplied with acceptance notices.

Audio-Visual Preview Room
Computer presentations can be reviewed by authors in the audio/visual preview room at the meeting


  • An abstract of not more than 200 words is required for each paper, whether invited or contributed. All abstracts must be submitted by Monday, 24 July 2023 12:00 midnight Eastern Time.  This deadline will be strictly enforced. Abstracts submitted via postal mail or e-mail will not be accepted. Abstracts will be rejected if they do not comply with the instructions.
  • There is no limit to the number of abstracts that may be submitted by a “Corresponding Author,” i.e., the author who submits the abstract online. However, the number of abstracts that may be presented by the same author, i.e., the “Presenting Author,” is two.
  • Authors should be prepared to accept assignment to lecture or poster sessions regardless of preferred method of presentation.
  • Authors of invited papers must indicate the title of the special session in which they have been invited to participate at the time the abstract is submitted.
  • Authors of contributed papers may request placement of their abstracts in special sessions. The request will be honored, if possible, but there is no guarantee such abstracts will be scheduled in the requested sessions.
  • If no special session placement is requested, contributed papers will be scheduled in sessions with abstracts of similar technical content.
  • Submitted abstracts will not necessarily be accepted for the meeting. Acceptance is based on the following factors: adherence to the guidelines given here, clarity of writing, originality of the contribution, appropriateness of the subject matter to the ASA, correctness of the content, and the significance of the contribution. The ASA reserves the right to reject any submitted abstract without giving extensively documented reasons.
  • The presentation, and therefore the abstract, must be relevant to the field of acoustics, and focus on scientific developments, applications, standards, or education. Statements of political advocacy or explicit advertisement of products or services must be avoided.
  • A full paid registration for each abstract must be submitted by the Presenting author or coauthor of the abstract.  The abstract registration fee must be submitted by Monday, 24 July 2023 12:00 midnight Eastern Time.  If the fee is not received by that date, the abstract will not be scheduled for presentation.


Authors will be asked to answer the following questions during the submission process:

  • Compliance with the ASA Ethical Principles 
  • All contributing authors of this abstract concur with the submission of this abstract, with their names being included and with the order in which the names are listed in the abstract.
  • The author list is complete-no name has been omitted of any person who has contributed substantially to the intellectual and creative aspects of the work. Enter all authors’ names in the correct order as it will not be possible to make changes to the order or to add authors later.
  • Author status as a student or early career presenter.


  • Authors contributing papers in Speech Communication are also encouraged to select poster-style presentation which is the default for Speech Communication sessions.
  • There is no limit to the number of abstracts that may be submitted by a “Corresponding Author,” i.e., the author who submits the abstract online. However, the number of abstracts that may be presented by the same Presenting Author is two. [A registration fee must be submitted for each abstract by the Presenting author. See section titled “Payment of Registration Fees for Each Abstract” in this call for papers below.]
  • While authors may indicate a preference for presentation style, it may not always be possible to honor the request. Authors should be prepared to accept assignment of their abstracts to either lecture or poster presentation.


Complete instructions for the preparation and submission of abstracts is provided online.

Acknowledgment that your abstract has been received will be sent by e-mail. Please note that if you do not receive an email message your abstract has not been entered into the database.

  1. Online Abstract Submission site is accessed at
  2. You must first create an account and set up a username and password if you have not already done that in connection with submission of abstracts for prior ASA meetings.
  3. After logging into the submission site, click the “Submission” tab.
  4. To begin a new abstract click “Create a New Submission” in the sidebar located on the left-hand side of the screen.
  5. If at any time during the submission process you need technical support click the “Help” button at the top right on each page.
  6. Abstracts are limited to 200 words (approximately 1500 characters).
  7. The body of the abstract can be cut and pasted into the submission site. Note that in most cases Greek letters and other special characters will transfer from your word processing software. The special Character palette is available in the Title/Body section if you need a special characters that you are unable to find in your word processing software. There is also a link to Phonetic Characters palette available on the submission site.
  8. Enter all authors and their affiliations in the order they should appear in the abstract. Note: Only one affiliation may be included for each author.
  9. Carefully check the proof of your abstract. Make sure all special characters and formatting are displaying properly and that the authors and affiliations are listed in the proper order.
  10. When all the required information for your submission is entered, the “Submit” button will appear at the Proof and Submit stage. Click the “Submit” button to submit the abstract.
  11. Upon submission of your abstract you will receive an e-mail confirmation
  12. To view or edit an existing submission click “View Submissions” in the sidebar located on the left-hand side of the screen.
  13. To edit an existing submission you must re-enter the submission site, select Submissions, and then View Submissions.  At the View Submissions page, select “Return to Draft” in the Action Dropdown menu and then select “Edit.” After making edits, you must select Review & Submit and click the Resubmit button.  All abstracts that are returned to draft must be resubmitted to be entered into the system. If not, the submission will remain in the Drafts table and will not be considered a submitted abstract.


