Current Meeting

Meeting Announcement
Call for Papers


(Note: these archived pages will be available for the next 60 days from the dropdown menu link,  after which the meeting information can be viewed for the Past Meetings page.)

184th Meeting

Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile Hotel
Chicago, Illinois

8–12 May 2023

Chicago Meeting Sponsors

Key Dates

19 December 2022      Deadline for receipt of abstracts
February 2023              Acceptance notices mailed
24 March 2023             Deadline for Young Investigator Travel Awards
24 March 2023             Deadline for Dependent Care Subsidies
7 April 2023                  Deadline for Early Career Travel Support Awards
10 April 2023                Deadline for Student Transportation Subsidies
10 April 2023                Preregistration Deadline for In-Person Attendance
1 May 2023                   Registration Deadline for Remote Attendance
8 May 2023                   On-site registration opens at the Marriott
8 May 2023                   First day of Chicago meeting

The Chicago meeting will be held as an in-person meeting with invited papers in several special sessions presented in hybrid format. Registration for remote attendance at hybrid sessions will be available until 1 May 2023.  The on-site registration desk at the Marriott Hotel will open on Monday, 8 May, and will be open each day until Friday, 12 May, at 12:00 noon.  See Registration section below for details.

184th Meeting Committee

Shane Jerome Kanter, Chair
Brandon Cudequest, Technical Program Chair
Jennifer Nelson Smid, Laura Brill, Signs

Table of Contents

Technical Program and Special Sessions
Hybrid Sessions
Audio Visual and Special Equipment and Software
Projection Guidelines for Authors
Audio Visual Preview Room

Other Technical Events and Information
Keynote Lecture
Solutions Showcase
Acoustics Demonstrations Extravaganza
Hot Topics
Open Meetings of Technical Committees
POMA Student Paper Competition
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics
Itinerary Planner, Mobile App, Meeting Program

Other Events
Women in Acoustics Roundtable
Affinity Listening Spaces
Providing and Responding to Constructive Reviews

Funding Opportunities
Student Transportation Subsidies
Young Investigator Travel Grants
Dependent Care Subsidies

Student Activities
Student and First-Time Attendee Orientation
Students Meet and Greet
Student Career Mixer
Students’ Reception
Students Meet Members for Lunch (SMMfL)
Student Outreach for Networking and Integrating Colleagues (SONIC) Program

Plenary Session, Awards Ceremony, Social Events, Luncheons
Social Hours
Women in Acoustics Luncheon
Society Luncheon and Lecture
Jam Session

Transportation and Travel Information

Hotel Reservation Information

General Information
Room Sharing
Special Accessibility
Mothers Room
Accompanying Persons Program

Registration Information


Contributed papers are welcome in all branches of acoustics. The technical program will consist of lecture and poster sessions. Technical sessions will be scheduled Monday through Friday, 8-12 May 2023. Every effort will be made to schedule contributed abstracts in accordance with author and Organizing Committee preferences. Assignments will consider: a) author preference, b) program balance, and c) Technical Committee instructions. Abstracts will be rejected if they do not comply with the abstract submission guidelines and submission instructions.


Hybrid special sessions include invited papers that will be presented remotely along with in-person presentations.  Remote presentations will be delivered at scheduled times, either live or pre-recorded, via Zoom and projected onto the session room screen.   Remote presenters will be available to answer questions during a standard Q&A period.  In-person attendees may pose questions via a room microphone; remote attendees may pose written questions that are read aloud by the session chair or designated monitor.  All presentations in a hybrid session will be broadcast on zoom and will be accessible to remote attendees.  Registration for remote attendance is limited to the hybrid sessions. Remote registrants will receive links to access all hybrid sessions in April. This program of hybrid sessions is being organized on an experimental basis.

Registration fees for remote presenters and participants are: Regular Registration: $150; Students: $50 and Nonmember Invited Speakers – Fee waived. There will be a $50 charge for remote registrations cancelled after 28 November. Register for attendance at Hybrid Sessions until 1 May

Download the calendar for the list of hybrid sessions.  Visit the Itinerary Planner to review the list of Hybrid Sessions and abstracts to be presented.


