ASA Membership

2018 – 19 Annual Reports

Technical Committees represent thirteen different areas of acoustics in the Society. Appointments to the Technical Committees take place in January. Members who are interested in being appointed to a technical committee should send a message to

Acoustical Oceanography (AO)
Animal Bioacoustics (AB)
Architectural Acoustics (AA)
Biomedical Acoustics (BA)
Computational Acoustics (CA)
Engineering Acoustics (EA)
Musical Acoustics (MU)
Noise (NS)
Physical Acoustics (PA)
Psychological and Physiological Acoustics (PP)
Signal Processing in Acoustics (SP)
Speech Communication (SC)
Structural Acoustics and Vibration (SA)
Underwater Acoustics (UW)

Acoustical Oceanography

This annual report reviews activities of the Technical Committee on Acoustical Oceanography (TCAO) for the 176th and 177th meetings of Acoustical Society of America (ASA) in Victoria, British Colombia and in Louisville, Kentucky. The AOTC enjoyed a wonderfully productive and eventful year where most of our activities centered around the Fall Victoria meeting, and laying the ground work for an extensive program at the 178th meeting in San Diego.
In Victoria there were four extremely productive special sessions on the topics of 1) Ocean observatories, 2) Arctic acoustics, 3) Sound propagation in sediments, and 4) Machine learning and data science. While more modest in scope the Louisville meeting hosted one important and pithy special session addressing future and emerging areas in acoustical oceanography. These special sessions included over 20 student papers and over a dozen invited speakers. Four prize winning student papers were Elizabeth Frances Weidner, with her paper entitled “Broadband acoustic observations of individual naturally occurring hydrate-coated bubbles in the Gulf of Mexico’’; Emma Reeves Ozanich, with “Ocean acoustic range estimation in noisy environments using convolutional networks’’; Luis Donoso, with “Low frequency acoustical scattering from dynamic schools of swim bladder fish’’; and Athanasios G Athanassiadis, with “The sound of light: towards ocean acoustic sensing with an optical breakdown transducer’’. I thank all my skilled session organizers for their successful planning and execution of their sessions.
Over the year there were also several noteworthy achievements of AO members that warrant mention. First, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Senior Scientist and 2017 recipient of the Walter Munk Award, Dr. Andone Lavery was elected President of the Oceanography Society. This academic society was founded in 1988 with the goals to advance oceanographic research, technology, and education, and to disseminate knowledge of oceanography and its application through research and education and it is one of the premier ocean science societies in the world. Next AO scientist Stan Dosso of the University of Victoria was elected vice president of the Acoustical society, and lastly Scripps Institution of Oceanography’s researcher Peter Gerstoft had his work featured in an amusing Steven Colbert monologue entitled “There's A Weird Noise Coming from An Antarctic Ice Shelf’’.
Lastly, I mention some changing of the guard within AO. Our student representative Matthew Zeh will hand the baton to Elizabeth Weidner and the new AO medals and awards representative will be Martin Siderius of Portland State University who takes over for Scripps Institution of Oceanography researcher Grant Deane. Martin’s leadership will be critical in the coming three years as the TC will be able to offer the AO silver medal starting in 2020. Finally of upmost importance, Grant Deane will be stepping into the AO chairpersonship starting at the San Diego meeting. I am confident that the TC will continue to flourish under this new leadership. I want to thank everyone in the TC for all the great efforts they have put forth over my tenure at AO chair in creating an energetic and dynamic atmosphere in AO and the greater society as a whole. We look forward to productive and exciting years ahead.

John A. Colosi
Chair, 2016–2019
Acoustical Oceanography website

Acoustical Oceanography website

Animal Bioacoustics

This report covers activities of the Technical Committee on Animal Bioacoustics (TCAB) from May 2018 to May 2019, including the two ASA meetings in Victoria (joint meeting with the Canadian Acoustical Association, November 2018) and Louisville (May 2019). Victoria was my first meeting as Chair of TCAB. We currently have an active group of 59 members and several of those individuals generously volunteer their time to represent TCAB.
In Victoria, TCAB sponsored four special sessions: “Passive acoustic density estimation: Recent advances and outcomes for terrestrial and marine species,” “Combining passive and active acoustics for ecological investigations,” “Anything you can do I can do better: Bat versus dolphin biosonar,” and “Fish and marine invertebrate bioacoustics,” in addition to four other general topic sessions. The first TCAB short course on “Bioacoustics and Ecoacoustics” was also a success at the Victoria meeting. TCAB offers awards for Best Paper in Animal Bioacoustics at each meeting. Twenty-seven entries resulted in some stiff competition for this award at the Victoria meeting. Mikala Epp won first prize for “Investigation of the context of humpback whale non-song calls in the North Atlantic,” and Youenn Jezequel won second prize for “Buzzing sounds used as a mean of intra-specific interaction during agonistic encounters in male European lobsters (Homarus gammarus).”
In Louisville, two special sessions in AB were: “Bioinspiration and biomimetics in acoustics,” and “Understanding animal song,” along with general topic sessions and a poster session. TCAB received twenty-five entries for Best Paper in AB at the Louisville meeting and awarded best oral presentation to Anastasiya Kobrina for, “The effects of age and sex on rates of hearing loss for pure tones varying in duration,” and best poster presentation to Jay Schwartz for, “What is a scream? Acoustic characteristics of a human call type.” Congratulations to the winners and a big thanks to those who evaluated presentations for Best Paper in Victoria and Louisville.
In terms of Animal Bioacoustics Technical initiatives for 2018-2019, the ASA generously supported the 2nd Oceanoise Asia Symposium, Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life Conference, DCLDE Workshop, the 1st African Bioacoustics Conference, NE Regional Environmental Acoustics Symposium, the SUNY Summer Short Course, and the IQOE Workshop on Ocean Sound Monitoring Standards.
Animal Bioacoustics TC is actively involved in the development of acoustic standards. Currently, there are working groups on the Effects of Sound on Fish and Turtles; Towed Array Passive Acoustic Operations for Bioacoustic Applications; Description and Measurement of the Ambient Sound in Parks, Wilderness Areas, and Other Quiet and/or Pristine Areas; Noise and Vibration in Animal Laboratory Facilities; Auditory Evoked Potential Testing of Toothed Whale Hearing; and Acoustic Metadata for Passive Acoustic Monitoring. Everybody is welcome to join working groups and actively participate.
A huge thank you to all the members of TCAB for their support and involvement in the various activities of the ASA.