A full paid registration for each abstract must be submitted by the Presenting author of the abstract.

The abstract registration fee must be submitted by Monday, 24 July 2023 12:00 midnight Eastern Time.  If the fee is not received by that date, the abstract will not be scheduled for presentation.

For information about registration fees and to register, visit


Several ASA Technical Committees offer Best Paper Awards to students and young presenters who present papers at Society meetings. If you want your paper to be considered for an award, you must indicate this when you submit your abstract. Follow the instructions for the appropriate technical area that appear below.

Best Student Paper Awards
Committees Offering These Awards: Acoustical Oceanography, Animal Bioacoustics, Architectural Acoustics, Engineering Acoustics, Musical Acoustics, Signal Processing in Acoustics, Speech Communication, Structural Acoustics and Vibration, and Underwater Acoustics.

Award Amounts: For each of the Technical Committees granting awards, up to two awards will be presented to students presenting papers in sessions organized by the specific Technical Committee: USD $300 for first prize and USD $200 for second prize.

To qualify for each of these awards, an author must:

  • be enrolled as a student at least half-time (graduates are eligible if the work presented was performed as a student within one year of the meeting). Note that you do not need to be a member of the ASA to qualify.
  • be listed as the first author on the submitted abstract
  • present the paper at the meeting

Special Note for Speech Communication entries: Choose Poster Only as your preferred presentation type during the abstract submission process to be eligible for the Best Student Poster Award Competition for Speech Communication. If you do not choose ‘Poster Only’ and your paper is subsequently assigned to an oral presentation, you cannot be considered for the Best Student Poster Award Competition for Speech Communication.

Selection: The award winners will be selected by a subcommittee of each of the Technical Committees granting awards, based upon the quality of both the content of the paper and its presentation. The awards will be announced either at the meeting of the Technical Committee or after the close of the meeting.

Application: All those who wish to participate in the competition for these awards must indicate their intention to enter the competition during the abstract submission process by clicking the entry box on the online submission form.

Best “Outstanding Paper by a Young Presenter” Award
Note that you need not be a student to qualify for this award.

Committees Offering These Awards: Noise

Award Amounts: Up to three awards of USD $250 each will be given for outstanding papers presented in sessions organized by the Technical Committee on Noise

To qualify for an award, the paper author must:

  • be under 30 years of age as of 1 January 2023
  • be listed as the first author of the paper and actually present the paper

Selection: Selection of the award winners will be based on the quality of the presented paper, comprising both the content and its delivery. The award winners will be chosen by a subcommittee of the Technical Committee and will be announced after the close of the meeting.

Application: The Award Subcommittee would like to consider papers by all authors who meet the eligibility criteria. Neither membership in the Acoustical Society, nor previous experience in the ASA, is required. Because the committees have no other way to identify eligible authors, however, it is essential that eligible authors indicate their intention to enter the competition during the abstract submission process by clicking the entry box on the online submission form.

Best “Outstanding Paper by an Early Career Presenter” Award
Note that you need not be a student to qualify for this award.

Committee Offering These Awards: Computational Acoustics
Award Amounts: Up to three awards of USD $250 each will be given for outstanding papers presented in sessions organized by the Technical Committee on Computational Acoustics.

To qualify for an award, the paper author must:

  • be a current student or early career professional who completed their final degree within the past 5 years
  • be listed as the first author of the paper and actually present the paper

Selection: Selection of the award winners will be based on the quality of the presented paper, comprising both the content and its delivery. The award winners will be chosen by a subcommittee of the Technical Specialty Group and will be announced after the close of the meeting.

