Acoustical Societies/Organizations
Please Note: The links below are provided as a service to the acoustics community. The presence of a link does not constitute agreement of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) with the information contained therein, nor the endorsement by the ASA of the organization responsible for the presence of the link on the Internet.
- Acoustical Society of Argentina
- Acoustical Society of Chile
- Acoustical Society of Croatia
- Acoustical Society of China
- Acoustical Society of Denmark
- Acoustical Society of Egypt
- Acoustical Society of Finland
- Acoustical Society of Hungary
- Acoustical Society of India
- Acoustical Society of Japan
- Acoustical Society of Korea
- Acoustical Society of the Netherlands
- Acoustical Society of New Zealand
- Acoustical Society of Nigeria
- Acoustical Society of Norway
- Acoustical Society of Sweden
- American Academy of Audiology
- American Speech Language Hearing Association
- Audio Engineering Society
- Australian Acoustical Society
- Austrian Acoustics Association
- Belgian Acoustical Association
- Canadian Acoustical Association
- Catgut Acoustical Society
- Czech Acoustic Society
- European Acoustics Association
- French Acoustical Society (Société Française d'Acoustique – SFA)
- German Acoustical Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik)
- Hellinic Insitute of Acoustics
- Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics
- Iberoamerican Federation of Acoustics (FIA)
- Icelandic Acoustical Society
- Institute of Acoustics
- Institute of Mexican Acoustics
- Institute of Noise Control Engineering
- International Commission for Acoustics
- International Bio-Acoustic Council
- International Institute of Noise Control Engineering
- International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration
- International Speech Communication Association
- Israeli Acoustical Assoociation
- Italian Acoustical Society
- Italian Association of Laser Velocimetry
- Latvian Acoustical Society
- National Council of Acoustical Consultants
- National Hearing Conservation Association
- Polish Acoustical Society
- Noise Pollution Clearinghouse
- Portuguese Acoustical Society
- Professional Lighting and Sound Association(PLASA)
- Romanian Acoustical Society
- Russian Acoustical Society
- Slovak Acoustical Society
- Slovenian Acoustical Society
- Sociedade Brasileira de Acustica (SOBRAC)
- Society of Acoustics (Singapore)
- South African Acoustics Institute
- Spanish Acoustical Society (Sociedad Española de Acústica)
- Speech-Language & Audiology Canada
- Swiss Acoustical Society
- Turkish Acoustical Society
- Ultrasonic Industry Association
- World Forum for Acoustic Ecology
Contact information for additional acoustical societies:
Acoustical Society of Peru:
Acoustical Society of Serbia and Montenegro: P. Pravica, Secretary,
Belarusian Acoustical Society:
Bulgarian National Acoustics: Georgi Koulichev, Secretary,
Macedonian Association of Acoustics: Gordian Ristovska, President,
Morrocan Society of Acoustics, Mohammed Garoum, President,
Ukrainian Grouping of Acoustics, Oleksander Zaporozhets, Secretary,