Marla Holt
Chair, 2018-2021

Animal Bioacoustics website

Architectural Acoustics

The Technical Committee on Architectural Acoustics is active and healthy, with more than 250 members and strong engagement at ASA national and regional meetings throughout the year.
Eric Reuter finished his term as Chair after the Louisville meeting.
A significant initiative was undertaken after the Victoria meeting to change the way TCAA elects its leadership. Traditionally, only one candidate was selected by the nominating committee, and run against the current Secretary, with voting done at the corresponding spring meeting by those present. This was out of sync with the procedures of the other Technical Committees.
Under our new procedures, the Nominating Committee will select two candidates for the position of Chair-Elect. The Chair-Elect will serve the duties of Secretary for three years, and subsequently serve as Chair for three years. Balloting is now electronic, engaging all eligible members of the Committee.
To facilitate the transition, we held one-time simultaneous elections for Chair and Chair-Elect.
The Chair for the 2019-2022 term is Ana Jaramillo. The Chair-Elect is David Woolworth.
Victoria – TCAA sponsored 9 special sessions with 96 papers presented. Our open committee meeting was held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 with approximately 66 in attendance.
Louisville – TCAA sponsored 7 special sessions with 64 papers presented. Our open committee meeting was held on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 with 94 in attendance.
Medals and Awards
The Gold Medal was awarded to Bill Cavanaugh at the Louisville meeting.
The Wallace Clement Sabine Medal was awarded to Michael Vorländer at the Victoria meeting.
David Woolworth because an ASA Fellow at the Victoria meeting.
Student Paper Awards
At each meeting, TCAA awards prizes for the best student papers. We congratulate the following winners from the past year:
Victoria Meeting
1st Place: Daniel Tay, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
“High spatial resolution scanning for experimental room-acoustic measurements in scale models”
2nd Place: Anna Catton, University of Nebraska Lincoln
“How physical versus panned sources in dry or reverberant conditions affect accuracy of localization in sound field synthesis systems”
Louisville Meeting
1st Place: Matthew Neal, Penn State
“The room impulse response in time, frequency, and space: mapping spatial energy using spherical array beamforming techniques”
2nd Place: Byeongho Jo, KAIST
” Nonsingular EB-ESPRIT for the localization of early reflections in a room”

Eric Reuter
Chair, 2016-2019

Architectural Acoustics website

Biomedical Acoustics

This annual report summarizes the activities within the Biomedical Acoustics TC during the Minnesota meeting (Spring 2018) and through the Louisville meeting (Spring 2018) and including the Victoria meeting (Fall 2018).

The 175th ASA meeting was held in Minnesota, MN. The four special sessions were “Using acoustic wave propagation to estimate quantitative material properties of tissue” by Matthew Urban, “Induction Mechanisms for Bubble Nucleation” by Brian Fowlkes and Ron Roy, “Transcranial Focused Ultrasound for Targeted Brain Therapies” by Emad Ebbini, and “Acoustic imaging of small vessels and low speed flow” by Mahdi Bayat. We had an eventful BATC meeting where we discussed several ASA initiatives including an upcoming Strategic Plan meeting, ASA-Government Relations Improvement, a new cross-discipline Computational Acoustics Technical Specialty Group, and better acoustics outreach. Our BA technical initiative to conduct a FOCUS workshop by Robert McGough was approved by TC for the Louisville meeting. We had an outstanding student poster competition in Minnesota. This poster competition was organized and coordinated by Kevin Haworth. Congratulations to the Winners:  Tho N.H.T. Tran (3rd Place), Parker O’Brien (2nd Place), Dezhuang Ye (1st Place)! Many thanks to the poster judges in Minnesota: Hong Chen, Max Denis, Tim Doyle, Jim Lacefield, Brian Tracey and Matt Urban. We also had the privilege of congratulating Kenneth Suslick for receiving the Helmholtz-Rayleigh Interdisciplinary Silver Medal in Physical and Biomedical Acoustics, Vic Sparrow who was elected President-Elect and Tyrone Porter who was elected to Executive Council.

The 176th ASA meeting was held in beautiful Victoria, BC. The six special sessions were “The state of the art in lung ultrasound, past, present and future” organized by Libertario Demi and Martin Verweij, “Bubble Trouble in Therapeutic Ultrasound”  organized by Christy Holland and Klazina Kooiman, “Targeted Drug Delivery – Acoustic Radiation Force” organized John Allen and Alfred Yu, “Shock waves and ultrasound for calculus fragmentation” organized by Juliana Simon and Michael Bailey, “Therapeutic ultrasound transducers” organized by Adam Maxwell and Tatiana Khokhlova, and “Wave propagation in complex media: from theory to applications” organized by Guillaume Haiat and Pierre Belanger. The BATC meeting on Wednesday evening was also eventful where we discussed a future change to the remote presentation policy, upcoming surveys, and outreach to industry. Congratulations to two new BA Fellows: Eleanor P. Stride for contributions to the modelling, development, and manufacturing of acoustically responsive biomaterials and Ahmed A. Al-Jumaily for contributions to biomedical applications of acoustics and vibrations.

The 177th ASA meeting was held in Louisville, KY. The four special sessions were “Cardiovascular Ultrasound: Imaging and Therapy” organized by Kevin Haworth and Jonathan Kopacheck, “Lung ultrasound and tissue stiffness method” organized by Xiaoming Zhang and Libertario Demi, “Interaction of light and ultrasound” organized Carr Everbach and Ron Roy, and “Inverse Problems in Biomedical Ultrasound” organized by Doug Mast. Robert McGough conducted the first BA modeling workshop and it was a huge success with nearly 50 attendees and great feedback! The BATC meeting on Wednesday evening was very well-attended (over 50 new and continuing members) where we discussed a JASA Special Issue initiative (Reflections) and the Strategic Summit Results and related Champions meeting where the four task groups would be formed. We had another outstanding student poster competition in Louisville. This poster competition was organized and coordinated by Kevin Haworth. Congratulations to the Winners: (1st) Billy Y.S. Yiu (2aBA2): Live color encoded speckle imaging platform for real time complex flow visualization in vivo, (2nd) Frederick William Damen, 2aBA5: Spatial analysis of cardiac strain using high frequency four dimensional ultrasound in mice, (3rd) Joseph Majdi, 5aBA3: Tissue Doppler Imaging To Detect Muscle Fatigue! Many thanks to the poster judges: Bob McGough, Julianna Simon, Mike Bailey, Jim McAteer, Kang Kim, Marie Muller, Christy Holland, Jonathan Kopechek, Alfred Yu, Costas Arvanitis, Paul Barbone, Larry Crum, Libertario Demi, and Viktor Bollen. Congratulations to Adam Maxwell for receiving the R. Bruce Lindsay Award!

