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Meeting Announcement
Call for Papers

188th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America

joint with

25th International Congress on Acoustics

New Orleans Marriott Hotel

New Orleans, Louisiana

18-23 May 2025

For additional details about the 25th International Congress on Acoustics please visit the ICA2025 webpage.

The joint ASA/ICA meeting will be held 18-23 May 2025 (Sunday-Friday) as an in-person meeting with no remote participation. The meeting will begin on Sunday with an Opening Ceremony and Reception. A Keynote Lecture will be presented each morning followed by a full-day of technical sessions.  The Plenary Session and Awards Ceremony will be held on Wednesday afternoon followed by the Social.  The meeting will end on Friday afternoon with a Closing Ceremony and will be followed by the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics and the International Symposium on Room Acoustics which will be merged into the International Symposium on Musical and Room Acoustics (ISMRA).

The meeting includes an exhibition and sponsorship opportunities are also available.  Registration and other information will be added as details become available.

Table of Contents

Technical Program and Special Sessions

  • Special Sessions
  • Abstract Submission Guidelines
  • POMA Student Paper Competition
  • Audio Visual and Special Equipment and Software

Other Technical Events and Information

  • Opening Ceremony and Reception
  • Plenary Lectures
  • Closing Ceremony
  • Exhibition
  • Open Meetings of Technical Committees
  • International Symposium on Musical and Room Acoustics
  • Early Career Acousticians Retreat (EAR 2025)
  • Student Design Competition in Architectural Acoustics
  • Women in Acoustics Roundtable

Funding Opportunities

  • Technical Committee on Acoustical Oceanography Travel Award
  • Student Transportation Subsidies
  • Emerging Investigator Travel Grant
  • Dependent Care Subsidies

Student Mixer

Student Activities

  • First-Time Attendee Orientation and Meet and Greet
  • Students Reception
  • Students Meet Members for Lunch (SMMfL)
  • Student Outreach SONIC Program
  • Other Information for Students

Plenary Session, Awards Ceremony, Social Events, Luncheons

  • Plenary Session and Awards Ceremony
  • Social Hour
  • Women in Acoustics Luncheon

Invitation Letters and Visas

Hotel Information and Reservations

Registration Information

Technical Program and Special Sessions

The technical program will consist of lecture and poster sessions. Technical sessions will be scheduled Monday through Friday, 19-23 May 2025.

Every effort will be made to schedule contributed abstracts in accordance with author and Organizing Committee preferences. Assignments will consider: a) organizer preference, b) program balance, and c) author preference, and d) Technical Committee instructions. Abstracts will be rejected if they do not comply with the abstract submission guidelines and submission instructions.

Note that most Technical Committees do not schedule poster sessions. Authors should be prepared to accept assignment to lecture or poster sessions.

Special Sessions

Special sessions described below are planned for the meeting. Authors of invited papers must indicate the title of the special session in which they have been invited to participate when the abstract is submitted. Authors of contributed papers have the option to request placement of their abstracts in these sessions. If no special session placement is requested, contributed papers will be scheduled in sessions with abstracts of similar technical content.

Download Special Sessions (PDF)


Corresponding authors will receive an e-mail message confirming that their abstracts have been received. Acceptance notices will be sent to authors in March 2025.

enter the competition during the abstract submission process by clicking the entry box on the online submission form.

Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) Student Paper Competition

    POMA is holding a society-wide student paper competition for a POMA submission based on a presentation or poster from the joint ASA/ICA meeting.

    Award Amounts: Up to five student papers will receive an award of USD $300. Additionally, the student paper winners will be noted on the POMA cover page and their article will be promoted in email and social media campaigns.


    To qualify for the award, an author must:

    • be enrolled as a student at least half-time (graduates are eligible if the presented work was performed as a student within one year of the meeting). Note that the student author does not need to be a member of the ASA to qualify.
    • be listed as the first author on the submitted abstract and POMA manuscript and present the paper at the meeting.
    • submit the POMA manuscript by the competition deadline, which is 30 days after the conclusion of the meeting. For this meeting, manuscripts must be submitted on or before 11 June 2023.

    To enter: Indicate your paper is part of the POMA Student Paper Competition by selecting this option during the POMA submission process.