Audio-Visual Equipment
PC computers with monaural audio playback capability, computer projectors, and laser pointers will be provided in all lecture sessions. All other equipment is considered special equipment. Refer to the “Special Equipment” section below for additional information. Mac computers will not be provided.

Special Equipment, Computer Equipment, and Software
Any equipment other than PC computers with monaural audio playback capability, computer projectors, and laser pointers is “special equipment.” Requests for special equipment (e.g., stereo sound, special speakers) must be specified at the time of abstract submission. Provision of unusual special equipment will depend upon availability and cost. Special software requests should also be made, if required.

Stereo sound is considered special equipment and must be requested when your abstract is submitted. Please be specific about your audio needs, including number of channels and preferred loudspeaker arrangement.

Poster Session Boards
Poster boards and fastening materials will be provided. Poster boards are 8 ft. wide by 4 ft. high.

Projection Guidelines for Authors
A PC computer with monaural playback capability and projector will be provided in each meeting room on which all authors who plan to use computer projection will load their presentations. Authors should bring computer presentations on a USB drive to load onto the provided computer at least 30 minutes before the start of their sessions. Assistance in loading presentations onto the computers.

Note that only PC format will be supported so authors using Macs must save their presentations for projection in PC format. Also, authors who plan to play audio or animations during their presentations should ensure that their sound and animation files are also saved on the USB drive. They must also provide their own connectors.

Guidelines for use of computer projection will be supplied with acceptance notices.

Audio-Visual Preview Room
Computer presentations can be reviewed by authors in the audio/visual preview room at the meeting


An instrument and equipment exhibition will be located near the registration area and meeting rooms and will open on Monday, 8 May, with an evening reception serving a complimentary drink. Exhibit hours are Monday, 8 May, 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, 9 May, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Wednesday, 10 May, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

The Exhibit will include computer-based instrumentation, scientific books, sound level meters, sound intensity systems, signal processing systems, devices for noise control and acoustical materials, active noise control systems, and other exhibits on acoustics.

Contact the Exhibit Manager for information about participating in the exhibit: Dan Cooke, Director of Advertising and Exhibit Sales, AIP Publishing, LLC, 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Suite 110, Melville, NY 11747-4300, Tel: 310-922-3902 (voice or text); E-mail:

Solutions Showcase
In an effort to give industry members and supporting companies better visibility at the meetings, ASA is hosting the third Solutions Showcase in Chicago during the spring 2023 meeting. The Solutions Showcase will be an opportunity to present a product, service, or solution in a setting similar to a technical session, but without restricting the commercial character of the talk. We encourage current exhibitors, as well as others, to join in this event and share the development, technology, or performance of their product. Practitioners will be especially encouraged to attend and interact with industry presenters. The Solutions Showcase is planned for Monday afternoon, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., before the exhibit opening reception. Contact if you are interested in participating in the Solutions Showcase.

Keynote Lecture
The Keynote Lecture titled “Clinical research in acoustics: Reflections on a journey from bench to bedside and back again” will be presented by Frederick J. Gallun of the Oregon Hearing Research Center, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR, on Monday, 8 May, 4:00 p.m. in Session 1eID

Hot Topics
A “Hot Topics” session will be sponsored by the Student Council. Topics to be covered will be announced at a later time.

Technical Tour to Riverbank Laboratories
Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories invites you to tour our facility in scenic Geneva, Illinois.  Experience over 100 years of history and learn about our many recent improvements.  Refreshments will be served in our third-floor museum.

The bus will leave the Chicago Downtown Marriott on Sunday, 7 May, at 1:00 p.m. and will return to the Marriott at 6:00 p.m.  The tour is limited to 45 participants.  Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories is sponsoring the transportation to and from the facility as well as the tour. Register for the tour when you preregister for the meeting (link to

Riverbank is accredited by NVLAP as an ISO 17025 laboratory testing agency as well as for various acoustical test procedures including ASTM C423 (NRC), ASTM E90 (Sound Transmission Loss), E413 (STC), E492 (Impact Sound Transmission), E989 (IIC), ISO 3741 (Sound Power), and numerous other methods. Learn more at

Acoustics Demonstration Extravaganza
The Physical Acoustics Technical Committee and the Committee on Education in Acoustics are pleased to present a showcase of demonstrations and apparati to inspire and challenge your understanding of acoustics phenomena presented in Session 2pPAb on Tuesday, 9 May, at 9:45 a.m. in Chicago A/B. This event will be similar to the “Circus of Acoustics” demonstration show from the June 2002 ASA 143 Pittsburgh meeting [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111(5–2), 2451 (2002), session 4pPAb].