The efforts of everyone who contributed to the Biomedical Acoustics Technical Committee this past year are gratefully acknowledged. This includes, but is not limited to, incoming and outgoing BATC representatives on committees (Medals and Awards, Membership, and ASACOS – Jeff Ketterling, Tom Matula Wayne Kreider, respectively) for the Acoustical Society, Associate Editors, special session organizers, session chairs, the student council representative, poster session judges, and the poster session organizer. The Associate Editors of JASA and JASA-EL for BA related areas are W. W. L. Au, C. C. Church, R. R. Fay, J. J. Finneran, M. C. Hastings, G. Hatıat, D. K. Mellinger, D. L. Miller, A. N. Popper, T. J. Royston, A. M. Simmons, C. E. Taylor, K. A. Wear, and Suk Wang Yoon. Timothy G. Leighton is the BA editor for POMA. Many thanks to Kang Kim, Siddhartha Sikar for representing BA on the TPOM sessions for these meetings and to our new student council representative, Asis Lopez. I would also like to thank everyone else who contributed to or participated in Biomedical Acoustics activities during the past year.

Hope to see you in San Diego.

Subha Maruvada
Chair, 2017–2020

Biomedical Acoustics website

Computational Acoustics (Technical Specialty Group)

This report summarizes activities of the Computational Acoustics Technical Specialty Group following the Minneapolis meeting (Spring 2018), to include the Victoria (Fall 2018) and Louisville (Spring 2019) meetings. The formation of the CA TSG was approved at the Minneapolis meeting. It provides a forum for researchers interested in numerical methods, optimization of calculations, benchmarking, and practical application of models. Additional information on the formation and purpose of the TSG can be found in the Acoustics Today “Sound Perspectives” article (

The CA TSG kicked off with its first official meeting in Victoria. There were 31 participants. Although the CA TSG had been formed too recently to plan its own special sessions for Victoria, there were many computationally related sessions at this meeting, including “Challenges in Computational Acoustics”, which was sponsored by PA and joint with AA, Noise, SP, and UA. It was organized by Matthew Blevins and myself.

At the 177th Meeting in Louisville, the CA TSG held its first special session, “Finite Difference Time Domain Method Across Acoustics”, which was jointly sponsored by BA, PA, UA, SP, and SAV, and organized by Michelle Swearingen, Jennifer Cooper, and Subha Maruvada. The TSG also jointly sponsored the UA session on “Uncertainty in Propagation Prediction.” I made a presentation in the Interdisciplinary Hot Topics session, on “Hot Topics in Computational Acoustics.” The second official TSG meeting was held in Louisville, with 30 participants.

With the formation of the CA TSG, JASA now also has a Computational Acoustics section, for which Nail A. Gumerov, Ying-Tsong Lin, and Nickolas Vlahopoulos serve as the Associate Editors. Vlahopoulos and myself are the AEs for JASA Express Letters.

Jennifer Cooper volunteered to serve as the CA TPOM representative starting with the San Diego (Fall 2019) meeting. The TSG plans to initiate a Young Presenter award starting with the Chicago (Spring 2020) meeting.

D. Keith Wilson
Chair, 2018–2021

Computational Acoustics website

Engineering Acoustics

This annual report reviews the efforts in Engineering Acoustics (EA) from between May 2018 and May 2019. The information in this report is inclusive of the 176th meeting in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada on 5-9 November 2018, to the 177th meeting in Louisville, Kentucky held 13-17 May 2019.  In that time span, the members and contributors to the Technical Committee on Engineering Acoustics (TCEA) published 41 full-length articles in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America under the category of Engineering Acoustics.

TCEA sponsored sessions in the 176th Meeting included one special session and two ad hoc sessions. The special session (3pEA) was entitled “Acoustic particle velocity sensors, algorithms, and applications in air,” which was chaired by M. Scanlon and co-sponsored by the Technical Committee on Noise (TCNS). The two ad hoc sessions were “Transducer Characterization” (1pEAa) and “General Topics in Engineering Acoustics,” (1pEAb), both chaired by C. Sieck. The best student paper award was given to In-Jee Jung from the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Korean Advanced Institute of Technology (KAIST) for the presentation “Estimation of the source distance using the multiple three-dimensional acoustic intensimetry,” (3pEA4). The TCEA meeting took place at 16:30 on 6 November 2018. The primary topics of discussion included a renewed push to organize special sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by TCEA, a solicitation by the Publication Policy Committee to have TCEA members participate as media contacts for inquiries germane to EA, and increasing industry participation at ASA meetings. Details of that meeting were provided in the meeting minutes prepared by the TCEA chair.

TCEA sponsored sessions in the 177th Meeting included two ad hoc sessions: “General Topics in Engineering Acoustics: Sensors and Sources,” (4aEA) and “General Topics in Engineering Acoustics: Characterization and Measurement,” (4pEA), both chaired by M. Guild and M. Haberman. The TC also co-sponsored five additional sessions: i) “Reconfigurable Arrays for Adaptive Wave Guiding” (1aSP, co-sponsors: EA, PA, UW, SA) chaired by R. Harne and J. Rogers, ii) “Acoustofluidics I” (3aPA, co-sponsors: EA, BA), chaired by M. Denis, K. Chitale, and C. Thompson, iii) “Acoustofluidics II” (3pPA, co-sponsors: EA, BA), chaired by M. Denis, K. Chital, and C. Thompson, iv) “Noise and Vibration in Rotating Machinery” (3aSAb, co-sponsored by EA, NS), chaired by B. Koch, E. Magliula, and v) “Novel Damping Treatments” (3pSA, co-sponsored by EA, NS, AA), chaired by B. Shafer, B. Beck, H. Hall. Unfortunately, no best student paper award was given as no entries were received. The TCEA meeting took place at 16:30 on 14 May 2019. The primary topics of discussion included the organization of special sessions for upcoming ASA meetings, potential site visits to microphone companies in the Chicago area during the upcoming 179th meeting (of which there are many), a request by JASA EIC to provide a list of seminal JASA papers in the area of EA for an upcoming monthly feature called “Reflections” that will be published in anticipation of the 100th anniversary of the ASA, and the existence of new headings in JASA: “Computational Acoustics,” and “Acoustical Standards and Practice.” Details of that meeting were provided in the meeting minutes prepared by the TCEA chair. Results of the ASA Strategic Summit held in Tucson, AZ in January 2019 and the attendant Strategic Initiatives were conveyed to the meeting attendees. Finally, attendees were encouraged to become a member of the ASA and to recruit others to become members.