    Selection: The papers will be rated by the POMA Associate Editor corresponding the technical area in which the paper was presented. The top related papers will be evaluated by the POMA Editor, POMA Assistant Editor, and POMA Manuscript Manager and up to five winning papers will be selected. Note that the paper judging will take place concurrently with the ordinary editorial review of a POMA submission; each judged paper will be returned with comments and a publication decision.

    Additional Instructions

    • To ensure the article passes the initial quality check, please use either the MS Word or LaTeX manuscript templates and follow all manuscript preparation and submission instructions (https://asa.scitation.org/pma/authors/manuscript). Articles that do not pass the initial quality check are ineligible for the competition. See the submission checklist at the POMA Author Resources page.
    • The competition deadline is 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time, date to be announced. Any manuscripts received after this will be considered for publication in POMA but will be ineligible for the competition.
    • Regardless of the competition outcome, the opportunity to publish an editor-reviewed proceedings paper will enhance your CV/resume and help you take an important.


    Audio-Visual Equipment

    PC computers with monaural audio playback capability, computer projectors, and laser pointers will be provided in all lecture sessions. All other equipment is considered special equipment. Refer to the “Special Equipment” section below for additional information. Mac computers will not be provided.

    Special Equipment, Computer Equipment, and Software

    Any equipment other than PC computers with monaural audio playback capability, computer projectors, and laser pointers is “special equipment.” Requests for special equipment (e.g., stereo sound, special speakers) must be specified at the time of abstract submission. Provision of unusual special equipment will depend upon availability and cost. Special software requests should also be made, if required.

    Stereo sound is considered special equipment and must be requested when your abstract is submitted. Please be specific about your audio needs, including number of channels and preferred loudspeaker arrangement.

    Poster Session Boards

    Poster boards and fastening materials will be provided. Poster boards are 8 feet wide by 4 feet high (2.4384 m wide by 1.2192 m high).

    Projection Guidelines for Authors

    A PC computer with monaural playback capability and projector will be provided in each meeting room on which all authors who plan to use computer projection will load their presentations. Authors should bring computer presentations on a USB drive to load onto the provided computer at least 30 minutes before the start of their sessions.

    Note that only PC format will be supported so authors using Macs must save their presentations for projection in PC format. Also, authors who plan to play audio or animations during their presentations should ensure that their sound and animation files are also saved on the USB drive. They must also provide their own connectors.

    Audio-Visual Preview Room

    Computer presentations can be reviewed by authors in the audio/visual preview room at the meeting.

    Other Technical Events and Information

    Opening Ceremony and Reception, Closing Ceremony and Plenary Lectures and Speakers

    An Opening Ceremony and Reception will be held on Sunday, 18 May 2025.  Visit the 25th ICA New Orleans webpage for information about these events and plenary lectures and speakers.


    An instrument and equipment exhibition will be located near the registration area and meeting rooms and will open on Monday, 19 May, with an evening reception serving a complimentary drink. Exhibit hours are Monday, 19 May, 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, 20 May, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Wednesday, 21 May, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

    The Exhibit will include computer-based instrumentation, sound level meters, sound intensity systems, signal processing systems, devices for noise control and acoustical materials, active noise control systems, and other exhibits on acoustics.

    Click the link for Booth Rental Terms and Conditions and Cancellation Policy.

    For further information and to reserve a booth, please complete the reservation form at: https://forms.gle/HuYWv4q2jcwtV4jp6.

    Questions should be directed to Donna Rell at: donna@amcsource.com.


    Technical Committees will hold open meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (20, 21, and 22 May). These are working, collegial meetings. Much of the work of the ASA is accomplished by actions that originate and are taken in these meetings including proposals for special sessions, workshops, and technical initiatives. All meeting participants are cordially invited to attend these meetings and to participate actively in the discussions.


    Two satellite symposia will be held in conjunction with the joint ASA/ICA meeting, the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA), chaired by Andrew Piacsek, and the International Symposium on Room Acoustics (ISRA), chaired by David Woolworth, combined into a single joint symposium named the International Symposium on Musical and Room Acoustics (ISMRA). The joint ISMRA symposium will be held immediately following the joint ASA/ICA meeting Sunday through Wednesday, May 25-28, at Loyola University. The New Orleans Marriott and Loyola University are connected by the historic St. Charles Avenue Streetcar. Two half-day workshops are scheduled on Saturday, May 24, which will require separate registration.

    For further details visit the ISMRA webpage. 

    Register for ISMRA at https://www.associationsciences.org/ASAM/Login.aspx.