Application: The Award Subcommittee would like to consider papers by all authors who meet the eligibility criteria. Neither membership in the Acoustical Society, nor previous experience in the ASA, is required. Because the committees have no other way to identify eligible authors, however, it is essential that eligible authors indicate their intention to enter the competition during the abstract submission process by clicking the entry box on the online submission form.

POMA Student Paper Competition

POMA is holding a society-wide student paper competition for a POMA submission based on a presentation or poster from the Australia meeting.

Award Amounts: Up to five student papers will receive an award of USD $300. Additionally, the student paper winners will be noted on the POMA cover page and their article will be promoted in email and social media campaigns.


To qualify for the award, an author must:

  • be enrolled as a student at least half-time (graduates are eligible if the presented work was performed as a student within one year of the meeting). Note that the student author does not need to be a member of the ASA to qualify.
  • be listed as the first author on the submitted abstract and POMA manuscript and present the paper at the meeting.
  • submit the POMA manuscript by the competition deadline, which is 30 days after the conclusion of the meeting. For this meeting, manuscripts must be submitted on or before 7 December 2024.

To enter: Indicate your paper is part of the POMA Student Paper Competition by selecting this option during the POMA submission process.

Selection: The papers will be rated by the POMA Associate Editor corresponding the technical area in which the paper was presented. The top related papers will be evaluated by the POMA Editor, POMA Assistant Editor, and POMA Manuscript Manager and up to five winning papers will be selected. Note that the paper judging will take place concurrently with the ordinary editorial review of a POMA submission; each judged paper will be returned with comments and a publication decision.

Additional Instructions

  • To ensure the article passes the initial quality check, please use either the MS Word or LaTeX manuscript templates and follow all manuscript preparation and submission instructions ( Articles that do not pass the initial quality check are ineligible for the competition. See the submission checklist at the POMA Author Resources page.
  • The competition deadline is 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time, 7 December 2024. Any manuscripts received after this will be considered for publication in POMA but will be ineligible for the competition.
  • Regardless of the competition outcome, the opportunity to publish an editor-reviewed proceedings paper will enhance your CV/resume and help you take an important
    intermediate step toward a peer-reviewed publication.


Corresponding authors will receive an e-mail message confirming that their abstracts have been received. Acceptance notices will be sent to authors in September.


Keynote Lectures
Keynote Lectures will be presented by Dr. Andone Lavery, Department Chair, Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts and Professor Cath McMahon, Department of Linguistics, Centre for Elite Performance Expertise and Training (CEPET): Application University Research Centre, Macquarie University, Sydney.

Student Design Competition
The Technical Committee on Architectural Acoustics with support from the Robert Bradford Newman Student Award Fund and The Wenger Foundation, is sponsoring a student design competition to be judged in conjunction with Acoustics 2023 Sydney to be held in Sydney, Australia on 4-8 December 2023.

The Student Design Competition is intended to encourage students in the disciplines of Architecture, Engineering,

Physics, and other curriculums that involve building design and/or acoustics to express their knowledge of architectural acoustics and noise control in a schematic design of a facility in which acoustical considerations are of primary importance

See the Entry Information for details about the competition and how to enter.

Open Meetings of Technical Committees
Technical Committees will hold open meetings. These are working, collegial meetings. Much of the work of the ASA is accomplished by actions that originate and are taken in these meetings including proposals for special sessions, workshops, and technical initiatives. All meeting participants are cordially invited to attend these meetings and to participate actively in the discussions.

Itinerary Planner, Mobile App, and Meeting Program
An itinerary planner and mobile app will be available for Acoustics 2023 Sydney meeting. A printed program will not be issued. Abstracts will be published on the ASA webpage in April.


All authors of Acoustics 2023 Sydney papers are encouraged to submit a pdf manuscript to ASA's Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA). Things to note:

  • There is no publication fee, but presentation of the paper at the meeting is mandatory.
  • POMA does not have a submission deadline. Authors may submit manuscripts before or after the meeting; note, however, that review will not take place until after the meeting.
  • POMA has new Word and LaTeX manuscript templates and cover pages are now generated automatically at the time of publication.
  • Published papers are being both indexed in scholarly venues and highlighted on Twitter and Facebook.
  • Visit for additional information, including recent changes to the manuscript preparation/submission process..


