Past Distinguished Lectures
Isadore Rudnick et al., An Afternoon Interlude of Demonstration Experiments in Acoustics, November 1980
Francis C. Moon, Chaotic Behavior in Acoustic and Elastic Wave Transmission Lines, May 1986
William Taylor, Biological Effects of Vibration on the Hand and Arm: Historical Perspective and Current Research, December 1986
Leonard Meirovitch, Active Control of Structural Vibration, December 1986
Lothar W. Cremer, Early Lateral Reflections in Modern Concert Halls, May 1987
R. Fettiplace and A. J. Hudspeth, Hair-Cell Transduction and its Role in Cochlear Tuning, November 1988
John E. Ffowcs Williams, Active Management of Hydrodynamic Sources of Sound, November 1990
Juergen Meyer, Acoustics and Orchestral Sound, May 1992
Neville H. Fletcher, Nonlinearity and the Sounds of Musical Instruments, May 1996
Mathias Fink, Time-Reversed Ultrasound, June 1997
George C. Izenour, Dynamic Multiple-Use Concert Hall-Theater Design and Multi-Form Theater Design for the Twenty-First Century, June 1997
B. T. Khuri-Yakub, Smart Structures and Microelectromechanical Systems, November 1999
Malcolm J. Crocker, Acoustics at the End of the 20th Century: An overview of the State of the Art, November 1999
Leslie Kay, Ultrasonic Eyeglasses for the Blind, November 2000
Bernard Widrow, A Microphone Array for Hearing Aids, June 2001
Sanford Fidell, Analysis of Community Response to Transportation Noise a Quarter Century After Schultz (1978), November 2003
Jens P. Blauert, Communication Acoustics, May 2004
Laymon N. Miller, Noise: My 62 Years of It, May 2004
Manfred R. Schroeder, From Philharmonic Hall to number theory: The way to more diffusion, October 2005
Nikolay A. Dubrovskiy, Status of Acoustics in Russia, June 2006
Thomas L. Geers, A Residual-Potential Boundary for Time-Domain Prolems in Computational Acoustics, May 2009
Goran Pavic, Modeling of Vibration, Sound and Stresses using the Virtual Source Approach, October 2011
W. Jeffrey Elias, The Use of Magnetic Resonance-Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound to Treat Essential Tremor (ET), December 2013