    The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) seeks to engage and foster members by hosting the Early-Career Acousticians Retreat (EAR) 2025! EAR is a two-day workshop for early career professionals in the field of acoustics focused on career development and networking. The retreat will allow you to connect with your fellow early career acousticians as well as more senior members of the Society. Workshops have been designed to prepare early-career members for leadership within their specific field, foster collaborations between industry and academia, and form a mentoring network, among other topics to support your career development.

    Visit the EAR 2025 webpage.


    The Student Design Competition in Architectural Acoustics is open to undergraduate and graduate students in the disciplines of Architecture, Engineering, Physics and other curricula that involve building design and/or acoustics The award is announced in late fall/early spring each year, and is usually judged at spring meetings of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA).  The first-place Wenger Prize and several commendation awards are funded by generous financial support from the Wenger Foundation.

    View the 2025 Student Design Competition flyer for full details about the Design Scenario and Entry Information.  Register to enter before 1:00 PM (CT) on 7 April 2025


    Join Women in Acoustics for an informal roundtable discussion. Topics will include work/life balance, the 2-body problem, advocating for your career, finding a mentor, and understanding employee benefits. Volunteers will lead separate discussions on these and other topics. You may join one conversation or jump between the groups as needed. Bring your questions and challenges and an open mind for discussion.


    ICA/ASA 2025 New Orleans will have a published proceedings. Submission is optional. The conference proceedings will be a separate volume of the online journal Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA). This is an open access journal, and its articles are available in pdf format for downloading without charge to anyone in the world.

    All authors who are scheduled to present papers at the meeting are encouraged to prepare a suitable version in pdf format that will appear in POMA. It is not necessary to wait until after the meeting to submit one’s paper to POMA. There is no publication fee, but presentation of the paper at ICA/ASA 2025 is mandatory.

    Templates, can be found on the POMA webpage.

    Itinerary Planner, Mobile App and Meeting Program

    An itinerary planner and mobile app will be available for the joint meeting. A PDF meeting program will be available online before the meeting.

    Funding Opportunities

    Meeting-related support can only be provided by one program. If you are named to receive ASA support from more than one program, only the highest amount from one program will be awarded.

    ICA Young Scientist Grants

    For information and deadlines about applying for ICA Young Scientist Grants, please visit the 25th ICA webpage.

    Technical Committee on Acoustical Oceanography Student Travel Grant 

    A travel grant for students studying topics related to acoustical oceanography to attend meetings of the Acoustical Society of America is available the New Orleans meeting. Applicants must be full-time students pursuing Master’s or Ph.D. degrees who are members of the Acoustical Society of America and who will be students at the time of the meeting. Students must be studying a topic covered by the scope of the Technical Committee on Acoustical Oceanography. One grant will be awarded for each ASA meeting. The application deadline is 3 February 2025.  

    Student Transportation Subsidies

    A student transportation subsidies fund has been established to provide limited funds to students to partially defray transportation expenses to meetings. No reimbursement is intended for the cost of food or housing. The amount granted each student depends on the number of requests received. To apply for a subsidy, submit a proposal by e-mail to be received by 21 April 2025 to: Jolene Ehl, jehl@acousticalsociety.org. The proposal should include your status as a student; whether you have submitted an abstract; whether you are a member of ASA; method of travel, and approximate cost of transportation.

    Emerging Investigator Travel Grant

    The Committee on Women in Acoustics sponsors an Emerging Investigator Travel Grant program to assist with travel costs associated with presenting papers at ASA meetings. These grants are aimed at professionals who have completed their terminal graduate degree in the last five years (not currently enrolled as a student), who plan to present a paper at an ASA meeting and have not previously received the award. Each award will be USD$500 with four awards anticipated. Awards are presented at the WIA luncheon at meetings. Awardees will be given 2 tickets to attend the luncheon for themselves and one (1) guest. Priority may be given to applicants who are following a non-traditional career path. The program is open to applicants of any gender. Applicants should submit a single PDF file (named <last name>_ <first name>_YI.pdf) that includes 1) a paragraph explaining how this award will enable their attendance at the ASA meeting, 2) a copy of the abstract for their presentation at the meeting, 3) a current resume/vita showing their involvement in the field of acoustics and in the ASA and 4) if applicable the description of your career path if following a non-traditional path. The PDF file should be uploaded to https://womeninacoustics.org/funding-opportunities/Deadline for applying:  28 March 2025.