Michael Haberman
Chair, 2018 – 2021

Engineering Acoustics website

Musical Acoustics

During 2018-2019 the Technical Committee on Musical Acoustics (TCMU) was chaired by Andrew Morrison. The representatives to the Society committees were: James P. Cottingham, Medals and Awards; Andrew Morrison, Committee on Standards; James Beauchamp and Thomas Moore, Membership; and Eric Rockni, Student Council. Associate editors of the society publications for the area of musical acoustics were Thomas Moore, Andrew Morrison, Tamara Smyth, and Joe Wolf (JASA); D. Murray Campbell, and Thomas Moore (JASA Express Letters); and Randy Worland (POMA). The Technical Program Organizing Committee (TPOM) representatives for the two meetings of the ASA were Whitney Coyle and Péter Rucz. Robert W. Pyle, Jr. was recognized as an ASA Fellow for contributions to the understanding of the acoustics of brass musical instruments. Those appointed or reappointed as TCMU members during the year were: Edgar J. Berdahl, Judith C. Brown, Vasileios Chatziioannou, Thomas M. Huber, Christopher M. Jasinski, Wilfried Kausel, Bozena Kostek, Timothy W. Leishman, Daniel O. Ludwigsen, Andrew N. Miller, Robert Mores, Thomas D. Rossing, Daniel A. Russell, David B. Sharp, Julius O. Smith, William J. Strong, and Joe Wolfe.

At the 176th meeting of the ASA in Victoria, B.C., November 5-9, 2018, the TCMU sponsored three special sessions and one general session. The three special sessions were: Modeling Musical Instruments and Effects (Scott Hawley and Vasileios Chatziioannou, co-chairs), Computational and experimental investigations of flow in musical instruments (Whitney Coyle, chair), Percussion Instruments (Andrew Morrison and Uwe Hansen, co-chairs).

Winners of the award for best student papers were Iran Sanadzadeh, Timothy Greer, and Jack D. Gabriel.

At the 177th ASA meeting in Louisville, KY, May 13-17, 2019, the TCMU sponsored one general and three special sessions. The special sessions were: Bluegrass music and related instruments (Whitney Coyle, chair), Transient Effects of Wind Instruments (Vasileios Chatziioannou, chair), Polyphonic Pitch Perception and Analysis (Jonas Braasch and Torben Pastore, co-chairs)

TCMU proposed a technical initiative for a concert at Louisville in order to host a concert performed by a local bluegrass band in coordination with the Bluegrass music and related instruments session. This concert was well attended by a wide cross-section of the ASA membership.  Additionally, Thom Moore taught a Short Course at the Louisville meeting on Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry.

Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà and Jade Case won the awards for Best Student Papers.

James Cottingham continues to maintain an excellent website for TCMU, which can be accessed at It includes links to future meetings, minutes of previous TCMU meetings, annual reports, student paper award winners, and useful links to teaching websites and musical acousticians.

Andrew J. Morrison
Chair, 2014-2019

Musical Acoustics website


As of the May 2018 meeting in Minneapolis I began my term as Chair for the Technical Committee for Noise.  Many thanks to the past Chair, William J. Murphy, for his excellent leadership and enthusiasm the previous three years, as well as his continued assistance as I take over as Chair. Shortly after starting my term, Kieren Smith, who is pursuing her Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering Acoustics at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, was selected among several candidates to act as the Student Council representative for TCNS.  Her time as our representative was short as she was soon elected to Student Council Chair.  However, her efficient and excellent support through the meetings in Victoria (November 2018) and Louisville (May 2019) was greatly appreciated.  Her replacement is Aaron Vaughn, a physics graduate student at Brigham Young University.  I welcome Aaron to the position and look forward to working with him in the future.

It has been a difficult year as we have seen the passing of several outstanding, long-time members of our committee.  In no particular order: Angelo Campanella, Jiri Tichy, Richard Lyon, William Thornton, Larry Royster, and very recently William Cavanaugh; the latter of whom had just been honored as the 2019 recipient of the Gold Medal of the Acoustical Society of America at the Louisville meeting.  The contributions to the Society, the field of acoustics, and the world in general that these people have made are too vast for words.  They will be greatly missed by our members.

During 2018-19, the membership of the Technical Committee on Noise continues to be active in the Society and been honored to serve. David Woolworth was honored as Fellow in May 2018.  Bennett Brooks was elected to the Executive Council.  Scott Sommerfeldt was succeeded by Peggy Nelson as Vice President while Victor Sparrow succeeded Lily Wang as President of the Society.  All have been active within TCNS through chairing sessions and helping to organize recent meetings.

TCNS has promoted the development of upcoming talent.  This year marks the fourth year of the Leo and Gabriela Beranek Scholarship in Architectural Acoustics and Noise Control.  This year’s recipient is Kevin Leete who is pursuing his Ph.D. in Physics and Astronomy/Physics at Brigham Young University. TCNS member Kent Gee is Kevin’s advisor.  Kevin received his undergraduate degree from Brigham Young University in the same field.  In addition, this year is the third year for the Virginia and Frank Winker Memorial Scholarship for Graduate Study in Acoustics.  This year’s recipient is Colby Cushing who is pursuing a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at University of Texas at Austin.  Colby is a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University, having earned his Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering.  I encourage faculty at all universities to encourage students to apply for these two scholarships.  I, along with the other members of the Beranek scholarship committee (Eric Reuter (TCAA Chair), Tony Hoover, Alex Case, Carl Rosenberg) and the Winker scholarship committee (Christopher Struck (ASA Standards Director), Eric Reuter (TCAA Chair), Gary Elko (alternate for Michael Haberman, Chair TCEA, who recused himself as an advisor for one of the applicants), and Daniel Russell have been privileged to review the applications of the students.

TCNS has honored several Young Investigators for the excellent papers that they have presented at the Victoria and Louisville meetings.  In Victoria, three papers were honored for the Young Investigator Awards: Kristi M. Ward for “Investigating individual susceptibility to the detrimental effects of background noise and reverberation in simulated complex acoustic environments,” Sarah E. Yoho for “Relationship between perception of speech in noise and disordered speech: Influence of sensorineural hearing loss,” and Seonghun Im for “Characterization of laptop computer noise and vibration using nearfield acoustic holography.”  In Louisville, the following three papers were honored for the Young Investigator Awards:   Mylan R. Cook for “Improved automated classification of basketball crowd noise,” Jonathan R Weber for “Quiet time impacts on the neonatal intensive care unit soundscape and patient outcomes,” and Gregory Scott Farber for “Soundprint and the ASA's International Noise Awareness Day campaign – results, what worked, and going forward.”  Congratulations to each of these young investigators.