Open Meetings of Technical Committees
Technical Committees will hold open meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings (8, 9, and 10 May). These are working, collegial meetings. Much of the work of the ASA is accomplished by actions that originate and are taken in these meetings including proposals for special sessions, workshops, and technical initiatives. All meeting participants are cordially invited to attend these meetings and to participate actively in the discussions.

POMA Student Paper Competition
POMA is holding a society-wide student paper competition for a POMA submission based on a presentation or poster from the Chicago meeting.

Award Amounts: Up to five student papers will receive an award of USD $300. Additionally, the student paper winners will be noted on the POMA cover page and their article will be promoted in email and social media campaigns.

To qualify for the award, an author must:

  • be enrolled as a student at least half-time (graduates are eligible if the presented work was performed as a student within one year of the meeting). Note that the student author does not need to be a member of the ASA to qualify.
  • be listed as the first author on the submitted abstract and POMA manuscript and present the paper at the meeting.
  • submit the POMA manuscript by the competition deadline, which is 30 days after the conclusion of the meeting. For this meeting, manuscripts must be submitted on or before 11 June 2023.

To enter: Indicate your paper is part of the POMA Student Paper Competition by selecting this option during the POMA submission process.

Selection: The papers will be rated by the POMA Associate Editor corresponding the technical area in which the paper was presented. The top related papers will be evaluated by the POMA Editor, POMA Assistant Editor, and POMA Manuscript Manager and up to five winning papers will be selected. Note that the paper judging will take place concurrently with the ordinary editorial review of a POMA submission; each judged paper will be returned with comments and a publication decision.

Additional Instructions

  • To ensure the article passes the initial quality check, please use either the MS Word or LaTeX manuscript templates and follow all manuscript preparation and submission instructions( Articles that do not pass the initial quality check are ineligible for the competition. See the submission checklist at the POMA Author Resources page.
  • The competition deadline is 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time, 11 June 2023.  Any manuscripts received after this will be considered for publication in POMA but will be ineligible for the competition.
  • Regardless of the competition outcome, the opportunity to publish an editor-reviewed proceedings paper will enhance your CV/resume and help you take an important intermediate step toward a peer-reviewed publication.

Itinerary Planner, Mobile App, and Meeting Program
An itinerary planner and mobile app will be available for the Chicago meeting. A complete meeting program will be available at the meeting. Abstracts will be published on the ASA webpage in April.


Women in Acoustics Roundtable Discussion
The Women in Acoustics Committee will host a one-hour roundtable discussion on Wednesday, 10 May, 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. that will include six to eight topics related to mentorship, work-life balance, and navigating careers in academia, industry, and government settings. Topics will be facilitated by volunteers from Women in Acoustics. Attendees will have the opportunity to switch tables/topics at the 30-minute mark. Details about the date and time the discussion will be held will be announced later.

Affinity Listening Spaces
ASA values providing a safe space for all its members. To facilitate that, the member engagement committee will  provide time and space for members of affinity groups to meet and discuss important issues with other ASA members from underrepresented identities on Wednesday, 10 May, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the McHenry room.  All groups will meet together for some initial networking and then participants will break out to in discussion groups specific to their identities.

Providing and Responding to Constructive Reviews
Although everyone receives reviews when publishing scientific work sometimes the criticism can be difficult to accept and respond to. Providing constructive criticism can sometimes be as difficult as accepting it. This workshop is intended for writers and reviewers alike and will be held on Wednesday, 10 May, 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. It will give examples of scientific writing submissions and reviewer responses for participants to practice writing reviews and responding to them. Experienced authors, reviewers and editors, including James Lynch, Editor in Chief of ASA, will provide assistance and insight.