Meeting-related support can only be provided by one program. If you are named to receive ASA support from more than one program, only the highest-amount from one program will be awarded

Down Under Funder
The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) announces the availability of the Down Under Funder to provide travel support for students who attend Acoustics 2023 Sydney to be held 4-8 December 2023 in Sydney, Australia.

Applicants must be full-time students enrolled in universities in North America studying any field of acoustics and who will be students at the time of the meeting. Both graduate and undergraduate students are eligible to apply.  Application deadline: 31 May 2023.

Student Transportation Subsidies
A student transportation subsidies fund has been established to provide limited funds to students, regardless of location, to partially defray transportation expenses to meetings. No reimbursement is intended for the cost of food or housing. The amount granted each student depends on the number of requests received. To apply for a subsidy, submit a proposal by e-mail to be received by 23 October 2023 to: Jolene Ehl, The proposal should include your status as a student; whether you have submitted an abstract; method of travel, and approximate cost of transportation.

Technical Committee on Acoustical Oceanography Student Transportation Award
The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) announces the availability of the Technical Committee on Acoustical Oceanography Student Transportation Award for students studying topics related to acoustical oceanography to attend meetings of the Acoustical Society of America. Applicants must be full-time students pursuing Master’s or Ph.D. degrees who are members of the Acoustical Society of America and who will be students at the time of the meeting for which the grant is provided. Students must be studying a topic covered by the scope of the Technical Committee on Acoustical Oceanography. Download the application information and form. The application deadline is 1 September.

Young Investigator Travel Grants
The Committee on Women in Acoustics (WIA) sponsors Young Investigator Travel Grants to help with travel costs associated with presenting a paper at the 185th ASA meeting in Sydney, Australia. Young professionals who have completed their doctorate in the past five years are eligible to apply if they plan to present a paper at the Sydney meeting, are not currently students, and have not previously received the award. Each award will be approximately $1000 with four awards anticipated. Awards will be presented by check at the WIA luncheon at the meeting. Both men and women may apply. Applicants should submit a single PDF file (named <last name>_ <first name>_YI.pdf) that includes 1) a paragraph explaining how this award will enable their attendance at the ASA meeting, 2) a copy of the abstract for their presentation at the meeting, and 3) a current resume/vita showing their involvement in the field of acoustics and in the ASA. The PDF file should be uploaded to . Deadline for receipt of applications is October 20, 2023.

Dependent Care Subsidies
The Committee on Women in Acoustics (WIA) sponsors Dependent Care Subsidies to help offset dependent care costs associated with attending the 185th ASA meeting in Sydney, Australia. Meeting attendees are eligible to apply if they plan to present a paper at the meeting or hold a leadership position in ASA. Each subsidy will be approximately $1000 with four awards anticipated. Both men and women may apply. Applicants should submit a single PDF file (named <last name>_ <first name>_DepCare.pdf) that contains the following: name, contact information/affiliation, title of presentation or leadership role and main technical committee(s), a paragraph describing current and past involvement with ASA, a paragraph describing how subsidy would offset dependent care expenses while attending the ASA, and an estimated budget for the trip (including other sources of available funding). The pdf file should be uploaded to . Deadline for receipt of applications is October 20, 2023.

Early Career Travel Support Awards
Early Career Travel Support Awards are available to help with costs associated with participating in Acoustics Sydney 2023.Early career meeting attendees are eligible to apply if they are members of the Acoustical Society of America, are within 10 years of receiving their last degree, and are not currently students. Priority will be given to applicants who will be presenting a paper at the meeting, will be chairing a session at the meeting, identify as a member of an underrepresented group within the Society and/or hold a leadership position in the ASA. Each award will be on the order of USD $1000.

Deadline for receipt of applications is October 2, 2023. Contact Kimberly Riegel with questions. Apply for the award here:


Room Sharing
ASA will compile a list of those who wish to share a hotel room and its cost. To be listed, send your name, telephone number, e-mail address, gender, smoker or nonsmoker preference, not later than 1 October 2023 to the Acoustical Society of America, by e-mail, The responsibility for completing any arrangements for room sharing rests solely with the participating individuals.


Visit Acoustics 2023 Sydney to register

A full paid registration for each abstract must be submitted by the Presenting author of the abstract.

The abstract registration fee must be submitted by Monday, 24 July 2023 12:00 midnight Eastern Time.  If the fee is not received by that date, the abstract will not be scheduled for presentation.

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