The 176th meeting of the ASA was held in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (joint with 2018 Acoustics Week in Canada) with 7 TCNS-led sessions (two of them with two parts) and 86 papers presented.  William Murphy, Hales Swift, and Kerrie Standlee served as the TPOM representatives.  The 177th meeting of the ASA was held in Louisville, KY.  At this meeting, 57 papers were presented in seven noise-led sessions.  William Murphy, Hales Swift, and Kerrie Standlee also served as the TPOM representatives for the Louisville meeting.  At both meetings, numerous other sessions were co-sponsored by TCNS.

Thanks to following people who have represented TCNS within the ASA during this time:  Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp on the Medals and Awards Committee, Alex Case on the Membership Committee, Kieren Smith on Student Council, Rich Peppin on ASACOS (Committee on Standards), and Christopher Struck, Standards Chair.  For the Young Investigator Award, James Phillips coordinated both the Victoria and Louisville meetings. The JASA Associate Editors for Noise are Giovanni Brambilla, Sanford Fidell, Kirill Horoshenkov, Yun Jing, Alexandra Lobeau, William Murphy, and Alan Wall. The JASA Express Letters Associate Editors for Noise are Eddie Lau, Alexandra Lobeau, and Tracieanne Neilsen.  The Editor for the Proceedings of Meetings in Acoustics is Kent Gee with Alan Wall serving as associate editor.

In conclusion, I wish to thank the members of TCNS for their participation and enthusiasm this past year, making my role as Chair an enjoyable experience.  My apologies to anyone whose contribution I may have overlooked in the above report.  Please don’t hesitate to let me know if I did.  I look forward to continuing to serve as your Chair.

James E. Phillips
Chair, 2018-2021

Noise website

Physical Acoustics

This report summarizes activities of the Physical Acoustics Technical Committee following the Minneapolis meeting (Spring 2018) and includes the Victoria meeting (Fall 2018) and the Louisville meeting (Spring 2019).

The 176th meeting in Victoria included several special sessions: Acoustic Metamaterials and Super-Resolution Imaging, Matthew Guild and Jeffrey Rogers Outdoor Sound Propagation, Vladimir Ostashev, Philippe Blanc-Benon, and D. Wilson Novel Approaches to Acoustic and Elastic Wave Experimentation: Concepts, Hardware and Novel Processing Methods, Michael Haberman, Dirk-Jan van Manen, and Theodor Becker Challenges in Computational Acoustics, D. Wilson and Matthew Blevins Interactions of Sound Beams with Objects, Likun Zhang and Grant Eastland.

The 177th Meeting in Louisville had 5 special sessions: Battlefield Acoustics, W. C. Kirkpatrick Alberts and Gregory Lyons. On His 100th Birthday, Isadore Rudnick Speaks for Himself, Jay Maynard Nonlinear Acoustics for Non-Specialists, Won-Suk Ohm and Kent Gee Acoustofluidics, Max Denis, Kedar Chitale, and Charles Thompson Infrasound, Roger Waxler and Philip Blom. At the Louisville meeting, a PA subcommittee was formed, to oversee the JASA reflections initiative. Committee members are Jay Maynard, Carr Everbach, Larry Crum PASS 2018 was a success! It was held at The University of Mississippi, June 3-8, 2018. 32 students from 18 universities (from US, UK, and China) attended. Lectures were presented by Greg Swift (thermoacoustics), Preston Wilson (bubbles), Mark Hamilton (nonlinear acoustics), Tonya Khokhlova (biomedical), Roger Waxler (infrasound), Veerle Keppens (solid state), and Scott Sommerfeldt (active noise control).

Veerle M. Keppens
Chair, 2017-2020

Physical Acoustics website

Psychological and Physiological Acoustics

This report covers the activities of the Technical Committee on Psychological and Physiological Acoustics (PPTC) from June 2018 through May 2019, which includes the Victoria meeting in November 2018 and the Louisville meeting in May 2019.

The fall meeting is generally less well attended by PPTC, due to the decision to focus on the Spring meeting, except in unusual circumstances such as international meetings. Victoria, BC was both an international meeting and a location near many members in the Pacific NW, who were eager to take advantage of the first meeting in their region since Seattle 2011. As a result, four special sessions were organized, including an outreach session that was associated with a technical initiative to bring three junior investigators who integrate behavioral and physiological and/or anatomical techniques to probe questions of how neural processes relate to auditory perception and perceptual deficits. The session was very successful and will be repeated in the future. Roughly 50 members of PPTC were present at the Victoria TC meeting.

The Spring meeting in Louisville was very well attended by PPTC, with over 100 people at the TC Meeting. Six special sessions were presented, including an outreach to students from clinical and physiological acoustics, which was associated with a technical initiative to pay some of the costs of attendance. One criticism of the meeting was that no podium sessions were organized based on submitted abstracts. Future meetings will be sure to include such sessions to ensure that new work is highlighted. There was also a criticism regarding the number of male speakers in the podium sessions. This will be included as an evaluation criterion in future special session review processes. A form explaining the review criteria and allowing proposers to address them will be used in the future. The following PPTC members were elected in May 2019: Magdalena Wojtczak, Pavel Zahorik, Yi Shen, Erol Ozmeral, Jungmee Lee, Deniz Baskent. Their terms will start after the Chicago meeting in May 2020 and will run until after the Spring meeting in 2023.

At the Louisville meeting, Glenis Long was awarded the 2019 William and Christine Hartmann Prize in Auditory Neuroscience and Barbara Shinn-Cunningham was awarded the 2019 Helmholtz-Rayleigh Interdisciplinary Silver Medal. The following people associated with PPTC were elected ASA Fellows in 2018: Brian F. Katz, Catherine L. Rogers, Lori Leibold, Rajka Smiljanic, Edward J. Walsh.