All authors of Chicago meeting papers are encouraged to submit a pdf manuscript to ASA's Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA). Things to note:

  • There is no publication fee, but presentation of the paper at the meeting is mandatory.
  • POMA does not have a submission deadline. Authors may submit manuscripts before or after the meeting; note, however, that review will not take place until after the meeting.
  • POMA has new Word and LaTeX manuscript templates and cover pages are now generated automatically at the time of publication.
  • Published papers are being both indexed in scholarly venues and highlighted on Twitter and Facebook.
  • Visit for additional information, including recent changes to the manuscript preparation/submission process.



Meeting-related support can only be provided by one program. If you are named to receive ASA support from more than one program, only the highest-amount from one program will be awarded.

Student Transportation Subsidies – Application Deadline has passed
A student transportation subsidies fund has been established to provide limited funds to students to partially defray transportation expenses to meetings. No reimbursement is intended for the cost of food or housing. The amount granted each student depends on the number of requests received. To apply for a subsidy, submit a proposal by e-mail to be received by 10 April 2023 to: Jolene Ehl, The proposal should include your status as a student; whether you have submitted an abstract; whether you are a member of ASA; method of travel, and approximate cost of transportation.

Young Investigator Travel Grants -– Application Deadline has passed
The Committee on Women in Acoustics (WIA) sponsors Young Investigator Travel Grants to help with travel costs associated with presenting a paper at the Chicago ASA meeting. Young professionals who have completed their doctorate in the past five years are eligible to apply if they plan to present a paper at the Chicago meeting, are not currently students, and have not previously received the award. Each award will be approximately $500 with four awards anticipated. Awards will be presented by check at the WIA luncheon at the meeting. Both men and women may apply. Applicants should submit a single PDF file (named <last name>_ <first name>_YI.pdf) that includes 1) a paragraph explaining how this award will enable their attendance at the ASA meeting, 2) a copy of the abstract for their presentation at the meeting, and 3) a current resume/vita showing their involvement in the field of acoustics and in the ASA. The PDF file should be uploaded to . Deadline for receipt of applications is March 24, 2023.

Dependent Care Subsidies – Application Deadline has passed
The Committee on Women in Acoustics (WIA) sponsors Dependent Care Subsidies to help offset dependent care costs associated with attending the Chicago ASA meeting. Meeting attendees are eligible to apply if they plan to present a paper at the Seattle meeting or hold a leadership position in ASA. Each subsidy will be approximately $500 with four awards anticipated. Both men and women may apply. Applicants should submit a single PDF file (named <last name>_ <first name>_DepCare.pdf) that contains the following: name, contact information/affiliation, title of presentation or leadership role and main technical committee(s), a paragraph describing current and past involvement with ASA, a paragraph describing how subsidy would offset dependent care expenses while attending the ASA, and an estimated budget for the trip (including other sources of available funding). The pdf file should be uploaded to . Deadline for receipt of applications is March 24, 2023.

Early Career Travel Support Awards – Application Deadline has passed
Early Career Travel Support Awards are available to help with costs associated with participating in the Spring 2023 meeting, which will be held in Chicago. Early career meeting attendees are eligible to apply if they are members of the Acoustical Society of America, are within 10 years of receiving their last degree, and are not currently students. Priority will be given to applicants who will be presenting a paper at the meeting, will be chairing a session at the meeting, identify as a member of an underrepresented group within the Society and/or hold a leadership position in the ASA. Each award will be on the order of USD $500.
Apply for the award here:

Deadline for receipt of applications is April 7, 2023. Contact Martin Lawless with questions.



Student and First-Time Attendee Orientation
An orientation will be held on Monday, 5 December, for students and first-time attendees to learn about the activities and opportunities available for students and first-time attendees at the Chicago meeting.

Student Meet and Greet
The Student Meet and Greet for students only will held on Monday evening where refreshments and a cash bar will be available.

Student Career Mixer
The Student Career Mixer will be held on Tuesday, 9 May, 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Salon III. Students will mingle with representatives from potential employers in industry, government institutions, and consulting firms during an informal lunch. The purpose of this event is to expose students to career opportunities with an emphasis on cross-technical committee awareness.

Students’ Reception
The Students’ Reception will be held on Wednesday, 10 May, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This reception, sponsored by the Acoustical Society of America will provide an opportunity for students to meet informally with fellow students and other members of the Acoustical Societies of America. All students are encouraged to attend, especially students who are first time attendees or those from smaller universities.