    Dependent Care Subsidies

    The Committee on Women in Acoustics (WIA) sponsors Dependent Care Subsidies to help offset dependent care costs associated with attending the New Orleans meeting. Meeting attendees are eligible to apply if they plan to present a paper at the New Orleans meeting or hold a leadership position in ASA. Each subsidy will be USD$500 with four awards anticipated. Both men and women may apply. Applicants should submit a single PDF file (named <last name>_ <first name>_DepCare.pdf) that contains the following: name, contact information/affiliation, title of presentation or leadership role and main technical committee(s), a paragraph describing current and past involvement with ASA, a paragraph describing how subsidy would offset dependent care expenses while attending the ASA, and an estimated budget for the trip (including other sources of available funding). The pdf file should be uploaded to https://womeninacoustics.org/funding-opportunities/Deadline for applying:  28 March 2025.

    Student Mixer

    Students will mingle with representatives from potential employers in industry, government institutions, and consulting firms during an informal lunch. The purpose of this event is to expose students to career opportunities with an emphasis on cross-technical committee awareness. Employers will be representing their firm, lab or institution but will also be prepared to discuss careers more broadly. Whether you are a student who is confident in seeking a career within the technical area you are studying, or you are student who has begun thinking about broadening your career aspirations in a new direction within acoustics, this event will have relevant opportunities for you to explore. Registration is required and only available to students. Preregister for the event at the time you preregister for the meeting.

    Student Activities

    First-Time Attendee Orientation and Meet and Greet

    An orientation will be held from 5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Monday, 19 May, for students and first-time attendees to learn about the activities and opportunities available for students and first-time attendees at the joint ASA/ICA meeting. This will be followed by the Student Meet and Greet from 5:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. where refreshments and a cash bar will be available.

    Students Reception

     The Students’ Reception will be held on Tuesday, 20 May, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This reception, sponsored by the Acoustical Society of America will provide an opportunity for students to meet informally with fellow students. All students are encouraged to attend, especially students who are first time attendees or those from smaller universities.

    Students Meet Members for Lunch (SMMfL)

     A student in the SMMfL program meets one-on-one with an acoustician over lunch during the meeting. The purpose is to encourage students, as they embark on their acoustical careers, to network with more senior members. Each lunch pairing is arranged to ensure a good match between the student's and member's acoustical interests. Each participant pays for his/her own meal. Students who wish to participate should check the SMMfL check box in the on-line preregistration form. They will be contacted later for additional information to assist with the matching process.

    Student Outreach for Networking and Integrating Colleagues (SONIC) Program

    SONIC is designed to introduce new student members to more experienced students who can serve as mentors and help them navigate the meeting. More information and registration can be found at https://asastudents.org/programs/sonic/.

    Other Information for Students

    Students are also encouraged to visit the official ASA Student Home Page at https://asastudents.org, where you can meet the Student Council members, find out more about student events, view FAQs about meetings, and more.

    Plenary Session, Awards Ceremony, Social Events, Luncheons

      Plenary Session and Awards Ceremony

      The ASA/ICA Plenary session will be held Wednesday afternoon, 21 May, where awards will be presented and recognition of newly elected ASA Fellows will be announced.

      Social Hour

      A social with complimentary buffets and cash bars will be held on Wednesday evening, 21 May, at the New Orleans Marriott Hotel.

      The ASA hosts this social hour to provide a relaxing setting for meeting attendees to meet and mingle with their friends and colleagues as well as an opportunity for new members and first-time attendees to meet and introduce themselves to others in the field.

      Women in Acoustics Luncheon

      The Women in Acoustics luncheon will be held on Wednesday,15 May. The fee is USD $25 (students USD $15) for preregistration by 21 April and USD $35 (students USD $15) at the meeting. Purchase tickets when you register online at https://www.associationsciences.org/ASAM/Login.aspx


      Invitation Letters and Visas

      Invitation Letters

      Requests for letters of invitation to attend the meeting should be sent to asa@acousticalsociety.org. Requests should include the following information:

      Title  (Dr. Prof., etc.)
      Full name
      State or Province,

      Requests for invitation letters must be sent individually.

      Are you REAL ID ready? For US attendees

      On May 7, 2025, U.S. travelers must be REAL ID compliant to board domestic flights and access certain federal facilities.