ASA Leadership will include the following PPTC members in the coming year: Diane Kewley-Port (President-Elect), Peggy Nelson (Vice-President), Brian C.J. Moore (Executive Council). The following will serve as ASA Committee chairs and/or PPTC ex officio members: William Hartmann (Chair, Rules and Governance), Elizabeth Strickland (Chair, Membership), Marjorie Leek (Outgoing Chair, Membership). Ex officio: Lori Leibold (Membership), Andrew Oxenham (Awards and Medals), Daniel Guest (Student Council), Skyler Jennings (Committee on Standards). The following have served or are newly appointed in 2019 as Associate Editors of JASA, JASA Express Letters, and Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics: JASA: J.G.W. Bernstein, L.R. Bernstein, H.M. Bharadwaj, M.J. Goupell, K.S. Helfer, S. Verhulst, C.A. Shera, J. Braasch, M. Dietz, P.X. Joris, J.J. Lentz, B.L. Lonsbury-Martin, G.C. Stecker, A.K.C. Lee (Coordinating Editor); JASA EL: C. Bergevin, M. Chatterjee, B.L. Lonsbury-Martin, Q.-J. Fu; POMA: H. Patra

PPTC is grateful to these members and to all the others who serve ASA on committees and Task Forces.

Frederick M. Gallun

Chair, 2017-2020

Psychological and Physiological Acoustics website

Signal Processing in Acoustics

The Technical Committee on Signal Processing in Acoustics (TCSP) concludes a productive year highlighted by a wide-ranging set of special sessions addressing various signal processing challenges faced in acoustics. A sincere thank you goes out to Paul Gendron of Univ. of Massachusetts Dartmouth for his excellent service as Chair of this Committee for the previous 3 years.

At the Fall 2018 Meeting in Victoria, Canada we hosted three special sessions: “Machine Learning for Acoustic Applications” was organized by Peter Gerstoft of SIO Marine Physics Lab and Weichang Li of Aramco Research Center and featured 11 invited talks and 15 contributed talks on a popular and emerging technique in acoustics research. “Detection and Tracking of Mobile Targets” was organized by Siu Kit Lau of the National Univ. of Singapore and Kainam Wong of Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ. and featured 11 invited talks and 11 contributed talks on another popular signal processing topic. “Geometric Signal Processing in Acoustics” was organized by Ananya Sen Gupta of the Univ. of Iowa and Jeffrey Rogers of Naval Research Laboratory and featured 4 invited talks and 3 contributed talks. Our Victoria Technical Program organizers were Kainam Wong, Kai Gemba of the Univ. of California San Diego, and Paul Hursky of Sonar-synesthetics.

At the Spring 2019 Meeting in Louisville we hosted two special sessions: “Bayesian Inference in Acoustical Signal Processing” was organized by Ning Xiang of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou of New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Paul Gendron and featured 8 invited talks and 1 contributed talk. “Borehole Logging Acoustics” was organized by Said Assous of Weatherford and Lee Culver of Penn State and featured 5 invited talks and 2 contributed talks. Our Louisville Technical Program organizers were Lee Culver and Ryan Harne of Ohio State Univ.

Our Young Presenter Award for Victoria and Louisville were organized and lead by Jeff Rogers. The following presentations were recognized from the Victoria Meeting: Tyler Flynn of Univ. of Michigan for “Two-dimensional high-resolution acoustic localization of distributed coherent sources for structural health monitoring,” and Mylan Cook of Brigham Young Univ. for “Using coherence to improve calculation of active acoustic intensity.” The following presentations were recognized from the Louisville Meeting: Vaibhav Chavali of George Mason Univ. for “Statistical characterization of cross terms in snapshot-averaged multiplicative processors,” and Michael C. Mortenson of Brigham Young Univ. for “Extending Bandwidth for Sound Power Measurements.” Our Technical Committee voted to change our Young Presenter Award into a Best Student Paper Award for future meetings.

The TCSP is currently sponsoring an International Student Challenge Problem with solutions due 30 Sep. 2019 and the winner announced at the Fall ASA meeting in San Diego. The problem and solution requirements are described in the Spring 2019 issue of Acoustics Today (vol 15, issue 1). A copy of the article can be found at Data files referred to the article are also available for download from The competition is being managed by Brian Ferguson of Australia Department of Defense, Lee Culver, and Kai Gemba.

Our student representative this year has been Michael Rollins of Univ. of Cincinnati. John Buck, Univ. of Mass. Dartmouth represents TCSP before the ASA Committee on Education. James Preisig of JPAnalytics serves as the TCSP representative to the Membership Committee. Ning Xiang serves as representative to the Medals and Awards Committee. Ben Faber of Faber Acoustical serves as TCSP representative to the ASA Committee on Standards. The TCSP website is maintained by Ryan Harne and the site is located at The TCSP is served by a talented and conscientious group of associate editors and we are immensely grateful for their patience and care this year. We welcome Julian de Rosny of Institut Langevin and Efren Fernandez-Grande of Technical Univ. of Denmark as SP Associate Editors for the JASA, joining Jianlong Li of Zhejiang Univ., Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou, Karim Sabra of Georgia Tech, and Kainam Wong. Peter Gerstoft serves as our coordinating editor to JASA. Our JASA-EL Associate Editors are Lisa Zurk of Univ. of Washington and Paul Gendron. Our POMA Associate Editors were Ryan Harne, Paul Hursky, and Jeff Rogers.

Several new members were added to TCSP including Ryan Harne, Kai Gemba, Trevor Jerome, Buye Xu, Karim Sabra, Jianlong Li, and Efren Fernandez-Grande. We look forward to our Fall 2019 meeting in San Diego, California. TCSP will continue to lead scientific efforts to advance the theory and methods of inference from ever increasing volumes of acoustic observations.

Brian E. Anderson
Chair, 2018–2021

Signal Processing in Acoustics website

Speech Communication

This report summarizes activities within the Speech Communication TC between the
Victoria meeting (Fall 2019) and Louisville meeting (Spring 2019).