Students Meet Members for Lunch (SMMfL)
A student in the SMMfL program meets one-on-one with an ASA member over lunch during the ASA meeting. The purpose is to encourage students, as they embark on their acoustical careers, to network with more senior members. Each lunch pairing is arranged to ensure a good match between the student's and member's acoustical interests. Each participant pays for his/her own meal. Students who wish to participate should check the SMMfL check box in the on-line preregistration form. They will be contacted later for additional information to assist with the matching process. The Students Meet Members for Lunch program is sponsored by the Committee on Education in Acoustics.

Student Outreach for Networking and Integrating Colleagues (SONIC) Program
SONIC is designed to intended to introduce new student members to more experienced students who can serve as mentors and help them navigate the conference and ASA as a whole. More information and registration can be found at

Other Information for Students
Students are also encouraged to visit the official ASA Student Home Page at, where you can meet the Student Council members, find out more about student events, view FAQs about meetings, and more.



Plenary Session and Awards Ceremony
The ASA Plenary session will be held Wednesday afternoon, 10 May, where Society awards will be presented and recognition of newly elected Fellows will be announced.

Social Hours
Two socials with complimentary buffets and cash bars will be held on Tuesday and Thursday, 9 and 11 May, at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile Hotel.

The ASA hosts these social hours to provide a relaxing setting for meeting attendees to meet and mingle with their friends and colleagues as well as an opportunity for new members and first-time attendees to meet and introduce themselves to others in the field. A second goal of the socials is to provide a sufficient meal so that meeting attendees can attend the open meetings of the Technical Committees that begin immediately after the socials.

Women in Acoustics Luncheon
The Women in Acoustics luncheon will be held on Wednesday, 10 May. The fee is USD $25 (students USD $15) for preregistration by 10 April and USD $35 (students USD $15) at the meeting. Purchase tickets at the time you preregister for the meeting.

Society Luncheon and Lecture
A Society Luncheon and Lecture sponsored by the College of Fellows will be held Thursday, 11 May, at 12:00 noon. This luncheon is open to all attendees and their guests. The lecture topic and speaker will be announced at a later time.  Purchase tickets at the time you preregister for the meeting. Ticket cost is USD $40.00 each.

JAM Session
Bring your axe, horn, sticks, voice, or anything else that makes music. Musicians and non-musicians are all welcome to attend. A full PA system, backline equipment, guitars, bass, keyboard, and drum set will be provided. All attendees will enjoy live music, a cash bar, and all-around good times. Don’t miss out.


Air Transportation
Two major airports serve Chicago:
O’Hare International Airport (ORD) (link: serves all major US airlines and most major international carriers.
Midway International Airport (MDW) (link: serves major US airlines including Southwest, Delta, Frontier, and Porter.

Ground Transportation
Several options for traveling to and from Chicago's major airports can be found here:
O’Hare International Airport:
Midway International Airport:

Off Site Parking Near the MarriottROW Parking located at the corner of Rush & Ohio St (.1 Miles from hotel) (link to:


A block of guest rooms at discounted rates has been reserved for meeting participants at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile Hotel. Early reservations are strongly recommended.

Special ASA meeting rates are not guaranteed Friday, 14 April 2023 at 11:59 p.m. CST (Central Standard Time).

Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, 540 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611

Hotel Policies
• Check in time: 4:00 p.m./Check out time: 12:00 noon
• Departure dates will be verified upon check-in. Early departure fee of 1 night’s room and tax will be charged for departures prior to the guest’s scheduled check-out departure date without having notified the Hotel by 12:00 midnight the day after check-in.
• Cancellation Policy: Reservations canceled less than three days prior to their confirmed arrival date are subject to a fee equal to one night's room rate plus applicable taxes.
• A credit card must be presented at check in.

Reservation Procedures
Online Reservations
Reservations can be made directly online at the website listed below where you can make, modify, and cancel reservations:

Telephone Reservations Toll Free: 1-877-303-0104

Online reservations are recommended. When making reservations by phone you must mention that you are with the Acoustical Society of America group to obtain the special ASA room rates. Please do not call the direct line to the hotel.

Room Rates
Single/Double: $284.00

Room Rates do not include any fees for state, city, and county sales tax and are quoted exclusive of any applicable taxes which are currently 17.4% for state, city, and county sales tax per night (subject to change).

