Summer Undergraduate Research or Internship Experience in Acoustics

SURIEA Contribution Opportunities

The Summer Undergraduate Research or Internship Experience in Acoustics (SURIEA) is an intensive summer program in acoustics designed for under-represented undergraduate students from across the country. This program emphasizes training, mentoring, research, and preparing students for graduate studies & careers in acoustics. Your support of SURIEA will inspire the next generation of acousticians and make the field of acoustics more inclusive, diverse, and welcoming. Please review the contribution opportunities below.

SURIEA Title Sponsorships

Title sponsors characterize the most significant contribution the SURIEA program and as such, Title Sponsors will be placed next to the name of the SURIEA program associated with it. Please review the Title sponsorship opportunities below.

Short Course title sponsor – $25,000
At the short course, SURIEA students come together to learn foundational acoustics information and to build networks of support with each other, the SURIEA instructors, graduate students, and local acousticians. The title sponsor of the SURIEA short course will be co-branded with the SURIEA short course and will be invited to attend the welcome event to meet SURIEA participants.

SURIEA Breakfast title sponsor – $20,000
Come meet current and past SURIEA students, mentors, and committee organizers at the national ASA Meeting. This event will be a great opportunity to meet people in the acoustics community. The title sponsor of the SURIEA Breakfast will be co-branded with the event and will be invited to attend to meet SURIEA participants and invited guests.

SURIEA Open House title sponsor – $18,000
At the close of the summer, SURIEA students present their work to their fellow cohort members, program mentors, ASA leaders, and invited guests. The title sponsor of the SURIEA Open House will be co-branded with the event and will be invited to attend and hear about all the work the students have done throughout the summer.

SURIEA Student Scholarship – $15,000
Financial support for one student will be granted in the name of the sponsor. Scholarship sponsors will be acknowledged on the SURIEA website and will be invited to attend and hear about all the work the students have done throughout the summer at the Open House.


If you don’t see the opportunity you are looking for, contact Susan Fox at


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