Term to 2019 Term to 2020 Term to 2021
Tessa C. Bent Christina C. Akbari Melissa M. Baese-Berk
Charles B. Chang Donald Derrick Mary Ester Beckman
Helen M. Hanson Terry L. Gottfried Kelly H. Berkson
Diane Kewley-Port Lori J. Leibold Ann R. Bradlow
Shrikanth S. Narayanan Lucie Menard Francois-Xavier Brajot
Liran Oren Emily Myers Cynthia G. Clopper
Sona Patel Tyler K. Perrachione James H. Hillenbrand
Catherine L. Rogers Megha Sundara Laura L. Koenig
Christine H. Shadle Lynne A. Werner Benjamin R. Munson
Christian E. Stilp Kanae Nishi
Maureen L. Stone Gordon J.T. Ramsay
Mark Vandam Melissa A. Redford
Emily Q. Wang Ocke-Schwen Bohn
Xinhui Zhou Keiichi Tajima
Kristin J. Van Engen
Kiyoko Yoneyama
Ex officio:
Benjamin R. Munson, member of Membership Committee

Anders Lofqvist, member of Medals and Awards Committee (replaced by Jody Kreiman, starting after the Louisville meeting)
Miran Oh, member of Student Council
Zhaoyan Zhang, member of ASACOS
Other SC TC members supporting the Speech Community include Eric Hunter, who maintains our web page, as well as our Facebook and Twitter accounts and Ann Bradlow who is a member of the Executive Council. Alexander Francis also represents our TC on the ASA Panel on Public Policy. We are excited to have Diane Kewley-Port step into the President elect role in the coming year.
We appreciate the time and energy contributed by our TC members. A special thanks to the TC members who will complete their term of service in June 2019.
Publications: We thanks our active associate editors. Current Associate Editors for JASA are: Speech Production – Susanne Fuchs, Ewa Jacewicz, Ohio State University, Anders Lofqvist, and Zhaoyan Zhang ; Speech Perception – Deniz Baskent, Tessa C. Bent, Megha Sundara, and Benjamin V. Tucker; Speech Processing – Paavo Alku, Carol Y. Espy-Wilson, John H. L. Hansen, and Michael I. Mandel;
Associate Editors for JASA Express Letters are: Speech Production – Marc Garellek, Anders Lofqvist, and Brad H. Story; Speech Perception – Martin Cooke and Rajka Smiljanic; Speech Processing Perception – Douglas D. O'Shaughnessy
Associate Editors for POMA: Kanae Nishi and Catherine Rogers
Technical Program: Over the last year, the Speech TC organized a number of stimulating special sessions on diverse topics (summarized below). These sessions ran very smoothly and were well received by our members. Rajka Smiljanic served as the TPO for the past 2 meetings. Our TC is grateful for the dedication and care she puts into this; it is reassuring to know that SC program planning is in good hands. Our members have also embraced the live-streaming initiative.
At the fall 2018 (Victoria) meeting we sponsored 4 special sessions:
 Coupling Phonetics and Psycholinguistics
o Yue Wang, Ratree Wayland, Ann Bradlow
 Recent advances in experimental, computational, and clinical research in voice production and perception
o Michael Doellinger & Zhaoyan Zhang
 The Sounds of Emotion
o Shae Morgan, Kathrin Rothermich
 Phonetics of under-documented languages
o Benjamin Tucker & Richard Wright
At the spring 2019 (Louisville) we sponsored 3 Special Sessions:
 Acoustic properties of infant- and child directed speech
o Mark Van Dam & Laura Dilley
 Perception of speech directed to Infants and children
o Mark Van Dam & Linda Polka
 Exploring the interface between linguistic processing and talker recognition
o Rachel Theodore & Tyler Perrachione
Student poster competition. Each meeting we pick 2 winners and also provide every student participating in the competition with some feedback from the judges of their poster. The energy poured into this process and the high volume of student entries and judges participating at each meeting demonstrates our strong commitment to high quality research and to student mentorship. The Fall 2018 (Victoria) competition was organized by Wendy Herd, Kelly Berkson, and Marcin Wroblewski; the Spring 2019 (Louisville) competition was organized by Marcin Wroblewski and Laura Dilley. We thank the organizers and many judges who make this work so well.
Awards: No awards were given in Speech Communication this year. Given the workload involved in developing nomination dossiers, the SC TC has formed a sub-committee to work with our representative to the Awards and Medals committee. The committee includes Jody Kreiman (our TC rep), Rajka Smiljanic, Linda Polka and Allard Jongman.
Membership: Two new fellows in Speech Communication was selected this year: Rajka Smiljanic and Cathi Rogers. The SC TC also needs to put more energy into nominating fellows. There is no shortage of deserving candidates in our TC.
Stetson Scholarship: The Review Committee for 2019 included Chair: Rachel Theodore (chair), Tyler Perrachione, Megha Sundara, and Mark Vandam. We thank them for their time and effort in reviewing the applications.