      A passport is an acceptable form of identification and may be used in lieu of a REAL ID Drivers License or ID to board domestic flights and visit federal facilities.

      For information visit the US Department of Homeland Security webpage.

      Visas to Enter the US

      A citizen of a foreign country who seeks to travel to the United States generally must first obtain a U.S. visa. Visas are placed in the traveler’s passport, a travel document issued by the traveler’s country of citizenship.

      Certain international travelers may be eligible to travel to the United States without a visa if they meet the requirements for visa-free travel. The visa section of this website contains information on U.S. visas for foreign citizens seeking to travel to the United States.

      For information and details visit the U.S. State Department webpage  and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security webpage.

      Hotel Information and Reservations

      Please make your reservations early.  It will not be possible to add rooms after the deadline.

      A block of guest rooms at discounted rates has been reserved for meeting participants at the New Orleans Marriott Hotel. Early reservations are strongly recommended.

      ASA/ICA meeting rates are not guaranteed after Wednesday, 23 April 2025 at 11:59 p.m. CST (Central Time).

      Make your reservations directly with the New Orleans Marriott Hotel.  Online reservations at the link below are recommended.

      Hotel Policies

      • Check in time: 4:00 p.m. / Check out time: 11:00 a.m.
      • All reservations must be made using a major credit card.
      • Early Departure Fee (charged when guest checks out prior to the reserved check out date and does not notify the hotel in advance): USD$249.00. To avoid this charge notify the hotel of the change in scheduled departure before your check-in date or by 12:00 midnight the day after check-in
      • Cancellation Policy: Reservations must be cancelled at least 72 hours prior to arrival to avoid a one night's room and tax charge.
      • Reservations in ASA group: Complimentary internet access in sleeping rooms.
      • A limited number of government rate rooms are available: Valid government credentials must be presented to receive government discounted rate. If government identification is not present at check-in, the room rate will be modified to group rate.

      Reservation Procedures

      Online Reservations

      Reservations can be made directly online at the website listed below, which has been created specifically for the joint ASA/ICA meeting and includes the meeting rates and all applicable information.

      New Orleans Marriott Online Reservations – https://book.passkey.com/e/50862394

      Telephone Reservations

      Guests are strongly encouraged to make their reservations online via the group booking link. If you are unable to use the online site and must call to make a reservation, contact the Marriott Reservations team at 1 (888) 236-2427. Reference the 2025 International Congress on Acoustics to obtain the group rate.

      Room Rates in USD

      Single: $249 / Double: $249
      Triple: $274 / Quad: $299
      Additional Person: $25

      Rates will be offered, based on room availability, 3 days before and 3 days after the meeting dates

      Taxes and Fees:

      15% hotel tax + $3 occupancy tax per night + 1.2% New Orleans Tourism assessment fee (all subject to change)

      Reservation cut-off date: Wednesday, 23 April 2025, at 12:00 a.m. Central Time

      Hotel address:  New Orleans Marriott Hotel, 555 Canal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 70130

      Hotel Parking: Valet only available: USD$49 regular size vehicles/ USD$55 oversized vehicles. Height limit 5 ft. 9 in.  Only one vehicle per room allowed.

      Registration Information

      The meeting registration site is now open.

      The registration desk at the meeting will open on Sunday at 11:00 a.m., 18 May.   If your preregistration is not received by 21 April 2025 you must register on-site.

      All rates shown in US dollars.

      Note: A USD $100 fee will be charged for in-person cancellations after 21 April 2025.

      Registration Policies:

      1. One-day registration: For participants who attend the meeting for one day only. If you will be at the meeting for more than one day either presenting a paper and/or attending sessions, you must register and pay the full Regular Registration fee.
      2. Students: All students must show a current (issued in 2025) student id card or verification of student status from the university attended on university letterhead in order to be eligible for student fees. If proof of student status is not available, the Full Registration fee must be paid.
      3. Emeritus Members: Registrants who hold official Emeritus status at an ICA member society prior to the meeting are eligible for this rate. It will not be possible to register at the Emeritus Member rate at the meeting.
      4. Accompanying Persons: These are attendees who will participate only in the Accompanying Persons Program. Acoustics professionals, who participate in the technical program, i.e., present papers, attend sessions, and/or listed as coauthors on abstracts are not eligible for this registration rate. Registration includes:  Monday Accompanying Persons breakfast, meeting coffee breaks, Wednesday Social attendance.

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