A limited number of government rate rooms are available.

Reservation cut-off date: Friday, 14 April 2023, at 11:59 PM  (CST) Central Standard Time 

In May, Chicago has an average high of 66° F and an average low of 53° F. There might also be a small chance of rain. Attendees should pack layers including a warm jacket and umbrella


Room Sharing
ASA will compile a list of those who wish to share a hotel room and its cost. To be listed, send your name, telephone number, e-mail address, gender, smoker or nonsmoker preference, not later than 1 April 2023 to the Acoustical Society of America, by e-mail, The responsibility for completing any arrangements for room sharing rests solely with the participating individuals.

Special Accessibility
Meeting attendees who have special accessibility requirements, should indicate their needs by informing ASA at not less than 45 days in advance of the meeting. Please provide a cell phone number, e-mail address, and detailed information so that we may contact you directly.

Mothers’ Room
A Mothers Room for ASA meeting attendees will be available Monday to Friday, 8-10 May

Accompanying Persons Program
Accompanying Persons and other visitors are welcome at the Chicago meeting. The registration fee for accompanying persons will be advertised at a later date.



Preregistration for In-Person Attendance is Closed.  Please register at the meeting.   
The on-site registration desk will open on Monday, 8 May, and will be open each day until Friday, 12 May, at 12:00 noon

Preregistration to attend Hybrid Sessions is available until 1 May.  See fees below.

Preregister for the Chicago Meeting
Preregister online.  If your preregistration is not received by 10 April you must register on-site. The registration desk at the meeting will open on Monday morning, 8 May.

Registration fees for remote presenters and participants are included in the chart below.  The fees are Regular Registration: $150; Students: $50 and Nonmember Invited Speakers – Fee waived. Remote registrants will receive links to access all hybrid sessions in April.

Registration fees are USD as follows:



by 10 April



by 1 May

ASA Members $695 $795  
ASA/ Members One-Day Attendance (1) $400 $500  
Nonmembers $995 $1095  
Nonmembers One-Day Attendance $500 $600  
Remote: Regular Registration $150
Nonmember Invited Speakers One-Day Attendance (1) $ 0 $ 0  
Nonmember Invited Speakers-Full Week $500 $500  
Remote: Nonmember Invited Speaker $ 0
ASA Early Career Associate or ASA Full Members (Members within 3 years of their most Recent degrees—proof of date of degree required) $400 $500  
ASA Graduate Student Members (must show current Student ID)(2) $150 $200  
Nonmember Graduate Students (must show current Student ID)(2) $250 $300  
Undergraduate Students (must show current Student ID)(2) $25 $25  
Remote: Students     $50
ASA Emeritus Members (Must hold Emeritus status in advance of the meeting) $200 $250  
Accompanying Persons (Registrants who will not participate in the technical sessions) $200 $250  


Nonmembers who register for the full meeting week and simultaneously apply for Associate Membership in the ASA are entitled to USD$50 discount off their dues payment for 2023. Invited speakers who are members of the Acoustical Society of America are expected to pay the registration fee, but nonmember invited speakers may register for one-day only without charge. A nonmember invited speaker who pays the full-week registration fee, will be given one free year of membership upon completion of an application form.

Note: A USD $50 fee will be charged for in-person cancellations after 10 April 2023. A $50 fee will be charged for remote cancellations after 1 May 2023.

Registration Policies:

  1. One-day registration: For participants who attend the meeting for one day only. If you will be at the meeting for more than one day either presenting a paper and/or attending sessions, you must register and pay the full registration fee.
  2. Students: All students must show a current (issued in 2022) student id card or verification of student status from the university attended on university letterhead in order to be eligible for student fees. If proof of student status is not available, the full registration fee must be paid.
  3. Emeritus Members: Only ASA members who hold emeritus status prior to the meeting are eligible for this rate. It is not possible to transfer to emeritus status at the meeting.
  4. Accompanying Persons: These are attendees who will participate only in the Accompanying Persons Program. Acoustics professionals, who participate in the technical program, i.e., present papers, attend sessions, and/or listed as coauthors on abstracts are not eligible for this registration rate.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Meeting Sponsorship Opportunities Chicago”]

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