Linda Polka
Chair, 2017-2019
Speech Communication website

Speech Communication website

Structural Acoustics and Vibration

The Structural Acoustics and Vibration Technical Committee (SAVTC) had a successful and productive year of special sessions sponsored by the committee and hosted Student and Young Presenter competitions at both of the meetings. This annual report covers SAVTC activities and meetings occurring during the one-year 2018-19 period beginning after the Spring 2018 ASA Minneapolis meeting and through the Spring 2019 Louisville meeting. During this period, Robert Koch completed the first year of his 2018-2021 second term as chair of the SAVTC.
The SAVTC extends its gratitude to the many SAVTC members and friends of SAV who actively participate as volunteer lead representatives for numerous ASA committee and editorial activities including, but certainly not limited to:
o Robert Koch (ASACOS);
o James Phillips (Medals and Awards);
o Robert Koch (Membership Committee);
o Ryan Harne (SAVTC Web page);
o Tyler “TJ” Flynn (Student Council, completed term mid-year)
o Colby Cushing (Student Council, started term mid-year)
o Matthew Kamrath (Education in Acoustics Committee);
o Ben Shafer (Student Paper Competition);
o Ben Shafer and Robert Koch (Technical Program Organizers);
o Nicole Kessissoglou (new Coordinating Editor), Li Cheng, Nail Gumerov, Kai Ming Li, Steffen Marburg, Marcel C. Remillieux, Franck Sgard, Nickolas Vlahopoulos, Kuangcheng Wu (JASA Associate Editors for SAV);
o Greg McDaniel, Nickolas Vlahopoulos (JASA Express Letters Associate Editor for SAV);
o Steve Shepard (POMA Editor).
Update: Just following the Spring 2018 ASA Minneapolis meeting, the current term for Brian Anderson ended as an JASA Associate Editor for SAV. As he was also SAVTC’s Coordinating Editor, a lengthy search for a new SAVTC Coordinating Editor to succeed Brain commenced. Recently, with the JASA Editor-in-Chief’s invaluable help, Nicole Kessissoglou was identified and agreed to serve as the new Coordinating Editor for the SAVTC. Thanks very much to both Brian and Nicole for your service!
176th ASA Meeting Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 5-9 November 2018
At the 176th ASA meeting in Victoria, Canada, SAVTC sponsored the following five special sessions and one General session of contributed papers with a total of 45 papers presented (19 invited, 26 contributed):
• Metamaterials: Chairs, Christina Naify and Alexey Titovich
• Advances in thermoacoustics: Chairs, Matthew Kamrath and Robert Koch
• History of computational methods in structural acoustics and vibration: Chairs, James Phillips, Benjamin Shafer, and John Fahnline
• Utilization of high-speed cameras to measure vibration: Chairs, Micah Shepherd and Trevor Jerome
• Advanced modeling techniques for computational acoustics: Chairs, Kuangcheng Wu, Elizabeth Magliula, and James Phillips
• General Topics in Structural Acoustics and Vibration: Chair, Benjamin Shafer
The TPOM representatives were Benjamin Shafer and Robert Koch.
SAVTC had 6 papers entered in the Best Student and Young Presenter competition at the 176th ASA Meeting. Ben Shafer coordinated the competition and the winners were:
1st Place
Caleb B. Goates, Brigham Young University
A quasi-analytical formulation for acoustic radiation modes of simple curved structures
2nd Place
Mark J. Cops, Boston University
Finite element modeling of fluid-saturated metallic foams from micro-computed tomography
177th ASA Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, 13-17 May 2019
At the ASA Louisville meeting, SAVTC sponsored the following five special sessions and two General sessions of contributed papers with a total of 70 papers presented (15 invited, 55 contributed):
• Acoustic metamaterials: Chairs, Christina Naify and Alexey Titovich
• Noise and vibration in rotating machinery: Chairs, Robert Koch and Elizabeth Magliula
• Novel damping treatments: Chairs, Ben Shafer, Ben Beck, and Hubert Hall
• Smart materials for acoustics and vibration: Chairs, Katie Matlack and Bogdan Popa
• Vibration reduction for extraordinarily sensitive applications: Chairs, James Phillips and Mohammed Afrough
• General Topics in Structural Acoustics and Vibration I and II: Chairs, Benjamin Shafer and Robert Koch
The TPOM representatives were Benjamin Shafer and Robert Koch.
The winners of the Best Student and Young Presenter competition (29 entrees), well-coordinated again by Ben Shafer, were:
1st Place
Colby W. Cushing, University of Texas at Austin
Measuring anisotropy in underwater inertial metamaterials
2nd Place
Tyler Jake Flynn, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Data-driven approaches for damage-type classification in vibrating square plates
Two ASA society-level awards given to long-time distinguished members of the SAV Technical Committee at the ASA Louisville meeting should be specifically noted here. First of all, ASA Treasurer and past SAVTC Chair David Feit received the 2019 Distinguished Service Citation Award in recognition of outstanding service to the ASA Society. Secondly, Scott Sommerfeldt, also a past SAVTC Chair, received the 2019 Vice President’s Gavel Award as he just finished up his excellent year of service to ASA serving as its Vice President.
In closing, it must be mentioned that, among other goals, a recent set of priorities of the SAVTC Chair has been to increase the number of new members in the committee and to also try and get younger as a committee as well. This was primarily in response to the declining volunteering and meeting attendance of a number of the more senior members of the committee who are now quite understandably drawing down their society activities after decades of contribution at the highest possible levels in the TC and the Society at large. As a result of this thrust, four new SAVTC members were officially added in 2018 and another five were added to the SAV technical committee membership role in the January 2019 new member request cycle – congratulations and welcome aboard to new 2019 SAVTC members Ryan Harne, Stephanie Konarski, Bogdan Popa, Michael Rose, and Jason Smoker. In addition, all of the recent nine new members have already been actively participating and volunteering for TC tasking, session organizing, etc. Thanks very much to them all for their helpful energy, ideas, and volunteering time!!

Robert M. Koch
Chair, 2015 – 2018, 2018 – 2021
Structural Acoustics and Vibration website

Structural Acoustics and Vibration website

Underwater Acoustics

This report covers the activities of the Technical Committee on Underwater Acoustics (TCUW) and its members during the period from July 2018 through June 2019.

The 176th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America/2018 Acoustics Week in Canada was held Monday through Friday, 5-9 November 2018 at the Victoria Conference Centre and the Fairmont Empress Hotel, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.  Stan Dosso served as ASA Meeting Chair and Jon Collis served as TPOM Rep. for the Victoria meeting.  TCUW sponsored or co-sponsored the following special sessions: (1) Unmanned Vehicles and Acoustics (chaired by Erin Fischell), (2) Acoustic Vector Field Studies (chaired by Bob Barton & Kevin Smith), (3) Sediment Acoustics – Inferences from forward modeling, direct, and statistical inversion methods (chaired by Charles Holland & Stan Dosso), (4) Biological Effects on Seabed Geoacoustic Properties (chaired by Kevin M. Lee, Megan S. Ballard & Kelly M. Dorgan), and (5) Variability in Shallow Water Propagation and Reverberation (chaired by Todd Hefner & David Dall’Osto).  The student paper award winners were Gabriel R. Venagas (First place for “Geoacoustic properties of seagrass-bearing sediments”) and Alexander Scott Douglass (Second place for “Out-of-band beamforming in shallow water with horizontal arrays”).

The 177th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America was held Monday through Friday, 13–17 May 2019 at The Galt House, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.  DJ Tang served as TPOM Rep.  New fellows were recognized and congratulated:  Megan Ballard (For contributions to shallow water propagation and geoacoustic inversion) and Woojae Seong (For contribution to geoacoustic inversion and ocean signal processing).  The student paper award winners were Brandon M Lee (First place for “Machine learning methods for estimating probability density functions of transmission loss: robustness to source frequency and depth”) and Matthew Charles Zeh (Second place for “Model-data comparison of sound propagation in a glacierized fjord with a variable ice top-boundary layer”).  TCUW sponsored and co-sponsored the following special sessions (lead TC):  (1) Understanding animal song (AB, AO, SP, SC); (2) Finite Difference Time Domain method across acoustics (PA, BA, SA, SP, UW); (3) Acoustofluidics (PA, BA, SA, SP, UW); (4) Reconfigurable arrays for adaptive wave guiding (SP, EA, PA, SA, UW); (5) Bayesian inference in acoustic signal processing (SP, AO, NS, UW); (6) Borehole Logging Acoustics (SP, AO, PA, AS, UW); and (7) Random Matrix Theory in Acoustic Signal Processing (SP, NS, UW).

The chair sincerely thanks the many volunteers who make the activities of TCUW possible.

D. Benjamin Reeder
Chair, 2018-2021

Underwater Acoustics website

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